I have spent almost a full 2 years honing my choices and trying to find just the right combination of diet and exercise to lose weight. In addition I have been looking towards the future to make sure that my choices now are something I can maintain for a lifetime. While I am happy that I think I have finally found the right balance and can say that I am happy with where I am at I still find myself feeling whiny and bitchy about my predicament at times.
In order to head off the Holiday’s typically filled with excess I need to vent about not what I am thankful for but what I am not.
So here it goes, I am NOT Thankful…
that it took until I was 40 years old to figure out that I was a lazy fat ass!
that I am slow and un-athletic.
that my choices in the past have dictated a future of sugar free living.
that I spent 20 years smoking.
that I was so tired all of the time from poor health that I missed opportunities to play with my kids when they were younger.
that I have a short fuse at times.
that I am sometimes selfish.
that I am still nervous riding the bike on busy roads.
that my body type is “sparkplug”.
that I will never again eat Mac-N-Cheese!
that I have to ask people to tell me what’s on the menu prior to them hosting a meal or party. It makes me feel needy and seems to put the host in an awkward position.
So there it is, my first annual whiny bitch session.
Having put this out there, I want to also say that I am thankful for so many things it would be hard to post them all. Hmm, perhaps I will post what I am Thankful for as part of New Years reminder of all of the good things I have been given. For now I will resist this urge to include those things because I need to stick with the general theme of this post for now.
Phew, now that that is out of the way on to the Festivities! Feel free to post comments on what your not Thankful for as well. I would love to hear it, plus it's theraputic, like visiting a confessional.
Happy Holidays!!!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The 7 Foods Experts Won't Eat.

Came across this article linked from another site. Seems like a good one to share on my Blog. I was doing OK reading this until I came across the Milk and what might be in it. Puss...are you kidding me? I am sure there are minimum PPM that are allowed of all kinds of stuff but Puss just sounds gross. I am glad now that I stopped drinking milk a couple of years ago.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Big Mac in a Bowl!
I have been reading on one of the boards that I frequent for sometime now a recipe for something called "Big Mac in a Bowl". I finally decided it was time to try this thing out. OMFG!!! It was so good that I must share.
1/4 lb of Lean Ground Beef
1 Slice American Cheese
1/2 Bag of Shredded Lettuce
1 Slice Onion, diced
1 Slice Tomato, diced (I know not in a Big Mac but I like Tomato)
4 Dill Pickle Slices
2 Tbsp Thousand Island Dressing
Brown the beef with Salt, Pepper, Onion Powder, Garlic Powder. I left it in pretty chunky bits then drained the grease. Add the cheese and melt together.
Rinse the lettuce and put in a bowl with Onion, Tomato and Pickles. Top with beef and the thousand island dressing.
It had all of the goodness of a BigMac without the bread. Not sure what the nutritional data is yet. I will have to check add it all up later.
Loaded it into Fitday with the following stats.
1/4 lb of Lean Ground Beef
1 Slice American Cheese
1/2 Bag of Shredded Lettuce
1 Slice Onion, diced
1 Slice Tomato, diced (I know not in a Big Mac but I like Tomato)
4 Dill Pickle Slices
2 Tbsp Thousand Island Dressing
Brown the beef with Salt, Pepper, Onion Powder, Garlic Powder. I left it in pretty chunky bits then drained the grease. Add the cheese and melt together.
Rinse the lettuce and put in a bowl with Onion, Tomato and Pickles. Top with beef and the thousand island dressing.
It had all of the goodness of a BigMac without the bread. Not sure what the nutritional data is yet. I will have to check add it all up later.
Loaded it into Fitday with the following stats.

Friday, November 20, 2009
Inspiring Guy at the Gym
Just wanted to blog about something unusual I witnessed last week. I go to the gym for one of my normal workouts finish up an uneventful run and then head to the pool for a swim. The pool I go to has 8 lanes and typically they are always full so I will try to find someone that is of equivalent speed and swim with them.
I notice this guy in one lane that has one of those donuts around his waste and is keeping a pace likely around 6 minutes per 100. I was actually shocked at how slow he was going. So I find a different lane and get on with my workout.
After one of my build sets I pop up and remove my goggles for a cleaning and I see that same guy now getting out the pool. He hobbles slowly about half way up the steps and then sits on the edge. Turns around and grasps a prosthetic leg and puts it on. In addition, it looks like only 1 arm has full mobility.
Two things come to mind...that explains why he is so slow but also I am encouraged by this guy drive. It's amazing that this guy is mobile at all much less getting in the pool at the gym and going for a swim with only 1 leg and 1 good arm. So next time I am sitting at home and whining about being to tired tonight, sore or whatever excuse I come up with I can remind myself of this dude that is up against far greater obstacles than I am and he is there, getting it done regardless.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Just Another Road On My Journey

Sometime last year I determined that I would start incorporating exercise as part of my overall plan. Still to ashamed of what I had become I shied away from the typical gym membership and eventually opted for running.
I used to fancy myself as someone athletic in my youth. Not sure why I remember it this way, perhaps because the truth was being suppressed to protect my already fragile ego. I played soccer at my High School but transferred prior to my Senior year and rules would not allow me to try out at my new school. No matter as I likely would not have excelled as my interest deviated from mainstream at that point anyway.
Flash forward 20 years or so and I find myself living a mostly sedentary lifestyle with exercise consisting of moving from one room to the next never straying so far that I could plop down to relax and catch my breath. I had made an attempt at running back in the early 90’s but seemed more laborious than it should have been and without a plan I was doomed to failure. However, the lure of running never went away and I could not shake the urge to try again.
Knowing that I needed a plan if I want to have any success I Googled “running”, “Jogging”, “running plans”, etc. and eventually landed on a site that took probably the most simplistic approach. Couch to 5K (http://www.c25k.com) was a 9 week program that promised a simple to follow method of training that even a Neanderthal such as myself could follow.
I attempted once in the Fall of 2008 with no success having quickly developed shin splints. This ailment I would later relate to improperly fitted footwear. Decided to take the time off and research what I did wrong. Spring of 2009 comes and I am still determined to finish the program so I laid down the cash for a fitted pair of running shoes and asked for advice at the local running shop. Started out running mostly on soft paths and grass to keep the impact on joints at a minimum and worked my way up through the weeks repeating some along the way.
My 9 week program took closer to 14 but I was able to finally finish a 3 mile run while on vacation with my family at Fripp Island, SC. Could not have been a better venue for this trip to come to an end and I was excited I was able to finish despite feeling like I was going to pass out for the better part of the run. South Carolina in July is hot and I am sure this made it more challenging than it should have been but I was not going to pack it in because of little heat. My daughter rode along side me on her bike which helped some to distract me from the pain and dizzying discomfort I was in. I am not a tall guy but being vertically challenged took on an entirely different meaning for me that day.
Which brings me to the title of the blog post. The photo above is of a road on one of my regular runs. Last year at this time I was trying to run for 60 seconds without passing out. I have since run a Half Marathon with plans to run a Marathon next year. How did I get here from there? I stopped making excuses, plans for tomorrow, next week or next year. Tomorrow, next week and next year will still come whether you commit to your goals or not. Why look back in 6 months and wish you would have chosen your paths more wisely and just take the right road now. That road that looks to go on forever will eventually end and now I know which way I am going when it does.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
McDonald's, My Old Friend.
So off I go to lunch today heading to my typical stop to pick up some groceries. Long story short I found myself cutting through the McD's parking lot. While I have picked up a snack of apples or even consumed a bun-less burger before I have yet to realistically view it as a viable option for lunch.
My WOE limits me to around 1800 calories a day. That breaks down to about 300 for breakfast, 700 for lunch, 100 for afternoon snack and 700 for dinner. Keeping this in mind I find myself hypnotised by the big glossy photo of a juicy angus burger. I can almost hear it calling my name and in a moment of weakness I realize I am now hearing a voice that snaps me out of my trance.
"Can I take your order?"
Momentarily flustered from a lack of recent experience at this establishment, I peruse the menu and find the number associated with the burger that so beckoned me from the window.
"Yes, I will have the number 14 but could I get apples instead of fries?"
I feel a rush as I wait for the response as if she may decline my request and I am denied my prize. Then I see the little red screen begin adding my order with the special instructions "ask". My order has passed the test and victory will shortly be at hand.
Upon returning to work with my plunder in hand I immediatly begin to disect it. Bun...don't need that, ketchup...scrape, where is the lettuce? hmmm. Grab an Arnolds Select sandwich bun and rebuild it without all of the fluff. Break out a plate and arrange my little apples slivers in a pile along side my sandwich.
This is the part where all of the negative thoughts start questioning my choice. That it looks way to good to be eating. What is in this meat thing anyway, MSG? I wonder if that's actually bacon on top? WTF have I done?! AHHH!!!
Ignoring the voices that are screaming at me to stop what I am doing. I sit at the table with my co-workers and within seconds I get the question.
"What are you eating?"
As if still trying to justify it to myself I explain in a very matter of fact manner.
"It's an angus burger from McDonald's with one of my low-carb buns."
Success, at least I'm convinced...
So after devouring this meal and enjoying each moment I return to my desk and direct my attention to McDonald's web site. How bad is the damage, I am pondering while working to find the nutritional info. Some part of me hoping it's not available because maybe not knowing would be better.
So how bad was it?
Turns out McDonalds has a pretty good tool on their website for calculating calories. You can add or remove most anything from menu items so that you get a customized view of what you just ate. My meal?
Angus Bacon and Cheese:
Calories - 500
Total - 36g
Saturated - 17g
Trans - 2g
Protein - 36g
Carbs - 8g
Fiber - 1g
Net Carbs - 7g
Sodium - 1240
Arnolds Select Multi-Grain Sandwich Thin
Calories - 100
Total - 1g
Saturated - 0g
Trans - 0g
Protein - 4g
Carbs - 22g
Fiber - 5g
Net Carbs - 17g
Sodium - 230
McDonalds Apple Dippers
Calories - 35
Total - 0g
Saturated - 0g
Trans - 0g
Protein - 0g
Carbs - 8g
Fiber - 0g
Net Carbs - 8g
Sodium - 0
Total Meal
Calories - 635
Total - 37g
Saturated - 17g
Trans - 2g
Protein - 40g
Carbs - 38g
Fiber - 6g
Net Carbs - 32g
Sodium - 1470
Calorie Breakdown
Protein: 25%
Fat: 52%
Carbs: 24%
So what do I take away from this breakdown in judgement? Still not sure but I was happy that while it was not the best choice it was within my dietary budget. Carbs where higher than I would like as I like to keep them down below 10% of the total so next time I will likely ditch the sandwich thin from arnolds.
Either way, I was able to eat a decent, not great, meal that is not crazy high in calories from a fast food joint.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Low Fat Dieters are Happier...
Watching the news and reading online I have seen lots of talk about the recent study in Australia comparing a Low-Fat to a Low-Carb diet in an effort to determine how it would effect mood.
Details of the study can be found here:
The basic method was as follows...
LC Diet:
4% Carbs
35% Protein
61% Fat (20% Saturated)
Objective to restrict carbs to less than 20 grams per day and increase to 40 per day after 8 weeks.
LF Diet:
46% Carbs
24% Protein
30% Fat (<8% Saturated)
Ojective to restrict saturated fat intake to less than 10 g/d for the study duration and with the inclusion of an approved food exchange (equivalent to the energy content of 20 g of carbohydrate) between weeks 9 and 52.
Both diets were designed to be moderately energy restricted (approximately 1433 kcal/d for women and 1672 kcal/d for men), with the total energy intake and energy deficit planned to be isocaloric.
The study used questionares at weeks 0(baseline),8,24,40 and 52 to asses mood, including tension, anxiety, anger, etc.
Both groups lost roughly 30 pounds and there was no statistical difference regarding LC vs. LF. In each group they found that all particpants mood scores improved from week 0 to week 8. However, both groups mood scores declined from weeks 8 to 24. During weeks 24 to 40 the LC groups mood scores continued to decline while the LF groups scores showed little change. Finally both groups showed some improvement from weeks 40-52 but for the LC group it really only returned them to scores that were roughly equal to what was measured at Week 0 (baseline).
Graphic Here...
So what does all of this mean. I can tell you from my experience eating a low carb diet for almost 2 years I find it often challenging to eat this way. If you talk to people that have been eating LC for some time you will get a feeling it's them against the world. I think this comes from LC lifestyle being such a deviation from mainstream. For me I would often put up my shield as soon as someone asked about my food choices.
I could absolutely see how this could cause anxiety as I can attest how difficult it can be to go to family functions, dinner or other events and say no to almost everything. Packing your food everywhere you go can be a drag. I find that I am constantly asking questions about the recipes people bring to gatherings which is not only uncomfortable for me but likely also for the friend.
Secondary to this is many LC eaters feel like they have a need to set the world straight regarding food choices. As if LC is the only logical choice and all other methods are foolish. Many will try to educate those non believers and rant about how crazy they are for trimming the fat from their steak or chicken.
Bottom line...I have said it before and I will say it again. LC works for me and I am comfortable with it as a lifestyle. However, I would not recommend to everyone as it's can be stressful and difficult to manage.
Good Luck.
Details of the study can be found here:
The basic method was as follows...
LC Diet:
4% Carbs
35% Protein
61% Fat (20% Saturated)
Objective to restrict carbs to less than 20 grams per day and increase to 40 per day after 8 weeks.
LF Diet:
46% Carbs
24% Protein
30% Fat (<8% Saturated)
Ojective to restrict saturated fat intake to less than 10 g/d for the study duration and with the inclusion of an approved food exchange (equivalent to the energy content of 20 g of carbohydrate) between weeks 9 and 52.
Both diets were designed to be moderately energy restricted (approximately 1433 kcal/d for women and 1672 kcal/d for men), with the total energy intake and energy deficit planned to be isocaloric.
The study used questionares at weeks 0(baseline),8,24,40 and 52 to asses mood, including tension, anxiety, anger, etc.
Both groups lost roughly 30 pounds and there was no statistical difference regarding LC vs. LF. In each group they found that all particpants mood scores improved from week 0 to week 8. However, both groups mood scores declined from weeks 8 to 24. During weeks 24 to 40 the LC groups mood scores continued to decline while the LF groups scores showed little change. Finally both groups showed some improvement from weeks 40-52 but for the LC group it really only returned them to scores that were roughly equal to what was measured at Week 0 (baseline).
Graphic Here...
So what does all of this mean. I can tell you from my experience eating a low carb diet for almost 2 years I find it often challenging to eat this way. If you talk to people that have been eating LC for some time you will get a feeling it's them against the world. I think this comes from LC lifestyle being such a deviation from mainstream. For me I would often put up my shield as soon as someone asked about my food choices.
I could absolutely see how this could cause anxiety as I can attest how difficult it can be to go to family functions, dinner or other events and say no to almost everything. Packing your food everywhere you go can be a drag. I find that I am constantly asking questions about the recipes people bring to gatherings which is not only uncomfortable for me but likely also for the friend.
Secondary to this is many LC eaters feel like they have a need to set the world straight regarding food choices. As if LC is the only logical choice and all other methods are foolish. Many will try to educate those non believers and rant about how crazy they are for trimming the fat from their steak or chicken.
Bottom line...I have said it before and I will say it again. LC works for me and I am comfortable with it as a lifestyle. However, I would not recommend to everyone as it's can be stressful and difficult to manage.
Good Luck.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Status Update 11/09/2009
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 175
Goal Weight: 175
Still at my goal weight as of this morning. Had a good workout with my Son tonight but my arms and shoulders are feeling weak now and I am pretty sure I will be feeling the effects of this workout for a few days. We also played a little 1 on 1 full court basketball which is always fun and great workout.
Not much else to talk about today as it's been a pretty uneventful week. Still searching for another race coming up. Had planned on doing the Y's 10K Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day but remembered we are going to Churchill Downs that day so I guess that ones out. So if anyone has a suggestion for a good 10K'ish race between now and Christmas I am all ears.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Buffalo Wild Wings Nutritional Data
Ask and you shall receive...
One of my favorite places to eat's nutritional data. You have to email them to get a copy so I thought I would post it here for myself or whomever else want's to review it.
One of my favorite places to eat's nutritional data. You have to email them to get a copy so I thought I would post it here for myself or whomever else want's to review it.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Calories Do Count!!!
I have been involved in several discussions of late regarding calories and do they matter or not. I know that many people that are on a Low-Carb diet have somehow come to the conclusion that they do not. In Dr. Atkins book he suggest in the beginning that your primary concern should be carbs and to eat when hungry and stop when full.
My best guess is that people either read this excerpt and determined from it that calories don't matter or they heard it somewhere and took it as fact. For those of you have read DANDR (Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution) he was very specific that calories matter.
You body needs a certain amount of calories per day based on your personal rate of metabolism. This is known as your Base Metabolic Rate (BMR) and can vary greatly in 2 people with the exact physical makeup based on activity levels, genetics, etc. This part I think we all understand, however.
Physics First Law of Thermodynamics:
"Energy can neither be created or destroyed, it can only change forms."
If I am a person that needs 2000 calories to get through a typical day. Then any surplus I consume will be stored (change form) for future use. However, if you have a deficit by say taking in 1600 calories. Your body will need 400 calories from somewhere. It will then use your fat stores to convert this stored energy (change form).
Atkins works not because you are in Ketosis and you can consume whatever you want and still lose weight. It works because the lack of carbohydrates in your diet helps control instability in your blood glucose which will ultimately lead to hunger and more instability. The cycle will repeat itself and you will eventually take in way to many calories and always be working with a surplus of calories. Since they cannot be destroyed they will be converted to a different form. FAT.
Because you have already converted your body to utilizing it's own built-in anti-starvation mechanism having a deficit of calories in a given day will mean your body will not pause and figure out how to make up the deficit. Ketones are in place and your body goes to work making ketones to burn for energy.
It's really as simple as that. Calories in calories out is not an exact science since we are all somewhat unique physiologically. However, the differences for a typical person are not so great that the laws of thermodynamics don't apply.
Good luck.
My best guess is that people either read this excerpt and determined from it that calories don't matter or they heard it somewhere and took it as fact. For those of you have read DANDR (Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution) he was very specific that calories matter.
You body needs a certain amount of calories per day based on your personal rate of metabolism. This is known as your Base Metabolic Rate (BMR) and can vary greatly in 2 people with the exact physical makeup based on activity levels, genetics, etc. This part I think we all understand, however.
Physics First Law of Thermodynamics:
"Energy can neither be created or destroyed, it can only change forms."
If I am a person that needs 2000 calories to get through a typical day. Then any surplus I consume will be stored (change form) for future use. However, if you have a deficit by say taking in 1600 calories. Your body will need 400 calories from somewhere. It will then use your fat stores to convert this stored energy (change form).
Atkins works not because you are in Ketosis and you can consume whatever you want and still lose weight. It works because the lack of carbohydrates in your diet helps control instability in your blood glucose which will ultimately lead to hunger and more instability. The cycle will repeat itself and you will eventually take in way to many calories and always be working with a surplus of calories. Since they cannot be destroyed they will be converted to a different form. FAT.
Because you have already converted your body to utilizing it's own built-in anti-starvation mechanism having a deficit of calories in a given day will mean your body will not pause and figure out how to make up the deficit. Ketones are in place and your body goes to work making ketones to burn for energy.
It's really as simple as that. Calories in calories out is not an exact science since we are all somewhat unique physiologically. However, the differences for a typical person are not so great that the laws of thermodynamics don't apply.
Good luck.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Keeping a watchful eye
So now that I am at goal, what's the first thing I do? I take my eye off the ball only for a moment and calorie/carb creep try to get a foothold. Logged my diet from yesterday and found I was at 2300+ calories for the day! AHHH! That's about 500 over my budget and that's assuming that I am still exercising which I haven't been since my race 2 weekends ago.
Foot is still hurting and I more or less took last week off to recover. I have to be careful not to let this build into a full on slide so back to the grind and the gym. I will focus on swimming, cycling and strength training until I can get my foot feeling better. If you find me repeating this it’s probably because I am trying to make sure I get my ass in gear and do it. Some level of accountability is a good motivator, even if knowing I am only accountable to myself.
Regarding diet I just need to get focused again. Probably the worst time to not focus on diet is during downtime. I cannot let this happen so I will be logging all of my food in Fitday for a while until I get my head straight again. Kind of a pain in the butt but I can’t sweep it under the rug if I am forcing myself to enter every morsel of food or drink that enters my body right down to how many packets of splenda I used for my morning coffee.
BTW…if you have never used Fitday, it’s a great online tool for tracking your diet, exercise, weight, etc. The best part is it’s free. I don’t use it all of the time but find it useful mostly for when I am trying to fix something or get myself back on track after a slip. Like I said before it’s difficult to ignore if you are being honest when you enter your data.
Foot is still hurting and I more or less took last week off to recover. I have to be careful not to let this build into a full on slide so back to the grind and the gym. I will focus on swimming, cycling and strength training until I can get my foot feeling better. If you find me repeating this it’s probably because I am trying to make sure I get my ass in gear and do it. Some level of accountability is a good motivator, even if knowing I am only accountable to myself.
Regarding diet I just need to get focused again. Probably the worst time to not focus on diet is during downtime. I cannot let this happen so I will be logging all of my food in Fitday for a while until I get my head straight again. Kind of a pain in the butt but I can’t sweep it under the rug if I am forcing myself to enter every morsel of food or drink that enters my body right down to how many packets of splenda I used for my morning coffee.
BTW…if you have never used Fitday, it’s a great online tool for tracking your diet, exercise, weight, etc. The best part is it’s free. I don’t use it all of the time but find it useful mostly for when I am trying to fix something or get myself back on track after a slip. Like I said before it’s difficult to ignore if you are being honest when you enter your data.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thanks for the question Jon, I will do my best to answer it.
Regarding weight loss, I am not an expert by any means. It really seems more like I am just bumbling my way through this and as I have come nearer and nearer to my goal the bumbling gets worse.
More or less I have been doing Atkins. Without question for me this is the best and only way for me to lose weight and keep it off. The basic premise of Atkins is stop eating sugar and things that quickly turn to sugar through digestion. This includes obviously sugar in raw forms but also pasta, bread, beer , etc.
Now having said that, over the last 18 months I have heard just about every horror story around regarding Atkins and how bad it is for you. Here is my response to the most common.
"My friend's wife died from it"
No she didn’t
"That diet will damage your kidney's"
This is a pretty common misconception based on the fact that your body switches from using carbohydrates as fuel to fat. The liver then begins producing Ketones for fuel. Our bodies are actually perfectly adapted to using ketones for fuel. The confusion comes because people mistake Ketosis (fat burning) with ketoacidosis (SP). Ketoacidosis is a life-threatening condition associated with untreated Type-1 Diabetes, caused by a lack of insulin (GOOGLE). One other thing of note your heart and kidneys actually prefer Ketones to glucose for energy.
"I lost but gained it back as soon as I went off",
Duh, no matter what Way of Eating (WOE) you choose if you lose weight and then go back to eating crap you will gain the weight back, I promise.
"All of that fat is bad for you"
No it's not and perhaps you should do a little more research instead of basing it off what you heard on the news. Fat is needed by the body to function. Having said that, to much of a good thing is a not always a good thing. The right fats (Animal, Nuts, Avocado’s, Olive Oil, butter) would be included. Not Canola and other laboratory made fats. Google is your friend here.
"How can you eat nothing but meat and cheese and assume that's good for you"
I eat a balanced diet of protein, vegetables and fruit. While I do eat cheese and some dairy it’s very limited. Please explain to me how my lunch that consist of grilled chicken and steamed broccoli with a pat of real butter is somehow worse than your #2 Value Meal?
“I tried it once but was ‘foggy’ and hungry all of the time”
This may be true. It is often referred to as Atkins Flu and will last 2 to 5 days for most people. It is caused by low levels of glucose in your blood stream during your bodies natural transition to producing ketones. Once the liver gets up to production your ‘flu’ will dissipate.
“A ketogenic diet will make me lose muscle mass”
Only if you are not getting adequate amounts of protein in your diet. Your brain needs ketone’s along with glucose to function and we can create glucose from protein and again we are adapted to doing this quite well. If however, you are not consuming enough protein in your regular diet, 1 serving of protein in every meal, your body will without a doubt search for other sources of protein including cannibalizing your own tissue.
I could do this all day but the bottom line is that there are a lot of assumptions made about what it means to be on an Atkins diet. I have corrected many people as well that say they are on Atkins and then tell me they ate a rack of BBQ ribs as their dinner!? WTF. That's not Atkins that the Heart Attack diet. heh
BTW...the primary reason Atkins works so well for so many people is that it stabilizes your blood sugar. When you eat a meal high in carbs the blood sugar shoots up. This triggers an insulin release to bring it back down. When your blood sugar begins to drop you get hungry again. So there you are standing in front of the fridge again an hour after just consuming a big bowl of rice.
OK, so back to your original question…
“What is the #1 thing that has helped you lose weight?”
Answer: Finding a plan that works for my lifestyle and sticking to it. Devour any information you can get on whatever plan you choose with a goal to become an expert but also keep an open mind and don’t assume there is only one right or wrong way to do this. While Atkins and low-carb works great for me, it’s not for everybody. If you want to lose weight and keep it off I think you are going to first figure out some plan that you can live with for a lifetime. For me low-carb is not a diet but a permanent way of eating.
Good Luck
Regarding weight loss, I am not an expert by any means. It really seems more like I am just bumbling my way through this and as I have come nearer and nearer to my goal the bumbling gets worse.
More or less I have been doing Atkins. Without question for me this is the best and only way for me to lose weight and keep it off. The basic premise of Atkins is stop eating sugar and things that quickly turn to sugar through digestion. This includes obviously sugar in raw forms but also pasta, bread, beer , etc.
Now having said that, over the last 18 months I have heard just about every horror story around regarding Atkins and how bad it is for you. Here is my response to the most common.
"My friend's wife died from it"
No she didn’t
"That diet will damage your kidney's"
This is a pretty common misconception based on the fact that your body switches from using carbohydrates as fuel to fat. The liver then begins producing Ketones for fuel. Our bodies are actually perfectly adapted to using ketones for fuel. The confusion comes because people mistake Ketosis (fat burning) with ketoacidosis (SP). Ketoacidosis is a life-threatening condition associated with untreated Type-1 Diabetes, caused by a lack of insulin (GOOGLE). One other thing of note your heart and kidneys actually prefer Ketones to glucose for energy.
"I lost but gained it back as soon as I went off",
Duh, no matter what Way of Eating (WOE) you choose if you lose weight and then go back to eating crap you will gain the weight back, I promise.
"All of that fat is bad for you"
No it's not and perhaps you should do a little more research instead of basing it off what you heard on the news. Fat is needed by the body to function. Having said that, to much of a good thing is a not always a good thing. The right fats (Animal, Nuts, Avocado’s, Olive Oil, butter) would be included. Not Canola and other laboratory made fats. Google is your friend here.
"How can you eat nothing but meat and cheese and assume that's good for you"
I eat a balanced diet of protein, vegetables and fruit. While I do eat cheese and some dairy it’s very limited. Please explain to me how my lunch that consist of grilled chicken and steamed broccoli with a pat of real butter is somehow worse than your #2 Value Meal?
“I tried it once but was ‘foggy’ and hungry all of the time”
This may be true. It is often referred to as Atkins Flu and will last 2 to 5 days for most people. It is caused by low levels of glucose in your blood stream during your bodies natural transition to producing ketones. Once the liver gets up to production your ‘flu’ will dissipate.
“A ketogenic diet will make me lose muscle mass”
Only if you are not getting adequate amounts of protein in your diet. Your brain needs ketone’s along with glucose to function and we can create glucose from protein and again we are adapted to doing this quite well. If however, you are not consuming enough protein in your regular diet, 1 serving of protein in every meal, your body will without a doubt search for other sources of protein including cannibalizing your own tissue.
I could do this all day but the bottom line is that there are a lot of assumptions made about what it means to be on an Atkins diet. I have corrected many people as well that say they are on Atkins and then tell me they ate a rack of BBQ ribs as their dinner!? WTF. That's not Atkins that the Heart Attack diet. heh
BTW...the primary reason Atkins works so well for so many people is that it stabilizes your blood sugar. When you eat a meal high in carbs the blood sugar shoots up. This triggers an insulin release to bring it back down. When your blood sugar begins to drop you get hungry again. So there you are standing in front of the fridge again an hour after just consuming a big bowl of rice.
OK, so back to your original question…
“What is the #1 thing that has helped you lose weight?”
Answer: Finding a plan that works for my lifestyle and sticking to it. Devour any information you can get on whatever plan you choose with a goal to become an expert but also keep an open mind and don’t assume there is only one right or wrong way to do this. While Atkins and low-carb works great for me, it’s not for everybody. If you want to lose weight and keep it off I think you are going to first figure out some plan that you can live with for a lifetime. For me low-carb is not a diet but a permanent way of eating.
Good Luck
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 177
Goal Weight: 175
While I hit goal of 175 on Saturday I have since put on another 2 lbs. I am thinking this is a result of the swelling in the thighs, glute, hip and foot. I know I pigged out a little after the race but not 2 lbs worth.
Sad that my racing season is more or less over. I am looking for a couple of shorter races to run over the next couple of months. Plan to work on my core strength this winter and swimming. Need to work hard to build my cycling base up but will be difficult to do in a spinning class.
To paraphrase a friends analogy, this Triathlon thing is like having Triplets. I can make running happy but then swimming starts to cry. Work on my swimming and suddenly cycling is screaming for attention. Then there is the 4th child, strength, sitting in the corner with nobody to play with. I butchered it a bit but you get the idea.
As difficult as it is to find the right balance trying to make sure that Family and work come first just convolutes it even more. Amy has been so great at understanding my learning curve and being supportive. We are trying to experiment with different times and workout schedules so that we are all happy.
Speaking of Amy, she fainted yesterday while getting ready for work. Not sure what happened yet and she is scheduled to go get a CT Scan, EEG and get a wearable EKG to monitor for irregularities. Doctor thinks it could be something simple like low-blood sugar but want's to do some test to be sure. This is the second time this has happened to her, with the other happening right around this same time last year. I am hoping and praying it's nothing and she just needs to be sure not to skip meals, etc.
Tyler went to the gym with me last week and is excited about learning how to exercise and lift weights. Said he want's to have a 6-Pack and I have been telling him that if you want one you have to go earn it. I guess it's finally set in and he is wanting to spend some time in the gym. So proud of that boy, he is really growing up and turning into quite the young man. As a parent it's difficult to look past the kid you have been raising for the past 13 years and see that while the kid is still there he is growing up.
Well that's it for today.
On On...
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 177
Goal Weight: 175
While I hit goal of 175 on Saturday I have since put on another 2 lbs. I am thinking this is a result of the swelling in the thighs, glute, hip and foot. I know I pigged out a little after the race but not 2 lbs worth.
Sad that my racing season is more or less over. I am looking for a couple of shorter races to run over the next couple of months. Plan to work on my core strength this winter and swimming. Need to work hard to build my cycling base up but will be difficult to do in a spinning class.
To paraphrase a friends analogy, this Triathlon thing is like having Triplets. I can make running happy but then swimming starts to cry. Work on my swimming and suddenly cycling is screaming for attention. Then there is the 4th child, strength, sitting in the corner with nobody to play with. I butchered it a bit but you get the idea.
As difficult as it is to find the right balance trying to make sure that Family and work come first just convolutes it even more. Amy has been so great at understanding my learning curve and being supportive. We are trying to experiment with different times and workout schedules so that we are all happy.
Speaking of Amy, she fainted yesterday while getting ready for work. Not sure what happened yet and she is scheduled to go get a CT Scan, EEG and get a wearable EKG to monitor for irregularities. Doctor thinks it could be something simple like low-blood sugar but want's to do some test to be sure. This is the second time this has happened to her, with the other happening right around this same time last year. I am hoping and praying it's nothing and she just needs to be sure not to skip meals, etc.
Tyler went to the gym with me last week and is excited about learning how to exercise and lift weights. Said he want's to have a 6-Pack and I have been telling him that if you want one you have to go earn it. I guess it's finally set in and he is wanting to spend some time in the gym. So proud of that boy, he is really growing up and turning into quite the young man. As a parent it's difficult to look past the kid you have been raising for the past 13 years and see that while the kid is still there he is growing up.
Well that's it for today.
On On...
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Half Marathon went great!!! Other than almost no sleep it could not have gone better. Had the pre-race jitters and could not sleep the night before. Ending dozing off around 2 so only 4 hours of sleep. I was up trying to plan my strategy for the race. In the end I decided that I would do a 1 Mile Run/1 Minute Walk.
It was cold, around 34 degrees at race time. Which was a pain before but great once you started running. Started out very slow at about a 10:45ish pace and really struggled to resist the urge to take off and chase the crowd. Mostly nervous that my ego would keep me from sticking to the plan. I was suprised and relieved when about 4 or 5 minutes in I started hearing watches beep and people started walking. Phew, so I was not the only one with a Run/Walk plan.
Race was pretty uneventful and I settled into a nice groove around 2 miles and body began to feel nice and loose. Mile 7 I started to get a little anxious about my pace. I was feeling great with no pain so I decided to pick it up a bit. Picked it up to a 10 minute pace for 2 miles to get a feel for it. Started passing many of those that were falling off. Mile 9 picked it up again to 9:30 and passing lots of people now. Mile 10 decided to turn it on and pushed to a 8:45 pace...to fast. Next run moved to 9 and it felt perfect. I skipped the last walk queue because it was more painful to walk and then start back up than it was to just keep going.
I got a cramp on the interior of my right ankle around the 12 mile mark and got a little nervous. Changed my stride and worked it out over the next 1/2 mile or so. However, this caused some pain on the outside of my right foot that made it very painful to run but I just kept saying HTFU and make it to the 12.5 mile mark. Spectators would help me forget about it with the cheering. Little dude about 2 years old was yelling for his Mom whom I was just about to pass. Made me smile and pain was gone, for now.
Made the left turn towards the finish and saw my son waiting for me. He ran with me to the finish and we passed a few more en route to a great finish. Grabbed a water and a lara bar at the finish and enjoyed the moment with my family. Car was parked about a 1/2 mile away and my foot pain made it difficult to walk. I wish there had been a shuttle...HTFU! hah.
It was cold, around 34 degrees at race time. Which was a pain before but great once you started running. Started out very slow at about a 10:45ish pace and really struggled to resist the urge to take off and chase the crowd. Mostly nervous that my ego would keep me from sticking to the plan. I was suprised and relieved when about 4 or 5 minutes in I started hearing watches beep and people started walking. Phew, so I was not the only one with a Run/Walk plan.
Race was pretty uneventful and I settled into a nice groove around 2 miles and body began to feel nice and loose. Mile 7 I started to get a little anxious about my pace. I was feeling great with no pain so I decided to pick it up a bit. Picked it up to a 10 minute pace for 2 miles to get a feel for it. Started passing many of those that were falling off. Mile 9 picked it up again to 9:30 and passing lots of people now. Mile 10 decided to turn it on and pushed to a 8:45 pace...to fast. Next run moved to 9 and it felt perfect. I skipped the last walk queue because it was more painful to walk and then start back up than it was to just keep going.
I got a cramp on the interior of my right ankle around the 12 mile mark and got a little nervous. Changed my stride and worked it out over the next 1/2 mile or so. However, this caused some pain on the outside of my right foot that made it very painful to run but I just kept saying HTFU and make it to the 12.5 mile mark. Spectators would help me forget about it with the cheering. Little dude about 2 years old was yelling for his Mom whom I was just about to pass. Made me smile and pain was gone, for now.
Made the left turn towards the finish and saw my son waiting for me. He ran with me to the finish and we passed a few more en route to a great finish. Grabbed a water and a lara bar at the finish and enjoyed the moment with my family. Car was parked about a 1/2 mile away and my foot pain made it difficult to walk. I wish there had been a shuttle...HTFU! hah.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 176
Goal Weight: 175
Drum roll please........................
Down 5 lbs!!! 1 lb to goal! WOO HOO!!!
I think I just purged off all of the bad choices from the weekend before last and now I am back on track. Phew. Feeling good today and doing my happy dance.
I did set a new goal of 165 by Christmas. I know that I have a little more to lose but being unsure how much I did a little homework, thanks Google, and calculated my body fat %. At 176 I am roughly 18.5% (+/- 3) with a goal of 165 that would put me at about 14-15%.
I am hoping that dropping these last 10 or 12 pounds will help me with my running. I know it's not helping with my swimming as my legs are beginning to sink more and I find myself doing flutter kicks between beats. May have to research that a bit to figure out if I should just switch to a 6 or 8 beat flutter kick to keep my legs from dropping to much.
Speaking of running. My knee is feeling better today but I am taking tonight off from workouts. Maybe I need to rest a day and let some healing take place. Likely will do a short run on Tuesday and Thursday then take Fri/Sat off to rest up for my HM on Sunday.
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 176
Goal Weight: 175
Drum roll please........................
Down 5 lbs!!! 1 lb to goal! WOO HOO!!!
I think I just purged off all of the bad choices from the weekend before last and now I am back on track. Phew. Feeling good today and doing my happy dance.
I did set a new goal of 165 by Christmas. I know that I have a little more to lose but being unsure how much I did a little homework, thanks Google, and calculated my body fat %. At 176 I am roughly 18.5% (+/- 3) with a goal of 165 that would put me at about 14-15%.
I am hoping that dropping these last 10 or 12 pounds will help me with my running. I know it's not helping with my swimming as my legs are beginning to sink more and I find myself doing flutter kicks between beats. May have to research that a bit to figure out if I should just switch to a 6 or 8 beat flutter kick to keep my legs from dropping to much.
Speaking of running. My knee is feeling better today but I am taking tonight off from workouts. Maybe I need to rest a day and let some healing take place. Likely will do a short run on Tuesday and Thursday then take Fri/Sat off to rest up for my HM on Sunday.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
OK, not a good run today. Had planned a 9 mile run doing 2 loops near my house of a favorite run. About the 4 mile mark my right knee started to feel a little loose. Tried to keep going but it got worse really quickly so I just stopped and walked the rest of the home. Iced it down good and hopefully it will feel better tomorrow.
Officially 1 week until my first Half Marathon...I think I am going to be sick.
One other note: I have a great wife, thanks honey!
Officially 1 week until my first Half Marathon...I think I am going to be sick.
One other note: I have a great wife, thanks honey!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Back on track after a terrible weekend of excess. Decided on Monday to get back to basics and I have been tracking all of my meals to make sure I stay on plan. Feel much better already both physically and emotionally.
Headed out last night to go for my run at the park but the ominous sky made me rethink it. Big storm came in so I turned and headed for home. Cooked dinner for Amy and the kids and then headed off to the Gym for a spell on the treadmill. Decided that since I was doomed to run on this dreadful device I would do some speed/incline intervals to at least help pass the time. Finished up with a swim which I have been neglecting lately and could tell immediately upon entering the pool. Hands began to cramp and shoulders were already aching at 800 meters. Stopped for a break to clear my goggles and decided to finish with a 400 meter speed drill to see how much I have dropped off. As I figured I am still slow but I have not lost much finishing at 7:15. A couple of laps nice and slow to cool down and a quick shower and heading home.
Watched The Office last night and it was better than I expected. I was really starting to think that the producers felt this show had run it’s course and this would be the episode were they “Jump the shark” ala Fonzie.
Headed out last night to go for my run at the park but the ominous sky made me rethink it. Big storm came in so I turned and headed for home. Cooked dinner for Amy and the kids and then headed off to the Gym for a spell on the treadmill. Decided that since I was doomed to run on this dreadful device I would do some speed/incline intervals to at least help pass the time. Finished up with a swim which I have been neglecting lately and could tell immediately upon entering the pool. Hands began to cramp and shoulders were already aching at 800 meters. Stopped for a break to clear my goggles and decided to finish with a 400 meter speed drill to see how much I have dropped off. As I figured I am still slow but I have not lost much finishing at 7:15. A couple of laps nice and slow to cool down and a quick shower and heading home.
Watched The Office last night and it was better than I expected. I was really starting to think that the producers felt this show had run it’s course and this would be the episode were they “Jump the shark” ala Fonzie.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
OK, so I thought I would share this little link that someone just emailed me. It was in regards to Cheesecake Factory and their Low-Carb Cheesecake. Anyway, I got curious and was looking at the rest of the menu and the nutritional data. Wowsers!
Edit: Weird...first time I have tried to post a link and it does not show up. You can copy and paste into browser below.
Edit: Weird...first time I have tried to post a link and it does not show up. You can copy and paste into browser below.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 181
Goal Weight: 175
Ackk!!! I gained 3 last week or more likely over the weekend. Camping with the family led to some bad choices and I drank way to many beers sitting around the campfire. This led to consuming an entire bag of shelled peanuts in 2 days. I think the whole bag had 1600 calories and I ate it all and I don't feel guilty either...they were goooooood. LOL
So now back on track, had an 11 mile run last night which was great up until around mile 9. The wheels fell off and my body decided enough was enough and quit working correctly. Goal was 12 miles but suffered through 2 more which put me close to my car and I went to it instead of one more trip around the short fitness loop to finish it up. Stretch and 20 minute ice bath later and I am feeling OK. Right ACL is still a little tender and my left glute is sore and angry with me as well.
Half Marithon is now 2 weeks away so time to back off a little and start getting prepared.
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 181
Goal Weight: 175
Ackk!!! I gained 3 last week or more likely over the weekend. Camping with the family led to some bad choices and I drank way to many beers sitting around the campfire. This led to consuming an entire bag of shelled peanuts in 2 days. I think the whole bag had 1600 calories and I ate it all and I don't feel guilty either...they were goooooood. LOL
So now back on track, had an 11 mile run last night which was great up until around mile 9. The wheels fell off and my body decided enough was enough and quit working correctly. Goal was 12 miles but suffered through 2 more which put me close to my car and I went to it instead of one more trip around the short fitness loop to finish it up. Stretch and 20 minute ice bath later and I am feeling OK. Right ACL is still a little tender and my left glute is sore and angry with me as well.
Half Marithon is now 2 weeks away so time to back off a little and start getting prepared.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:06 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 180
Goal Weight: 175
Down 2 this week which leaves 5 lbs to goal!!! I gotta feeling I am going to hit that very quickly, or at least that's what I am hoping for.
Made some homemade energy bars this weekend that turned out great. Need to be careful with them and only have it just prior to a workout as they have about 20 Carbs per bar. Almonds, Dates and Apples with splenda and cinnamon. Taste like Apple Pie.
Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:33 pm Post subject:
I got home last night and got ready to watch. For some reason my Tivo did not record it. It is on G4 tonight so I am tivoing and will watch tomorrow.
I sometimes use Fitday.com when things are going wrong or if I feel like I want to try something new. It works great and I would highly recommend it. I don't have an app for nutrition although there are alot of them out there...wonder if Fitday has one, hmm.
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 6:24 pm Post subject:
Hah, hey Tril, knew you could not stay away forever. Good to see you back.
Kage: I watched Hero's on Tuesday. Excited about this season, I am such a nerd. Florida is taking on the Putty Tat's this weekend. Hoping for a beatdown of epic proportions. For some reason Wildcat fans around here think that going 2-7, 3-6 in the SEC means they are good. Lord have mercy, the "Banjo Bowl" victory against East Carolina might as well have been for the national title.
Louisville has Utah on the road which was an early favorite based on their schedule for a shot at a BCS bowl. Lost to a close one to Oregon last weekend and I think they are going to be pissed when Louisville travels all the way to the west coast to take them on. Ughh, it could get ugly but this will be the first quality team Louisville plays so we will at least know if Coach Krapthorpe is making strides or needs to pack his bags and stay out west.
Have a good weekend all!
Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:40 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 178
Goal Weight: 175
2 more down this week!!! 3 to goal!!!
Had a great weekend, went to a wedding and got to hang out with some out of town family. Always good to see them and we had a good time. Although my SIL was telling me I need to stop loosing weight. Thanks SIS, hah, she was basing this off of my face though which would be right. No more gone from the face but there is still about 15 or 20 that needs to go from the waist and legs.
The Cardinals lost this weekend on their trip out west to Utah. Not sure that Utah was that much better with skilled or physcial play but Coaching was not close. It seems we are making mistakes that a high school coach should pick up on.
UK got pounded by the Gator's this weekend, which was fun to listen to. Tebow was hurt on a play late in the 3rd which was strange because I am not sure why he would have even been in a game that was not even close. Coach said you can't take him out he won't let you...this is weird to say since he is the Coach. I would think he could just say "Hey Tim, great game now go get some gatorade and have a seat, your done for today". Whatever.
So I decided that I would run part of the 1/2 Marathon course this weekend. My original plan was to do it on Saturday but I overslept and just decided to take an easy day. So I went to the pool and swam slow and easy for about a mile and then just goofed around with my daughter. Fun day. Got up Sunday around 5:30 and headed down to the riverfront. Ran 10.5 miles of the loop, felt great during but wore a brand new pair of running shoes I bought the day before. My feet were really sore on the outer sides. Maybe I should have broken them in first on a few shorter runs. Otherwise it was a good run and felt like I could have run another 3 but glad I did not. 3 weeks until the race and I am feeling like this is completely doable. May not finish in the top of my age group but I am still pretty excited about it now.
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 180
Goal Weight: 175
Down 2 this week which leaves 5 lbs to goal!!! I gotta feeling I am going to hit that very quickly, or at least that's what I am hoping for.
Made some homemade energy bars this weekend that turned out great. Need to be careful with them and only have it just prior to a workout as they have about 20 Carbs per bar. Almonds, Dates and Apples with splenda and cinnamon. Taste like Apple Pie.
Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:33 pm Post subject:
I got home last night and got ready to watch. For some reason my Tivo did not record it. It is on G4 tonight so I am tivoing and will watch tomorrow.
I sometimes use Fitday.com when things are going wrong or if I feel like I want to try something new. It works great and I would highly recommend it. I don't have an app for nutrition although there are alot of them out there...wonder if Fitday has one, hmm.
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 6:24 pm Post subject:
Hah, hey Tril, knew you could not stay away forever. Good to see you back.
Kage: I watched Hero's on Tuesday. Excited about this season, I am such a nerd. Florida is taking on the Putty Tat's this weekend. Hoping for a beatdown of epic proportions. For some reason Wildcat fans around here think that going 2-7, 3-6 in the SEC means they are good. Lord have mercy, the "Banjo Bowl" victory against East Carolina might as well have been for the national title.
Louisville has Utah on the road which was an early favorite based on their schedule for a shot at a BCS bowl. Lost to a close one to Oregon last weekend and I think they are going to be pissed when Louisville travels all the way to the west coast to take them on. Ughh, it could get ugly but this will be the first quality team Louisville plays so we will at least know if Coach Krapthorpe is making strides or needs to pack his bags and stay out west.
Have a good weekend all!
Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:40 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 178
Goal Weight: 175
2 more down this week!!! 3 to goal!!!
Had a great weekend, went to a wedding and got to hang out with some out of town family. Always good to see them and we had a good time. Although my SIL was telling me I need to stop loosing weight. Thanks SIS, hah, she was basing this off of my face though which would be right. No more gone from the face but there is still about 15 or 20 that needs to go from the waist and legs.
The Cardinals lost this weekend on their trip out west to Utah. Not sure that Utah was that much better with skilled or physcial play but Coaching was not close. It seems we are making mistakes that a high school coach should pick up on.
UK got pounded by the Gator's this weekend, which was fun to listen to. Tebow was hurt on a play late in the 3rd which was strange because I am not sure why he would have even been in a game that was not even close. Coach said you can't take him out he won't let you...this is weird to say since he is the Coach. I would think he could just say "Hey Tim, great game now go get some gatorade and have a seat, your done for today". Whatever.
So I decided that I would run part of the 1/2 Marathon course this weekend. My original plan was to do it on Saturday but I overslept and just decided to take an easy day. So I went to the pool and swam slow and easy for about a mile and then just goofed around with my daughter. Fun day. Got up Sunday around 5:30 and headed down to the riverfront. Ran 10.5 miles of the loop, felt great during but wore a brand new pair of running shoes I bought the day before. My feet were really sore on the outer sides. Maybe I should have broken them in first on a few shorter runs. Otherwise it was a good run and felt like I could have run another 3 but glad I did not. 3 weeks until the race and I am feeling like this is completely doable. May not finish in the top of my age group but I am still pretty excited about it now.
Weight Blog
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:40 pm Post subject: BC's Progress
I Male that just turned 40 and though the best gift I could give myself would be to start getting things together. I am highly motivated and making progress.
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 274
Goal Weight: 175
My first post here. I have a long way to go but plenty of time to get there. I have dealt with weight issues all my life. I was heavy as a pre-early teen. Started playing sports and slimmed down. Maintained a weight somewhere around 160 – 170 through high school until about 25. Got married at 27 and after a couple of kids I had put on some weight but was still somewhat active so I did not get over a manageable amount of weight. I then quit smoking just over 5 years ago and have since swelled up like a balloon.
I had weighed as much as 290 and was finding it difficult to do even the most mundane task. I love playing sports and goofing off with my kids but I was having a hard time keeping up. This just made me more discouraged and it seems to be a slippery slope.
I will say that some of the things I have noticed right off was that my energy level while it slipped during the first few days of induction is much higher than before. I have also noticed a SIGNIFICANT drop off in appetite. I sometimes have to force myself to have dinner. Of course, once I get going I don't have much problem. heh.
I went to the doctor the other day for a physical and found my resting heart rate and blood pressure had dropped (HR: 66, BP: 120 over 76). One of my favorite parts is that when it's time to eat my body does not let me know by making me feel queasy, light headed and shaky. I was assuming that meant that I was pre-diabetic from what I read on WebMD. I never got tested because I did not want to know, figured it would be just one more thing to get depressed about.
I have not been excercising as much as I should but I am doing what I can. My theory being that I did not want to push myself too far to fast. Need to ease into this and work on balancing out my nutrition first. My ego was/is so fragile that any setback might send my tumbling further down that slope. I have been trying to get outside more and play Soccer or Basketball with the kids which counts as exercise just need to do something more consistent.
I did not lose anything last week which was a little bit of a bummer. My diet has not changed since I started induction but I guess I am on what is hopefully a temporary plateau. I also have the ketoses test strips which I check each morning and while they do fluctuate from light to heavy I have not slipped out of Ketosis since I started.
Feeling a little down the last couple of days but I think it will pick up again soon. Just need to find a way to push myself off of this current plateau. I understand this is a process and takes time. It took me 10+ years to get myself here so I need to be somewhat patient when reversing all of the damage I have done. Though, as many of you already know, those words can sometimes fall on deaf ears.
Anyway, that’s my story and I am going to keep on going and see just how deep this rabbit hole goes. I will try to update here when I have time. This could be a theraputic outlet for me while I go through this life change.
Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:08 pm Post subject: Week 4
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 272
Goal Weight: 175
Down 2 lbs since Weds., I am going to try and resist the urge to weigh in every morning and begin just weighing in 1 time per week on Mondays.
Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:15 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 268
Goal Weight: 175
Down 4 more lbs. this week. I think I was maybe not getting my full lot of vegies so I worked on that this week. My weight loss picked up a little a little steam and my wife has begun to take notice.
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 1:46 am Post subject:
I may or may not have cheated tonight. We went to dinner and I had a Taco Salad. I did not eat the shell and passed on the ranch dressing. I did however top with Salsa and Sour Cream.
It was my wife's birthday dinner and I figured it sounded it good and I thought it was probably OK. But now I am full and feeling guilty about eating it so I figured I would ask.
In addition to the salad I had a Bud Select which has like 3 carbs and I kept it to one. I will be anxious until morning when I can check my Ketone's to see if I am OK still.
Ughhh...what was I thinking.
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:59 am Post subject: Week 7
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 267
Goal Weight: 175
It was a really busy week and I think I may have been eating meals a little to late. It did not help that I strayed a little the other day either. Then there was the Louisville Red-White Scrimmage. That included a full day of tailgating and a 4 Bud Selects. Although I did not cheat other than that. I'll take a pound though, I was actually bracing myself for picking up a pound or two.
Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:42 pm Post subject: 2 Lbs Gone
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 265
Goal Weight: 175
2 more lbs gone. WOO HOO!!!
Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 7:31 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 263
Goal Weight: 175
2 more gone this week. Not as fast as I had hoped but it is coming off at a steady pace. Perhaps I can hit my goal by this time next year.
Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 1:22 pm Post subject: Still Going
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 261
Goal Weight: 175
I had a little bit of an epiphany yesterday while eating dinner with my family. My Mother-In-Law asked how long I had to continue eating this way. When I answered I did not hesitate that it was a lifestyle and not a diet so I guessed forever with the exception of minor modifications after I reach my target weight to maintain the weight loss.
Anyway, my point is that after my response I realized that not only had I bought into this plan of diet and exercise but I also had come to accept that it was a lifestyle change and not a diet at all. It is somewhat of a liberating feeling not getting hung up on the 'diet weight loss' part of this. I know that I will lose weight if I continue down this path it's only of matter of time till I hit my target. But more importantly I feel better than I have in a couple of years, my blood pressure is down, my energy is up, fewer mood swings and I don't get those energy spikes and crashes.
BTW...2 more pounds this week.
Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 6:45 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 258
Goal Weight: 175
Woo Hoo!!! I am now in the the 250's. Not sure why this milestone was important but it just seemed to never arrive. 3 more lbs this week which was nice since I have been averaging 2 a week.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:32 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 257
Goal Weight: 175
Still on track with 1 more pound lost. Seemed to have stalled a little for the last couple of weeks. I was experimenting last week with some different foods and tracking my ketosis level and the effect it had.
I did not really stray, just tried to introduce small amounts of additional vegi's. I also started eating a South Beach high protein cereal bar for breakfast.
I am still in ketosis mid to high with new foods so I will continue to monitor and see if this is a plateau or if I need to cut these foods back out.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:05 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 257
Goal Weight: 175
Week 1 285
Week 4 274
Week 5 272
Week 6 268
Week 7 267
Week 8 265
Week 9 263
Week 10 261
Week 11 258
Week 12 257
Week 13 257
I was looking for some motivation and wondered what my progress would look like in list form. 28 lbs so far gone!!!
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:30 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the vote of confidence and I am glad that my progress helped you a little. I could probably blame part of the slow progress on the morning coffee each day and diet mountain dew. I am finding that the more settled I get in this lifestyle the more comfortable I am getting with it. I find myself craving things that are good for me.
Perhaps I will cut out the sodas completely soon but I am not ready yet. I have been slowly introducing more and more water into my diet with the goal of ridding the sodas completely in a month or two. Right now I drink 1 cup of coffee each day for breakfast and 1 or 2 cans of soda each day at work. We don't buy sodas at home anymore for us or the kids. I will also sometimes have a cup of decaf at night with 2 splenda's if I am having a sweet craving.
The other positive is that my son who is a a 12 year old carbon copy of me is starting to ask questions about what I am doing. We have had some pretty good conversations about health and nutrition over the last few weeks which I am very excited about that. I am not suggesting that he needs to go on atkins but he is getting a better grasp of how the things he eats affect his weight, mood and sleep.
Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 12:22 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 255
Goal Weight: 175
Another pound gone! I had a couple of beers yesterday, although they were the low carb Bud Select's so I am a little anxious about what effect that will have. It was just way to hot to say no.
I had to edit this post, just realized that it was 2 pounds gone this week!!!
Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:50 pm Post subject:
Ughh...I try to only weigh in on Mondays as to not get discouraged when things are not going right during the week. But it seems like I have been at 250's forever so I weighed in this morning. I am up 2 lbs from Monday!!! What the he!! I have not changed anything and my ketones are at the same 'moderate to high' level they have been at since induction.
I have said it on here before that this is a process and their will be bumps, etc. But when you hit those bumps sometimes its difficult to heed your own advice. Kind words or encouragement begin to sound like the voices from adults in a Charlie Brown cartoon.
Okie, I am done with my rant now. Phew, that was theraputic.
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:00 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 253
Goal Weight: 175
Down two! 32 lbs to date (actually 37 since I unoficially started at 290) I was hoping to be below the 250 barrier prior to vacation next week. Not that big of a deal though, I am very happy with the results I am having.
Yesterday for fathers day we decided on a Hot Dog, Brat buffet. It was really good. We had Big 100% beef dogs, Kelbasa, Brats and threw on a couple of burgers for good measure. Grilled some string beans, mushrooms and onions. For dessert I bought some strawberries and ate them with a little bit of sugar free whip topping. It was an outstanding day and the food was excellent. We prepaired quite a bit of non-atkins friendly food as well but I just was not interested.
Anyway, happy belated fathers day to those fathers reading or posting on this site. Yesterday was a nice reminder of how good things are in my life. I have a beautiful wife that puts up with me and my goofy ways and all of my toys. She is a wonderful Mother as well to our 2 find children. My 12 year old is starting to show his maturity and growing into quite the fine young man as well. Sorry to get all mushy but Fathers day does that to me.
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:04 pm Post subject:
I have not weighed in this weekend as I have been on vacation. I am working on staying on the plan and will update my weight when I return.
Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 5:12 am Post subject:
Vacation day 5...
I am on vacation with the family this week. 10 Adults and 11 kids in one house for a week. I still have stuck to the plan but it has been difficult with a kitchen full of nothing but junk except for what I brought.
Pressing on, ughh. I am enjoying the time here with family but it will be good to be back hom away from these temptations.
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:16 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 254
Goal Weight: 175
Okie, I am back from vacation. I did not break any rules other than I did not drink near enough water. In fact I am pretty sure the only water I drank was the unintentional consumption of sea and pool water. I downed one diet soda after another so I am thinking my 1 lb gain is based on the massive amounts of sodium that I took in.
I am pounding down the water today and will look at this pause realistically next week. I will say that I was dying for a Margarita but I asked the bar tender to look at the container of mix. 36 Grams of Carbs of which 29 where sugar. Glad I asked, yikes that could have gotton ugly.
Well it's time to start pouring through the mountains of emails at work. Back to the grind.
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:57 pm Post subject:
Week 1 285
Week 4 274
Week 5 272
Week 6 268
Week 7 267
Week 8 265
Week 9 263
Week 10 261
Week 11 258
Week 12 257
Week 13 257
Week 14 255
Week 15 253
Week 16 Vacation, no scale
Week 17 254
I was reviewing what I have been doing for the last few weeks. I know that while I was on vacation I did not eat any non-allowed foods. But I did have a few beers (Michelob Ultra 2.3 Carbs) while vacationing. I also probably ate more than what I normally would. It was easy to do in a house with 22 total people and basically an ongoing buffett the entire week.
I am trying to look honestly at what is different for the last few weeks since it seems I have been in the 250's forever. I probably had more beers that I should have over the last week. I also had late night snack's which I never/rarely do.
Anyway, this was just a personal confession so it does not eat away at my psychy. Phew, now I feel better. BTW...I was back down to 253 this morning so I am sure that I will get over this hump. In fact reading some of the post about how sometimes shaking up your eating habits by doing something different may be good for your long term results. So I think I will run with that for now and press on.
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:13 pm Post subject:
I guess I just needed a couple of days to flush out all of those soda's I drank while on vacation. I weighed in this morning trying to boost my confidence and I am down to 252. Hopefully this continues to drop and I can hit 251 by Monday.
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:08 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 249
Goal Weight: 175
WOO HOO!!! I am down to 249.8, while I would typically round to the nearest whole number. I could not bear to put down a 5 again, so close enough.
I guess I flushed out all of those sodas and beers from Vacation, thank you H2O. I am down a total of 40 lbs since I begain dieting and 35 since I started Atkins. More importantly I feel better than I have a couple of years.
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:14 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the props. I got up this morning down 3 lbs! Woo Hoo!!!
Then remembered that I gave a pint of blood yesterday so that explains it. Anyway, it seems my body does not want to move out of the 250's I dropped to 249 for one day and then right back to 250-251 each day since. ughh. Although there is no chance that I will change my eating habits just because I feel so much better overall. It would be nice if I could lose weight as well. I am not sure I am ready to give a pint of blood once a week.
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 12:21 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 247
Goal Weight: 175
Okie so it's Monday and I am staying right on track. Weight down to 247 so that's another 2 lbs gone. WOO HOO!!!! That makes me down 43 since I decided to diet and down 38 since starting Atkins. Only 72 to go, which sounds like a crapload now that I have typed it out.
I am really hoping to hit that by my birthday on March 21st of next year. That means I have to lose 2.2 lbs per week between now and then. I might have to step this up a notch to hit that target.
I got some good excercise this weekend doing yard work. Our riding mower is broken down so we had to walk it which takes about 3 hours. I thought it would be fun to see how this would affect my weight loss so I weighed before and after 248-244. I wish I could do that everyday.
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:57 pm Post subject:
Week 1 285
Week 4 274
Week 5 272
Week 6 268
Week 7 267
Week 8 265
Week 9 263
Week 10 261
Week 11 258
Week 12 257
Week 13 257
Week 14 255
Week 15 253
Week 16 Vacation, no scale
Week 17 254
Week 18 249
Week 19 247
Seems like redundant info but it helps me put it in perspective.
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:08 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the advice regarding unrealistic goals. It did not fall on deaf ears either. I tend to set lots of goals with certain expectations to reach them. Most goals though seem to come easier than this one for whatever reason.
I am trying to look at this like I do any of my other goals and take a business approach. Meaning, don't adjust the original goal but evaluate the steps to get there throughout the lifecycle. I am hoping that keeping a business type approach to this goal it will help me since I am very comfortable in that mindset.
I can evaluate in March if I don't hit the target and then decide if the original dates need to be pushed out, why they need to be pushed out, etc. Hopefully without all of the emotion and that other garbage that tends to screw you up. Heh, maybe I should call a meeting...okie that was dumb.
BTW...this is me imitating me rationalizing my current progress. I think there might be entirely too many voices in my head. heh.
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:00 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 247
Goal Weight: 175
So here we are, another Monday morning. Me weight is the same as last week, however, I went on a diet soda binge this weekend for some reason. So I am sucking down the water this morning and we will see what happens this week.
I also plan to step up the exercise regimen beginning this evening after work. I found an interesting program to begin running online called C25K (Couch to 5 Kilometer). Seemed like a good plan so I am going to begin this evening, perhaps having a goal might help my motivation.
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:14 pm Post subject:
First night of C25K done and suprisingly not too bad. I was a little anxious all day thinking about going running but I did pretty well. My son started football practice this week as well so we were both hurting last night a little. Actually he was probably hurting alot worse than I was.
Anyway, if you are thinking of getting into or back into running this program seems pretty easy to follow. Just google C25K and you will find plenty of information on it.
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:38 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the support all. I was hurting pretty good yesterday but my regular workout last night seemed to loosen me back up. In addition to running I have reved up the weight lifting as well.
My program is as follows.
Monday - Run (C25K), Core Training
Tuesday - Weight Training, 20 Minute Cardio (10 Min Walk before and After weight Training)
Weds - Run (C25K), Core Training
Thursday - Weight Training, 20 Minute Cardio (10 Min Walk before and After weight Training)
Friday - Run (C25K), Core Training
Sat & Sun - Rest
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:42 pm Post subject:
C25K Week 1 (Workouts 1,2,3)
Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. Brisk five-minute Finish walk (I added this part, helps me relax a little).
Workout 1 - Holy Crap!!!
Workout 2 - Holy Crap!!! By the 6th set found my groove
Workout 3 - Feeling good and Looking forward to it.
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:58 pm Post subject:
BTW...I have noticed the scale moving slowly and I have been out of ketone strips for a few weeks now. I had been testing every morning just to make sure all was going well but I did not get another bottle last time since I have not ever test out of ketosis.
Anyway, it seems my loss has been going slow so I decided to check my ketones and bought a new bottle of strips this morning. To my suprise I am no longer in Ketosis. I have been evaluating my diet all day and cannot think of anything new that I have introduced that could explain it. My best guess would be that I sometimes buy Chicken Salad from the Deli. I have been doing this since March with no issues. Since this is the only thing I ever eat that is pre-made I wonder if they started putting sugar in it.
Since getting back from vacation I have all but cut out Soda's except for last weekend when I had 3 or 4 of them. My water intake has increased dramatically. Needless to say I am a little peeved so I am making sure that I monitor every little thing that I eat, drink or breath for the next few weeks until I can narrow it down.
Breakfast: Atkins Peanut Butter Bar
Coffee: 20 oz with 1 tsp of artificial Creamer and 2 splenda's
Lunch: 6 oz Chicken Breast grilled prepared with olive oil and smoked paprika rub and 12 asparagus stalks steamed with Sea Salt, 1 tsp Butter and approximatly 2 teaspoons of Soy milk (It makes a nice cream sauce)
Dinner: Likely the rest of the chicken and some Vegi (Broccoli, Califlower or Green Beans).
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 6:10 pm Post subject:
Oh yeah and I also have had about 200 Cubic feet of air so far today.
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 6:18 pm Post subject:
That's a good point Tril. I absolutely still have the ketone breath (I keep a bottle of Listerine under my desk to fight it off). Perhaps the increase in activity has shocked my system a little and I should just wait it out.
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 6:57 pm Post subject:
I have only eaten those bars now 2 times. Both times I have been overcome with guilt. The label reads as follows...
Protein: 18g
Total Carb: 22g
Dietary Fiber: 10g
Sugars: 1g
Sugar Alcohols: 0g
The way I read that it means it has 12 Net Carbs. But on the front of the package it says 2 Net Carbs. I went to the Atkins web site and verified that it was 2 Net Carbs this before I ate it this morning. Even then I was still sitting there eating and thinking there is no way I am supposed to be eating this thing. heh.
The other bar was consumed on Monday night prior to my workout since I did not have time to eat a meal before. I have 1 more bar and will continue to monitor my ketones closely for the next couple of days and then when well into Ketosis eat one in the evening and test first thing in the morning. This will be my completely unscientific test to see what happens.
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:18 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 245
Goal Weight: 175
Down 2 additional pounds this week. My next mini goal is 220 which is only 25 lbs away!
I am also testing back in ketosis so as part of my completely unscientific test I ate a Atkins bar for breakfast and will await my test results tomorrow to verify I am still in Ketosis.
Tonight I begin Week 2 of my running program, C25K. Should be interesting. My body is feeling good and I am looking forward to see how it responds to the longer run this evening.
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:29 pm Post subject:
Current Weight Loss
Does not look to bad when it's charted.
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:13 pm Post subject:
So my completely unscientific - scientific study is complete and the results are in. My ketones were at the same level this morning as they were Monday morning. So I guess the Atkins bar is OK to eat for now.
I will say it's a good thing that chocolate or sweets are not my thing. I could see someone binging on those things pretty easy.
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:14 pm Post subject:
Also completed Week 2 Day 1 of my C25K program last night. I am pretty sure I blacked out for part of it, heh. I am so out of shape. I was looking forward to running all day and then after the 3rd set of running all I could think of was whatever you do don't fall down.
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:57 pm Post subject:
I will say though, for those that find this diet boring. I think my varity of foods has actually increased dramatically from what I used to eat. It used to be a typical meal was a burger and fries, or spaghetti and meatballs, chicken of some sort cooked some sort of typical way.
Since I have been on this diet I have been eating gourmet meals every night and making sure to cook enough so that I can take the leftovers to work for lunch. Filets, Blackened Fish, Shrimp, and all sorts of vegi's cooked all sorts of ways.
Typical day at lunch...
I get lots of questions at work regarding what is that your eating today?
I am having leftover Blackened Talapia with Shrimp covered in a light cream sauce with a side of asparagus. What are you eating?
I am eating the number 2 from McDonalds.
Which would you rather have?
Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 4:39 pm Post subject:
Okie, so I got a little curious because I see people posting their progress in days and calculated mine. As it turns out yesterday was day 150! As of this morning I am only 2lbs away from 50 lbs total loss since I began dieting.
My next mini goal is 220 which would mean a total loss of 70 lbs. I am hoping to get there by early October.
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:24 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 243
Goal Weight: 175
OK, 2 more pounds gone!!!
My wife had been out of town visiting her sister last week so I was a little worried I might get bored and eat to much. I was surprised that by the end of the week I had not had any issues. But I am glad she is home, I really, really missed her and the kids.
She also picked up a Wii Fit while she was there and we played on that some last night. The ski jump is hard and those yoga poses are more difficult than I would have thought. After about 20 minutes on it I was working up a good sweat.
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:21 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 241
Goal Weight: 175
2 more lbs gone!!! Starting to sound like a broken record. heh. 11 lbs to my half way point in just over 5 months!!!
Regarding the C25K program. I finished half of week 3 and I had to take a short break, the doctor said that my shin splints were a direct result of too much too fast. I will be rehabbing them and slowly getting back into running as the anterior muscles regain some of their strength.
I am also going to go to a running store to get fitted for some shoes instead of just going on my own and picking out something at random. That may help to keep me from having them come back. Of course that and proper stretching, oops .
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:13 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I will say though that I am not by any means a "Runner". In most cases if you see me running it would likely be in your best interest to turn and follow to avoid whatever it is I am running from.
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:18 pm Post subject:
I had to break out the riding jacket for the motorcycle this week. It is now too big. Before I was barely able to get my arms in it and now it is so loose I don't see how I can use it much longer. I will likely make due until spring but it will be nice to buy one that actually fits not only my torso but my arms. Since I had to buy an XXL before the arms were naturally a little longer to fit an average guy that was likely 6'5" instead of 5'6".
Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:02 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 241
Goal Weight: 175
Okie, maybe I spoke to soon about the broken record or the Gods are punishing me for something. Either way, no loss this week. I actually believe it is a direct result of not paying proper homage to the Vegetable Gods this weekend. Way too much meat and not nearly enough vegi's. I will typically stall for a day or two when I do that.
So like Mom always said...Eat your vegetables if you want to grow up to be big (smaller) and strong.
Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:58 pm Post subject:
Just a quick note to say I unofficially hit 50 lbs total loss today; I lost 5 prior to starting Atkins. A special thanks to my Wife who has been supportive during both my successes and failures. It means a lot to have someone special like that in your corner. Thanks to you guys on this board as well listening to me and interjecting some logic and support when needed.
Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 7:52 pm Post subject:
Thanks, I feel like I just won an Academy Award! lol I will make it official when I hit 240 on a Monday since I don't count midweek weigh-in's.
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 7:34 pm Post subject:
...and yes, I have more than repaid the Vegi Gods back and it seems to have gotten me back on track. Lots of salad greens, broccoli and green beans seems to have appeased them for now.
Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 11:32 pm Post subject:
Cauliflower is one of my best friends, not sure how I missed that one. I like to buy the frozen bags of them. Not for any particular reason other than I am lazy and don't always feel like cutting them up fresh. My favorites are riced and cooked in the wok Chinese style with whatever meat I have on hand or mashed with butter, cream cheese and a little cream as a side to sauerkraut and kielbasa or brats.
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:35 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 239
Goal Weight: 175
2 more lbs gone and thanks to all for your support. I am officially down to 239 which puts me at 51 lbs total loss since 3/2 when I decided to do some sort of diet. WOO HOO!!!!
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:10 pm Post subject:
Fun with Charts
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:06 pm Post subject:
College Football started last night. WOO HOO!!!
The Cards take on instate rival Kentucky this weekend. My wife found me the perfect shirt to wear.
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:39 pm Post subject:
It is going to be interesting this Sunday tailgating. The group we tailgate with has connections with a local micro brewery and they always bring several varieties of really good local micro brews. I don't know what the carb counts are on these beers but I would have to somewhere around a months supply per pint. I stopped by to talk to the guy who organizes this tailgate at home and on road games and they had just created a new coffee flavored beer. I had a small sample and it was outstanding, thick and full bodied with a hint of coffee. I hope they don’t bring any of that stuff or it may be my undoing. I'll have my wife and daughter there to keep me in check. Wish me luck.
BTW...the spreadsheet is pretty easy to create. I can send you a copy if you want. Send me a private message with your email address and I can send it to you as an attachment.
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:08 am Post subject:
Wow! What a weekend. I have been going all weekend and did not have a chance to post. First time tailgating without chips, dip and all of the other non Atkins friendly fare. The group we tailgate with brings several kegs of various microbrews which are hard for me to resist. But I stayed the course and had 2 Bud Selects before and 1 after (we lost). I know there is no alcohol on this diet but sometimes it's just too hard to resist. Not to mention it was likely only 10 +/- degrees cooler than the surface of the sun on Saturday.
After the long day we did not get a chance to eat dinner until around 9:30. I had a taco salad (no dressing, beans or shell) but it was very late so I figured it would screw up my morning weigh in. So I did not weigh in this morning so I will see how things go tomorrow. I am hoping for a 1 to 1.5 lb loss this week based on my Friday weight but will see.
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:17 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 239
Goal Weight: 175
Same...ughh. Long weekend, my team lost and I didn’t. I honestly figured this going into Monday based on the 3 beers I had and the late dinner on Sunday. I screwed it up but no worries. There is always next Monday and I will continue to lose over time. I just hope this trend does not continue for the Cards.
Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:17 pm Post subject:
Thanks for you condolences Tam. I wore black on Monday and Tuesday to mourn the death of our offense. Ughh.
On a side not I am down to 237 today. Which is good because typical I will drop 1 to 2 lbs each weekend prior to my Official weigh in on Monday. So I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping I drop another 1 or 2 prior to then.
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:48 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 236
Goal Weight: 175
WOO HOO!!! 3 more lbs going, going gone. It was a good weekend and I am still on track. Spirits are particularly high today; I can feel it's going to be a good week.
Lunch is over and I got to go to a meeting. Have a good day all.
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:33 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the yay! How was your tailgating? The Sooners look like they are on track for a great year.
Regarding meals, I am a pretty simple guy so meals are easy. I will typically make some sort of meat for dinner each night and make sure there is enough for lunch the next day.
Typical Breakfast
2 microwaved scrambled eggs with a slice of american cheese on top or an Atkins bar. I will sometimes cook sausage or bacon and crumble while cooking. This can also be sprinkled on the eggs, but I don't do this often as it is time consuming.
Typical Lunch
Leftover meat from the night before or a trip to the groceries deli to get roasted chicken or chicken salad.
Steamed Vegi's of some sort
Taco Salad from Taco Bell - No Shell or Beans with Extra Beef.
Salad from any of the local fast food joints but the Taco Bell salad is my favorite.
Typical Dinner
Ledbetter 4 oz filets, cheap and easy
Buy a whole roasted Chicken from Costco (Can eat 3 or 4 meals off one of these)
Fish - Buy the individual Tilapia filets and grill on the stove top flat grill with butter and smoked paprika
Tuna Cakes - Kudos to Tril on this one
Spaghetti Squash - With just butter, Spaghetti Sauce (Prego with meat) and some meatballs or build a lasagna with a layer of each (Olive Oil, Squash, Mushrooms, Asiago Cheese, Squash, Sauce, Meat, Provalone or Mozzeralla) and bake.
Pick some vegi to eat and steam it with butter, sometimes with a slice of cheese on it.
Coffee when I am craving something sweet or late at night
That's pretty much it. Pretty simple to manage and I feel great, never hungry and rarely have cravings outside of the norm.
I buy bags of frozen vegi's like Broccoli, Cauliflower, Mixed, Green Beans, etc. and use little containers to steam them in the microwave at work. My freezer at work and home always have bags of vegi's in them.
Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 1:49 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 235
Goal Weight: 175
Down only 1 however, I think it will drop more tomorrow because we ate out late last night. I had to come to work to bring all of our servers back online after a storm so the whole family packed up and we ate at work rather late.
The remnants of Ike connected with a low pressure system from the north and created a massive wind storm in the mid-west. We had sustained winds of 50 mph with gust to 75+. Very strange but fun to watch. The wind was coming from the front to the back of our house so we sat on the deck protected from the wind and watched the trees come tumbling down. There was no rain with this system so it was like seeing what a severe thunderstorm looks like in the daylight with no rain to diminish your view.
Anyway, we had bought a generator about 3 years ago and have used it twice now for extended power outages so I believe it has paid for itself by now.
Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:58 pm Post subject:
Ughh...Day 4 no power and by the looks of it we will be down a few more days. They have not even picked up the trees that lay across the road yet. We have a small generator that is powering our refridgerator but not enough to power the microwave. I steam all of my vegi's in there and I am not sure how to do it on the stove top. Suggestions or tips? I have one of those baskets but everytime I try to steam them in there they are undercooked. I don't like them completely limp like you would find at a cafeteria but I like them cooked and soft.
I am at work today so I will be able to cook here and tonight the cards play and I just got the menu (ginger salmon) for tonights tailgating so I am looking forward to that.
Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 1:30 pm Post subject:
Day 5, again, no power. I actually looked forward to coming to work today to take in the beautiful beams of synthetic light from my office. heh. Spoke to a rep who was out surveying the damage to our lines and he indirectly indicated 5 to 7 more days at minimum. Did I ever mention how much I hate the name Ike?
Game last night was fun and we won!!! Although I cheated and had a half of a dark beer. I am tired today from lack of sleep which is difficult with the hum of a generator all night. Our local sewer department also has a pump station back in the woods near our house. They have setup a monster generator and have been rolling equipment and trucks back there for the past few days. Not helping either.
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 1:03 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 235
Goal Weight: 175
Same weight as last week...ughh. It was a difficult week without power until Friday. I have no idea how those people down in Texas are surviving for weeks on end. 5 Days was enough to have me ready to go off the deep end. No way to cook my vegi's and the constant noise from the generator and walking from room to room with an extension cord and lamp got old real quick. Stress levels were quite high but I did not cheat other than the 1/2 a dark beer at the game on Thursday.
I think I am just in a pause until I get my vegi intake back to normal. On the menu this week, Salads, Salads, Vegi's, Vegi's, Salad, Salad, Salad. Okie, so there is my whining for the day.
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 1:04 pm Post subject:
BTW...I just realized that last week I was down 50 lbs officially on Atkins. So that is pretty cool.
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 4:47 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 232
Goal Weight: 175
3 More lbs gone!!! Woo Hoo!!! Not much to say this week. I think the extra pound is from all of the time spent working in the yard yesterday. We had to redo my dogs underground fence, we could not find a yard cable installer so we did it by hand with an edger and lawn staples.
Kage: We lost...again. It's going to be a long season. We always have fun though, but this losing at home thing is new for me and it's going to take some getting used to. For after game entertainment we sat and watched a drunk guy try to reset his tailgate. He really struggled with the fold up card table. I see the Gators lost also, to a Mississippi school no less. Ouch.
Nik: Thanks for the props and believe me I am glad that our power is back on too. It was fun and campy at first but it really lost it's luster after a couple of days.
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 4:50 pm Post subject:
It just occured to me that I am also only 12 lbs away from my next milestone 220. That was my approximate weight when I quit smoking. I am hoping to hit that on or around Thanksgiving.
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:25 pm Post subject:
Just wanted to share that I had a cool moment today. I was trying to do my belt and could not find the hole. I could not find it because one does not exist where I was trying to buckle it. I started this and my belt would only buckle when I sucked in and it was uncomfortable now I am going to have to punch a second hole in it so that it fits right.
I am going camping with the family this weekend. Wish me luck, I was informed that I am on my own for food. They are planning Hot Dogs Friday w/chips, Pancakes Saturday, cold cuts and chips for lunch Saturday and Chili for dinner that night then fast food for breakfast/lunch on the way home. Ughh...my support system collapsed this time.
I guess I will be packing in frozen vegi's, meat, eggs and maybe an Atkins bar for breakfast. Maybe something like pork rinds to satisfy the crunchy cravings.
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 8:46 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the list, that helps. I had not thought of hard boiled eggs or Ranch dressing. Atkins bars may be my best friend as we are going to a family campground were there will be Halloween festival with Trick or Treating and candy. Sweets were never my weakness but I am sure it will be challenging with bite size candy everything within arms reach.
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 8:57 pm Post subject:
I was trying to do my belt and could not find the hole. I could not find it because one does not exist where I was trying to buckle it.
Sorry, to post again but I just had another epiphany...not only could I not find the hole in my belt but when I looked down I could see it as well. I am not sure that could even see my belt when I looked down a month ago.
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 2:42 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 232
Goal Weight: 175
Same weight as last week. Not a big deal though, in fact I kind of expected it based on all of the fun I had this weekend. I am just happy that I did not gain anything. I did not eat anything off plan or gorge myself, just seemed like I ate non-stop over the weekend.
However, my brother-in-law and I sat up until around 5 am drinking beer and telling stories. LOL, I probably sound like I have some sort of alchohol problem since everytime I do something off plan it pertains to beer. The truth is that I rarely have a beer, 1 or 2 times per month at most, but when I want to have a beer or two I figure it is my one reward that I can have that won't throw my mindset all out of wack.
Having said that, my focus is strong this now I am determined to hit the 220's this coming monday. No distractions this week, so I will have no excuses when me and the scale meet on again in 7 days. I am 2 lbs away from my 1/2 way point and I can see the finish on the horizon. It has only helped to strengthen my resolve and further motivate me to get there.
Thanks for all of the kind comments and support. I like to think sometimes that I am this strong person that can do anything I set my mind too but reality strikes from time to time and it helps to have people prop you up and set you back on the path.
Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:41 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 229
Goal Weight: 175
Down 3 this week. I was determined to get into the 220's this week and I did. I think the key might have been cutting back on coffee. I have been drinking alot of it here lately but I have forced myself to cut back to 1 cup in the morning and only a couple of times did I have 1 decaf at night. I am not sure if that was the secret but it seems to have helped.
Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 6:09 pm Post subject:
Screen Shot of my Weight Loss Progress Chart. I had not updated in a while so I fgured I would as it might motivate a little. I am past the half way point by 1 lb!!!!
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 3:22 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 230
Goal Weight: 175
Argghhh!!! I have no idea. I woke up Saturday morning at 227 and then weighed again on Monday at 230...? My diet has not changed in 7 months and this was a weekend like any other regarding food intake. In fact, if anything I probably did not eat enough this weekend. Oh well, I will try to not take this so hard and wait it out.
Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 1:18 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the cheers, I can always use those. On a positive note I did lose a pound of it again since yesterday. However, I also gave blood which I would assume based on the density of blood weighs about a pound. lol.
I have not tested my ketones in a while so I checked yesterday and today and they are very high. The strip turned dark purple almost immediatly. This is unusual for me as I usually only show a slight amount of ketones in my test.
I am thinking the higher levels means excess which means they are not being used to burn fat. This could be that I have not been excercising regularly like I need to. The cooler weather is also keeping me from working up a sweat during outdoor activities which could also mean fewer ketones needed.
I guess that means it back to regular gym visits for me to get this under control again.
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:13 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 228
Goal Weight: 175
Okie, I am back. I has been a long week. Work has me buried and the weekend was packed with activities. Down 2 lbs this week which I think is just making up for what I gained for some unknown reason last week.
Tril - Thanks for the information. It's all in the details I know and I have to do a better job of getting my regular exercise.
Spirit - Trends are nice when they are heading the right direction but mine has trended down consistantly. However, I am still losing so it's no big deal just felt like whining a little.
Kage - WOO HOO!!! My voice did not recover until Sunday. Tailgating was good but short. I coach my daughters soccer team and she had a game at 12:30 so we had to rush to the game right after hers.
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:17 pm Post subject:
BTW...Regarding Louisville Basketball. We went to the Red/White game last night and Louisville is going to roll. Incoming Freshmen Center Samardo Samuals is a Man-Child and was unstoppable in the paint. He is/was the missing piece to a Championship team. WOO HOO!!! It's good to be a Cards Fan!!!
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:39 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 228
Goal Weight: 175
Argg...Same Same Same. I seem to be stuck for the moment. Busy day not much to post. Same food choices as always. I am going to try and pay attention that I am not eating larger portions or something. No idea why I am stuck but I am sure it will break sooner or later.
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 3:54 pm Post subject:
I am not convinced I have completely stalled yet. But I am definatly going to have to change some things up to get things kick started. I am thinking that the water may be an issue. I am also working on more vegi's.
Regarding the Cards...that is really depressing. I have been perched on the fence regarding our new coaching staff since last year. However, 2 losses to Syracuse in 2 years is completely unacceptable and I am firmly planted on the "Coaching Change Required" side of the plantation. It is unbelievable to me that we went from an Orange Bowl to no Bowl in 1 year. Last year we had 7 players move to NFL teams, Seven!!! If you cannot win with 7 NFL players on the roster then you just cannot win. Recruiting is in the tank as well. We are now looking for scrap from teams that pullled offers from 'Questionable' atheletes and competing for recruites with lower level Division 1 teams. Ughhh...It's getting ugly in Louisville right now. I know that Florida went through this with Ron Zook, the difference there was that Zook could at least recruit. Rant Over...for now. heh.
At least there is basketball season coming up and we are #3 Pre-Season. It could be an exciting year for us and I am hoping for a final four run this year. Stupid UNC knocked us out of the elite 8 last year. Although I have to admit I like Tyler Hansborough. That dude is big and clumsy and has no skills but he finds a way to get rebounds and score solely on desire and relentless effort.
How about them Gators...they are on a roll now. I was very suprised at the beating they gave Georgia. Wow.
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 2:38 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 224
Goal Weight: 175
WOW...I have no idea. I was stuck for a couple of weeks and then I lose 4 in one week. I'll take it!!! I am doing the happy dance!!!
Regarding the Cards...football looks terrible. They had 1 play on Saturday that just summed up the season. QB falls back and throws a backwards pass to a covered RB. He drops it and our Offense watches the live ball sitting on the ground. Pitt player walks over and picks it up and takes it in for a score. Not 1 player on our team understood that the ball was live!!! Not 1 player noticed that the whistle had not blown!!! Fundamentals!!! Play through the Whistle!!! Rant Over.
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 8:13 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 224
Goal Weight: 175
I could not find time to post yesterday. Very busy these days. Same as last week. However, I feel a surge coming on. Hopefully I will see triple 2's by next Monday.
I just realized that I am only 4 lbs away from one of my Mini-Goals. Woo Hoo!!!
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:40 pm Post subject:
Thanks for you support. I know that the closer I get to my goal the harder it will get. Right now I am only 49 lbs away so it may take a while. I would like to hit that mini goal in a couple of weeks though. If I am being completely honest with myself I am have not been getting the excercise I need either. I had been going to gym regularly but the past few months I have been buried.
I will get up in the morning with the best intentions and say OK I need to get to the gym tonight after work. Then realize, no I have to go do this after work, then I have to help my son/daughter with that project, then I have a conference with one of our asian factory's...blah blah blah. Next thing I know it's 11 or 12 and I am thinking I will go before work...yeah right. Things should slow down soon, likely after Christmas and I can get back to basics.
So enough of my lame excuses...Cards play tomorrow against those WVU Mountaineers. Then a basketball game that night. Will be a good Saturday. I know, I know...but football and basketball games are a priorty as well. Gotta find a balance, right? lol
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:00 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 223
Goal Weight: 175
Creaping along now and down 1 more! Thanksgiving coming up and people keep asking me...what are you going to do? With fear in the voice as if I am going to have to lock myself in a closet through the holidays. Thanksgiving means I get to eat Turkey, Broccoli Cassorole (86 the role), roasted squash in butter, salad. My goodness what ever will I do? I think the only thing that I would like to have that I will pass on that will be missed is the stuffing.
I am smoking another turkey on Thursday morning to have for dinner at my house that night. Turkey so moist and tender it falls off the bone and melts in your mouth. Umm...I am getting hungry just thinking about it.
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:01 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 223
Goal Weight: 175
Creaping along now and down 1 more! Thanksgiving coming up and people keep asking me...what are you going to do? With fear in the voice as if I am going to have to lock myself in a closet through the holidays. Thanksgiving means I get to eat Turkey, Broccoli Casserole (86 the role), roasted squash in butter, salad. My goodness what ever will I do? I think the only thing that I would like to have that I will pass on that will be missed is the stuffing.
I am smoking another turkey on Thursday morning to have for dinner at my house that night. Turkey so moist and tender it falls off the bone and melts in your mouth. Umm...I am getting hungry just thinking about it.
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:14 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 223
Goal Weight: 175
No loss this week, however, there is hope. Thanksgiving was good. I hosted this year so I was able to control the menu which included some low-carb selections.
I think I did cheat though, I am not completely sure. I was at the store and had planned to pick up a spaghetti squash to roast with a little tiny bit of Splenda Brown Sugar (2 tbsp) and some Cinnamon. I believed this might already be a stretch but I figured it was Thanksgiving so what the heck. So anyway, I am standing there examining the squash when I eye this nice looking Butternut squash. Not knowing anything about butternut squash and never having it I figured it was squash so probably OK. It tasted incredible and I am not sure it needed any brown sugar as it was ridiculously sweet.
Anyway, I only ate a few bites or about ½ of a cup because I figured anything that was this sweet can’t be legal. I will check it out later and see how bad it was.
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:08 pm Post subject:
Portobella: Thanks for the encouragement. I am down 67 officially and 68 unofficially. I only count my weight as it reads on Mondays. I have been reading your thread and see some similarities to me, except for the pregnant part. I was on a sugar roller coaster all day...eat-crash-eat-crash-eat. It's a daunting cycle that has been completely stopped by eating low carb. If I were to describe the biggest benifit of eating this way in one word it would be "Balance".
I have been eating this way for about 9 months now and have grown so to really enjoy it. There are times when it becomes a pain to figure out what to eat and I know that my family probably thinks it's a pain sometimes too. My Wife has started calling me a "Tree-Hugger" since I have been trying to buy more organic foods. I also want to plant a garden for next year to grow some of my favorites at home.
I needed to see my progress...it's theraputic.
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:39 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 222
Goal Weight: 175
Down 1 more!!! I also wanted to pat myself on the back because I went to the Gym this morning after taking my Son to the bus stop. I had been going regularly but developed shin splints. I was supposed to take off for 6 weeks from running and I just quit going. So anyway...I am back and hopefully can keep myself going.
Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 4:01 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 219
Goal Weight: 175
Down 3 officially this week which is good. I also hit my 2nd Mini Goal of 220. This was my weight when I joined the Fire Department about 10 years ago. I have added a new hole to my belt again and I am also finding a pair of jeans I just bought about 2 months ago are getting loose already.
I am not sure if this weight will stick though as I got really ill on Sunday and Monday of this week. All I had to eat on Sunday was some Egg Drop Soup and Monday was small breakfast with eggs, sausage and cheese. The later was probably not the best choice but I was so hungry I did not care.
We lost our dog Sadie after a long battle with a cancerous tumor that was putting pressure on her brain. She will be missed by our family this Christmas and our house just does not feel the same without a 4 legged friend roaming the halls.
Merry Christmas to all of you and I will likely not be posting again until after Christmas.
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 1:37 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 220
Goal Weight: 175
Okie, Christmas and the Holidays are over and I can proudly say that I stayed on plan for the entire 2 weeks that I was off work. That is except for last night when I drank a few to many beers watching the Cards take on the Cats. I probably sound like an alcholic since all of my cheating seems to center around beer. I promise I only drink maybe 12 a month, just sometimes I drink half or all of them in one sitting. Ughh.
I am up a pound this week but I am not that concerned I seem to be stuck around this weight for now anyway. The rate I am going I should hit my goal by this time next year which is fine with me. I figure it took me 10 years to put it on so 1.5 to 2 years is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Actually, come to think of it, I can hardly believe I have been on this plan for 9 months now.
We picked out a new puppy also which has been good since I now have a walking and soon to be jogging companion again. I tried jogging with her a couple of times but she does not care for it yet. I had to carry her last time so I decided to ease her into it a little bit.
Anyway, hopefully everyone had a great Holiday Season and heres wishing all of you health, luck and happiness in the coming months.
For you football fans there were some great Bowl games over the past couple of weeks and 2 more big ones this week. Hook'em Horns and Go Gators (the latter was for you Kage).
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:24 pm Post subject:
My Son and I stopped by a Pet Store just for fun on the way home one day. They also host a local animal rescue group and saw her brother and came back the next day with the rest of the family to find he was gone but they had brought one of his siblings in. She is some sort of Lab/Beagle/Spaniel mix, which really means I have no idea what she is. We named her Zoey and she is a bundle of energy that is also teething. It has been a long time since I have had a puppy but so far it does not seem much different than having a child. Up every couple of hours for restroom breaks and we can't take our eye off of her for one second or she will wreak havok on the house. The good part is that she will be grow up in a couple of years and not 18+. lol
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:45 pm Post subject:
Her feet are webbed like a lab but spotted and thick like a beagle. Her pads are also pink and black which I thought was a little strange. She does not have the rudder lab like tail more like a beagles with a white tip. Her hair is also very soft like more like a Spaniel that is a little longer on the ears and wavy.
I am looking forward to getting her in the water when she gets a little older. Sadie, or lab that just passed, hated the water and I have vowed that we are going to start young with this one and get her swimming. She is a very eager learner and has done pretty well with training so far. She picked up Sit, Stay, Come and Down pretty quickly. We are now working on Stand, Heel, Naming toys, Fetch and Drop (this one she really does not get).
Tril, I know you have labs and have mentioned they enjoy a good swim. Any advice on how to ease them into this? I am not just going to throw her in a pond as that might ruin her forever.
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:20 pm Post subject:
Just a quick note to share a recent discovery. I have been doing this diet for some time now. I have learned to live without bread and pasta but I sometimes miss fried fish. In fact I look forward to this time of year because everyone is serving fried fish.
Anyway, I saw a post the other day about Flaxseed bread. Out of curiosity I picked up a bag of it and used it to pan fry a couple of pieces of Talapia in Olive Oil. Holy cow!!! Why have I never heard of this stuff? It made a great breading combined with a very small amount of parmesan, smoked paprika, salt and pepper. My Son asked why I was putting bird seed on my fish. heh.
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:27 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 220
Goal Weight: 175
Still at 220...ughh. However, I am wearing a pair of pants that I have not worn in a couple of weeks and they are huge on me. I feel like MC Hammer! For you younger folks on here...MC Hammer was a musician that was likely more famous for his ridiculous looking pants than singing.
I also noticed my belt is going to likely be needing another new hole soon. I have decided I am keeping the belt as a reminder of my progress.
Ok, so I am off now. Hammer Time!
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:02 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 220
Goal Weight: 175
Again...220! No idea. I am breaking out the book again tonight when I get home from work to see if there is something I am missing. Starting over and see if I can't shake this thing loose.
Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:30 pm Post subject:
Thanks for you gracious comments and support. Everything is easy when the weight is falling off. I am back on induction now and will stay there for a couple of weeks to help me get refocused. I have 6 weeks until my 1 year anniversary on this eating plan. I would like to drop another 10 by then and be in the 210 range.
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:14 pm Post subject:
Well the Zoey is now 13 weeks and she is looking closer to a Beagle than a lab. She really looks likes a Yellow Beagle...which I am very curious to see as she reaches maturity. She only weighs about 10.5 lbs which would put her somewhere around 28-32 lbs as an adult. She still does not sleep through the night though. Last night up at 4 and ready to go and play.
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:12 pm Post subject:
Logged my meals on Fitday. Since I seem to be stuck, maybe someone can have a look at my Daily Averages and tell me if I have added way to many carbs. I know that carb intake is a very personal thing and can have drastically different affects depending on the person. I was just wondering if you saw anything glaringly obvious that I am overlooking.
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:27 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 218
Goal Weight: 175
Down 2 lbs this week!!! This is my first real loss since sometime in Mid-December. Let's see if this stall is truely shaken loose and we start trending down again.
Thanks for the heads up on tracking food/excercise on fitday com. I am able to disect in greater detail everything right down to the spices using this site.
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:28 pm Post subject:
BTW...Has this site stabalized yet. Seems to have been lots of troubles over the past few weeks.
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:15 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 219
Goal Weight: 175
OK, I am really disappointed this morning. I have been tracking every little detail of what I have been eating using Fitday and as of Friday I was at 218.0. I worked out so hard on Saturday and Sunday this weekend that I can barely move this morning and I get up to find I am now at 219.8 almost 2 lbs. WTF???? I typically do not speak in tenths of pounds but my frustration is getting the best of me.
According to Fit Day I burned approximately 700 calories both Saturday and Sunday based on my activities. I only took in 1800 calories each of those days. I have focused on bringing Protein up and Fat down while keeping my carbs around 35 per day. This is a much more strict regimen that I have ever done except for those first 2 weeks or so of induction. I am almost at 2 full months with no real loss.
OK, so enough of the pity party. I cannot work out tonight and I am hitting the gym hard tomorrow. Which is probably just as well because that lady who taught the class I did on Sunday put me through an hour and fifteen minutes of hell followed up with a little basketball for good measure. Stupid I also forgot that because of the power outage the carton of eggs in my mini-fridge at work are not edible. So I had no breakfast...OK, so maybe pity party was not quite over.
Just checking in and getting back to work now.
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:10 pm Post subject:
OK, so I am working it out so that I can make it to the gym tonight prior to the Louisville game against #1 UConn at 7. I feel an "angry" workout coming on!!!
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:59 pm Post subject:
I have now been putting in information to Fitday for a full 2 weeks so I figured I would post here to see if anyone sees anything I need to fix. I saw that I need to raise some of the essential vitamins like A, D and E which I will do with a multi-vitamin starting immediately. Those deficiencies should not, however, impact weight loss...correct?
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:03 pm Post subject:
The alcohol accounts for 1 beer on two different occasions. I had one after we successfully restored power to our servers via generators and another prior to dinner the next night. Both were low carb Bud Selects to minimize impact.
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:48 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 217
Goal Weight: 175
Down 2 from last week. I have been exercising like crazy, including a 3 hour stint on Saturday that included treadmill time, Power Pump Class, 30 min of full court basketball against my son and nephew. 2 on 1 and I almost beat them. Then finished it all off by spending about an hour in the pool, although it was mostly just playing Monkey in the Middle so no to difficult. Not sure what else I can do at this point.
The one plus is that I am right handed and I am so sore today I could not get my right arm to my mouth to brush my teeth. So there is absolutly no chance of me cheating today.
Umm...chocolate cake sounds good.
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 4:06 pm Post subject:
Thanks Porto, but it's not drive it's frustration that is pushing me. heh.
There must be something in the air because I keep reading journals that say people are limiting or giving up cheese. I am doing the same thing and it is harder than I would have thought. My eggs this morning are just not the same without a little shredded american on top. ughh
Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:06 pm Post subject:
Okie, so the giving up cheese did not last long. I completely zoned out last night cooking dinner and ate some cheese. Ugghh...I will have to keep my wits about me tonight and keep the cheese at a distance.
Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 1:53 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the encouragement. I am still at 217, arghh...but my gracious Wife agreed to take measurements last night. I was also suprised to find that a pair of jeans I bought in December now fit! So I guess something is happening somewhere.
I will continue to measure 1 time per week to monitor progress as I am convinced there is no way I am not burning fat with the amount of excercise and how well I have been managing my diet.
On another note, I cooked my lunch for today this morning and I cannot wait to eat it. Talapia with flaxmeal crust pan fried in EVOO. Ummm. I also made a new favorite asian dish this weekend that I ate on for a few days. Steak & Broccoli with Portobello Mushrooms. It was awsome!
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 2:44 pm Post subject:
Okie, I am down to 216 today. 1 pound away from 75 lbs total loss. I took a kick boxing class last night that was much more difficult than I thought. It was an "Old School" workout. Bear Crawls, Crab Walk, Wind Sprints, Resitance Sprints, Jump Rope and Bag Work. Very cool and I think it was exactly what I have been trying to find.
I am going to today to pickup a pair of bag gloves for myself. I used the ones from the gym which smelled like other peoples sweat. I am a little phobic regarding touching other peoples bodily fluids. Yuck.
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:51 pm Post subject:
Tril: I know, I have issues. I also don't like people moving into my personal space via hugs, and unathorized touching. I probably sound nuts I know. I will touch my wife's feet for foot massages and such. I was only saying, regarding the mall feet, if they were normal feet it would have not been a big deal. These things were cracked with big yellow nails and ooze. No way would I come near those.
Portobella: I feel great! Thanks for asking. I like feeling leaner and I know that I have punched one more hole in my belt since I stalled weight wise. So there is definatly something going on. It's just nice to see it translated to the scale.
I do have to learn how to jump rope better though. I can only jump regular she was doing all of this skipping and 1 footed swtiches and crap. I could not figure any of it out. I figure this would fun to learn and practice with my daughter who is 9.
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:31 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 216
Goal Weight: 175
Down 1 lb from last week officially!!! Probably from that kickboxing class I took. It was awsome but I have not been pushed or pushed myself like that in a long long time.
Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:09 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 215
Goal Weight: 175
Woo Hoo!!! The site is back up for now. I checked out LowCarbFriends.com and Portobella also worked to create an alternate site. I was really bummed about not being able to get on here because it has my entire journal since last year. Plus I have met some good people on here as well.
Anyway, I am down 1 lb from last week which puts me at 75 lbs total loss and 70 since beginning Atkins.
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:02 pm Post subject:
I just made my appointment for an annual physical next month. It will be just over a year since my last one. I am very excited to see the "Official" changes I have made over the past year. I am also down another 1lb since yesterday which was pretty cool to wake up to.
Last thing, I tried the cinnamon flax cake with a little cream cheese on it this morning. I think I found my new favorite breakfast. This was awsome.
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:42 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 213
Goal Weight: 175
Down 2 this week. It has been a long week and I am glad it is over. I was sick all last week and started having severe stabbing pain in my lower left abdomen on Friday Afternoon. To make a long story short I am taking antibiotics and it is getting better.
I have not worked out in almost 2 weeks which is really starting to piss me off. On a positive note when I went to the doctors my blood pressure is way down from where it was last year at this time. 117/77. I was a little bummed that the doc did not comment on my weight loss. However, I am going back next week for a physical so we will get into that then.
Okie, back to work.
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 2:49 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 211
Goal Weight: 175
Down 2 this week!!! WOO HOO!!!
My pain is gone and I will be hitting the Gym hard this week. Not looking forward to the pain I am going to have after a week of being relatively sedentary though. However, I am excited to be getting my workout on again. This is going to be a great week I can just feel it.
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:14 pm Post subject:
So here we go, just over a year after I started this woe. I went for an annual physical today and I am excited to report the following...
Weight: 290
Blood Pressure: 138/89
Resting Heart Rate: 83
Weight: 211
Blood Pressure: 109/77
Resting Heart Rate: 60
I will report my Cholesterol levels once I get the results back. Thanks to everyone on this board for their help and giving me an outlet to push myself and sometimes just B1tch, moan or complain.
Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:46 pm Post subject:
Thanks! I am pretty excited about the results. The doc was also impressed with the results and asked a boat load of questions about Atkins when I told her I was on it. She suggested I try to eat more melons to up my potassium levels. I had told her that it is the only nutrient I cannot seem to get to 100% on (hovering around 50%). I explained I don't do melons right now and she agreed that 50% is not terrible and we can figure that one out as I begin to introduce more carbs down the road. She was also very interested in how my blood work came out primarily because my vital signs showed such a drastic improvement.
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:43 pm Post subject:
It's game day!!! Cards play in The Garden at noon. C-A-R-D-S CARDS!!!
Great workout last night and although I am sore as heck this morning it kicked butt. I also had one of those moments while working out. We were finishing up and I was stretching my legs. I looked down and did not recognize my upper leg. I actually did a double take and thought that it did not look right. heh.
There were also a couple of young dudes that were pretty fit and I stayed right with them. Pretty pleased with that as well.
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:44 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 212
Goal Weight: 175
Up one this week. I drank a two diet sodas on the way home from a trip this weekend so I could just be a little water heavy.
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:02 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 211
Goal Weight: 175
So that extra pound is back off this morning. I am thinking it was the Soda's.
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:13 pm Post subject:
One other comment. My scale has the little sensors so that it can calculate body fat. I have not run it since January. Since then I am only down about 5 lbs but...my body fat is down 5%. This means that I have put on roughly 12 lbs of lean muscle since january.
I did calculate my target weight based on this new knowledge. I might be about 10 to 15 lbs off on my goal. I am not going to change it or anything but I am thinking it may drop closer to 165 once I hit my original goal of 175.
Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:51 pm Post subject:
Weight: 290
LDL Cholesterol: 220
HDL: 30
Triglycerides: 210
Total Cholesterol: 250+ (I don't recall exactly on this one and she did not write it down for me.)
Weight: 211
LDL Cholesterol: 143
HDL: 35 (still need to bring this one up)
Triglycerides: 125
Total Cholesterol: 203
I know that I have to get my HDL up above 40 and continue to bring my LDL down below 130 but I am very excited about the results. My risk for Heart to disease has gone from "Guaranteed" to "Low-Moderate" in one year. Next year I want to see it in the low range. WOO HOO!!!
For the naysayers out there that would argue that a diet consisting of of a 60/30/10 ratio of Fat/Protien/Carbs is not healthy or bad for your heart. Just look at the numbers I have put up in 1 year of eating this way.
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:01 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 210
Goal Weight: 175
Just checking in, down another pound this week. I had gone as low as 209 on Friday but I tend to drink a soda or two on weekends. Well whatever, looking forward to a good workout tonight to get the blood flowing.
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:02 pm Post subject:
Looking foward to another great night at the gym tonight. I shaved 2.5 minutes off my mile time on Monday night for a total of 7.5 minutes on 3 miles. This was after a pre-workout mile walk and then a body pump class. I am so completely proud of myself. First time I have run any distance and actually payed attention to the time in a few weeks. WOO HOO!!!
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 3:39 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 208
Goal Weight: 175
Good week and I was able to drop a couple as well. Woo Hoo!!!
The wife and I went to Indy on Friday to watch the Cards play in the Sweet Sixteen against Arizona. We had a great time pre-game and the Cards rolled up the Wildcats. Also got to catch a great second game courtside with Michigan State beating Kansas in the final minutes of the game.
My Son and I returned on Sunday to watch the Elite 8 game against Mich State. in which the Cardinals lost. Mich State played a great game and really did a good job of taking us out of our Offense. Credit Izzo for coaching them to victory. Still made for a long ride back home.
I had a 'Aha' moment when I returned home that I will elaborate on at some point later when I have time. Just checking in right now.
GO CARDS!!! Next up Red/White Spring Game and then begin's the long wait for Fall Football. Kage knows what I am talking about.
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:55 pm Post subject:
I have avoided the camera like the plague for the last several years but my Son snapped a couple of them of me this weekend. For the first time in a long time I am comfortable with how I look on film. I hope that does not sound weird or arrogant but I was excited about this and thought I would share.
Me...notice all of the extra homemade holes in my belt.
My beautiful bride.
My Boy..."The Cardfather"
...she asked for a picture with me, what could I say?
Me being silly after we lost to Michigan State...heh
GO CARDS!!![/url]
Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 12:24 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 206
Goal Weight: 175
Down 2 this week, first time I have dropped 2 in a week in a while. Only 6 to go to get in the 100's. Woot
Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:49 pm Post subject:
I knocked another 1.5 minutes off my mile time last night. I had already run 2 miles prior to timing myself as well. I am still slow as all get out but I was happy and proud of myself. Only 1.5 minutes left to trim to reach my goal pace.
Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:10 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 208
Goal Weight: 175
No idea what pushed my weight up by 2 this week, actually up 3 on Friday. I was good all week and did not even sniff any treats (did not care to). Oh well...maybe it's just a temporary spike.
Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:40 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 206
Goal Weight: 175
Too busy to update on Monday. Back down to 206 this week and still bummed about the 2 lb set back. So far it's looking like I am going to hold at 206 again this week...
I am going to have to re-evaluate everything I am doing...again. Must be something I am missing. Perhaps I need to make some drastic temporary change to shake things up a bit.
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 5:45 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 204
Goal Weight: 175
Down 2 lbs this week. I had been holding steady at 206 all the way up until Saturday. After forcing a limited caloric intake below 600 on Friday I weighed in at 204 on Saturday morning. Increased my intake to 2400 (this was very hard to do as it turned out) and then 1800 on sunday. The weight loss stuck.
I will be doing Mon, Weds, Friday this week as "Down Days" and keeping my caloric intake below 600 on those days. On my up days I am going to be hitting between 2200-2400. Sunday is my medium day and I will keep it around 1600-1800. This is my plan for the next 4 weeks to attempt to get the weight loss moving again. After the 4 weeks are up I will evaluate how well this is working.
29 lbs to goal!!!
Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:40 pm Post subject:
Down day was harder than I would have thought. 580 Calories consumed for the day.
Breakfast: 2 Eggs
Lunch: Muscle Milk Light
Snack: 12 almonds
Dinner: Strawberry, Banana Smoothie (8 oz Unsweetened Almond Milk, 0 Carb Banana Protein, 5 Frozen Strawberries, 1 tsp Flax)
Beverages: 2 cups of coffee, bucket loads of water and 1 32 oz Powerade Zero (pretty good).
I will need to bump that up a bit today so I started with a bigger breakfast than normal. 2 Eggs and 3 pieces of bacon. Seemed like a lot to eat. Will do a nice hearty salad for lunch with maybe some chicken salad. Not sure about dinner yet.
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:51 pm Post subject:
Meals yesterday.
Breakfast: 2 Eggs, 3 Pieces Bacon
Snack: 24 Almonds
Lunch: Naked Chicken Taco Salad (no beans, corn salsa or dressing)
Snack: The rest of the salad (could not eat it all)
Dinner: Two Beef Taco's (Low carb shells)
Weight this morning 204
Down Day Meal Plan for today:
Breakfast: 2 Eggs
Lunch: Muscle Milk Light
Snack: 12 almonds
Dinner: Strawberry/Banana Protien Smoothie
I have a really tough workout planned for tonight so it might be interesting to see how well I handle it on a day with limited calories.
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:52 pm Post subject:
So my performance during my workout last night was less than steller. The cardio parts of it I handled OK but the strength parts I had no energy for. Not sure I can do that workout on the same day as a down day...will consider revising over the next week and decide soon. Perhaps a 300 cal snack around 4 pm on that day would help.
Weight this morning 202!!! Only 2 lbs away from "One-derland"!!!
Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 3:17 pm Post subject:
Scale staying at 202 today!!! I am adjusting my down days to Sunday, Tuesdays and Thursdays this week primarly because my toughest workouts seem to be on M,W,F. Trying to do a tough workout on only 5-600 calories is just not right. I put on 3 pounds on Thursday as a result of my body protesting, or at least I think that is what likely happened.
Derby 135 is in the books, love that jockey. A big thank you to my bank for blocking all of my online transactions with them. I drank quit a bit yesterday at the Derby party I went to and figured today would be bad and the scale would punish me. However, I did stay on plan other than the alchohol. Stayed away from the Mint Juilups as well since they are muddled with Mint and Sugar.
Today is a good time for a down day after yesterdays celebration of glutony and excess.
Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 12:50 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 202
Goal Weight: 175
Down 2 more this week officially!!! I can't believe I am so close to be in the 100's. Woo Hoo!!!
Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 5:32 pm Post subject:
Wow, thanks all!!! Regarding dancing in the tiny little bathroom, I probably would have done it anyway because that's how I roll! heh. I have already explained the "One-derland" phrase to my wife so she is excited as well. My wife teases me because I have a scale addiction and I weigh in everytime I pass by it, almost.
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 1:45 pm Post subject:
Today is a Down Day for me so I have to severly limit my calories. Although the scale was at 201 this morning even with yesterday being an Up Day.
Plan for 600-700 Calories (tried 500-600 and it was just to low)
Breakfast: 2 Eggs
Lunch: Meal Replacement Shake
Snack: 12 Almonds
Dinner: Salad with 12 almonds, 1 oz cheese, 2 tbs Ranch
I found a new jogging trail that may have solved my issues with Shin Splints. I went to a nearby park with the intent of just running around the soccer fields. There was a great trail that was crushed gravel and dirt that made it's way through the woods. I was able to jog for the first time without pain...or at least not in my shins. Because of this new discovery I think I am finally going to graduate from week 3 of C25K!!! WOO HOO!!!
In addition I downloaded a new app for my iPhone that prompts you when you need to walk or run but you can play your own music rather than using the podcast that can also be downloaded (music is terrible on these podcast, some weird techno garbage, I need some Linkin Park or Chili Peppers to run to).
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 4:41 pm Post subject:
Week 3 Day 2 complete...
I also added to 1 minute interval sprints to the end and they felt great. I did get a little winded on each but I could not believe I was running full out for 1 minute with very little discomfort. WOO HOO!!!
1 X 5 minute warmup
1 X 1.5 minute Run/1.5 Walk
1 X 3 minute run/3 minute walk
1 X 1.5 minute Run/1.5 Walk
1 X 3 minute run/3 minute walk
2 X 1 minute sprint/1 minute walk
1 X 5 minute cooldown
Down Day today so I am limiting calories
Weight is still at 202 this morning
Breakfast: 1 Egg/2 Bacon (180 Calories)
Lunch: Can Tuna(Water), 4 Strawberries, Small Plain Greek Yogurt (265 Calories)
Dinner: Salad w/Almonds and 2 tbsp Ranch (300 Calories) or Protien Shake I have not decided.
Will be swimming or cycling tonight, depends on weather. I am trying to work on my technique and get to where I can swim a mile. Searching for a spam "Total Immersion Swimming" that would help me refine my stroke and breathing. I hear it's great.
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 4:51 pm Post subject:
BTW...I am training for a Sprint-Triathlon in August which explains my new workout plans and adding swimming and cycling more regularly. I was watching The Biggest Loser the other night and seeing them complete a Marathon after barely being mobile in 17 weeks convinced me I can do this in 12 weeks. It only a mini-triathlon...how hard could it be? .5 Mile Swim/15 Mile Cycling/5K Run, phff, I got this.
Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 12:30 pm Post subject:
Heh, not sure what my 15 month ago self would say to me now but my new self would kick 15 month ago self square in the sack. Thanks
Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 12:31 pm Post subject:
BTW...200 Even this morning!!! Had to step on twice to verify what I was seeing.
Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 5:43 pm Post subject:
WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got up this morning at 199!!!!! I am in Onderland!!!!!!
Should have weighed again after that spinning class this morning...ouch. Maybe dropped about 10 more during that deal.
Last nights run was awsome and I finished with about a 45 minute swim. My brother is coming in this weekend and bringing a spam on swimming techniques so I am looking forward to reviewing that and seeing if I can improve my stroke and breathing.
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 2:42 pm Post subject:
Okie, so I get up on Sunday morning and I was at 203!? No idea what happened on Saturday. I can only think that maybe I did not get enough water...? Oh well, it was pretty cool for a day.
I am at 201 today which is still down a pound and I am excited about that! I am determined to hit 199 next Monday and have it stick.
Begin Week 4 of C25K this week. Running has become much easier without shin pain. Will also be doing my 1/2 mile swim tonight right after my run.
Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:23 pm Post subject:
Wouldn't it be nice if we could somehow "lock in" a weight once we get it??
Sounds like a great idea. I will take 165 for 1000 please?
I have finally graduated from Week 3 of C25K. Finished W4D1 with ease and added an extra rep of 3 and 5 running finished off with a 1/2 mile swim. I am figuring out this swimming thing and making little tweaks here and there. I only inhale big gulps of water occassionaly now. It's a little embarrasing popping to your feet in the middle of the pool reacting to the sudden breath of water instead of air. ughh.
I am back at 200 even today and hoping to have this stick around for a bit.
Does anyone watch the biggest loser? The guy that won at home did outstanding. Funny he was competitive with those that stayed on the show to the end. I was hoping for Tara to win because I can somehow relate to her. I had never watched this prior to this year. Frankly I always felt like the creators coined "The Biggest Loser" as a jab at overweight people and was a little offended. Perhaps I should not be so sensitive.
So that's enough rambling, back to work.
Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 1:18 pm Post subject:
That was the guy, Jerry. I can't figure out how he did that, at home too? I understand the crazy weight losses on the ranch where they spend hours a day working out. But in the real world who has that kind of time? Perhaps he is retired.
Thanks Olive, I believe you are right and this is my body telling me to "go fly a kite". Perhaps it's still mad at me for putting on this weight to begin with. heh.
I have a feeling that 199 will be seen again tomorrow. Just a hunch but I am hoping that this week it sticks.
Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 12:25 pm Post subject:
Phew, thought I was in the wrong place for a moment, what's with the bizzaro color scheme. Very bright for early mornings.
I was posting because I am excited that I weighed in at 199 this morning. Although I did that last Friday as well. hmm...perhaps this is the week it sticks.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 1:04 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 200
Goal Weight: 175
OK, so I did not make it to the 100's this week. However, it could likely be the 2 strawberry daiquiris I had last night. Not much of a daiquiri person but I had fresh frozen strawberries and planned to make a smoothie with my banana protien powder and somehow a little rum found its way into there instead of the whey powder. That led to a couple of beers, we were grillin out with neighbors. I am not sweating it to much because I know that having an off day occassionally is important to long term success.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 1:08 pm Post subject:
Thanks for all of the support comments and being in the 100's felt pretty darn good but I guess I did not get as excited this past friday after the big letdown last week.
More important to me right now was that I had a good swim and run on Saturday morning. Did my 3 miles and then jumped in the pool and swam a 1/2 mile. I had planned to go to the bike after the swim but I had to get home...or at least that's my excuse. heh.
Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 12:22 pm Post subject:
Thanks Kage, there was a hint of sarcism in my post regarding my outlook but your right I know I will get there. It really is about the long haul but that stupid scale just does not want to step up yet. $@^#!!! heh
On another note, I finished Week 5 Day 1 of C25K last night. Had to run on a treadmill though and my shins are really pissed about it. Got to get back on the dirt and grass.
Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 1:26 pm Post subject:
Your right John, I am close to goal and I am trying to keep that in perspective while I get through this. I have also been exercising like mad trying to get to my goal and also enter this Triathlon in 2.5 months.
Swim last night was pretty exciting. I still need to trim about 5 minutes off my 1/2 mile time to put me in the middle of the pack but I was getting a nice smooth stroke and not swimming like I am trying to keep from drowning.
Running tonight (great day so outdoors!!!) immediatly after work and then off to celibrate my beautiful wife and I's 14th annerversary! Lord have mercy I have no idea each day what she was thinking to stick by me for this long.
Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 1:27 pm Post subject:
BTW...199 reared it's ugly/beautiful head again this morning. I am thinking this is the week.
Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 3:06 pm Post subject:
Well the 199 was still there this morning! I am getting more confident that it will stick around till Monday. Run last night was great and even though I tired out towards the end I made it. I had a reminder about how important stretching is after a run too. Got on my motorcycle afterwards to hurry home and go out with my Wife and my legs cramped trying to back out of my parking space. Had to get back off and finish stretching properly so that I could ride my bike home. Funny now but I was pretty concerned and embarrassed at the time. heh.
Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 5:49 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 200
Goal Weight: 175
Thanks for the Anniversary wishes. We had a nice time at dinner although we did not get to go it alone and took the whole family.
The long weekend was great, grilled out for my daughter’s school picnic on Friday. Worked on house and yard on Saturday. Had family over on Sunday and spent Monday doing nothing till mid-afternoon when we went to the pool.
Weight still at 200...I figured it might not move to much. Probably over did it this weekend with some of my food. Not really sure what exactly but something pushed me over the top. However, this is the week! I will see and maintain 198 by next Monday.
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:25 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 199
Goal Weight: 175
Finally, I officially made into the 100's!!!! It's about $%(@&$ time! heh. 24 lbs to goal!
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:25 pm Post subject:
Thanks Spirit, I was really glad that it finally seemed to stick. In fact this morning I was at 197. heh
So I was at the local Meijers this morning and saw one of those blood pressure things. Decided what the heck and would give it a try. I have been having brief dizzy spells when standing recently and I am reading that it is likely a side effect of having a low resting heart rate.
Anyway, Blood pressure was 110 over 68 and heart rate 49. I had to take it again to make sure I was not seeing things and got basically the same result. Googled it this morning and my resting BP and HR fall in the category of "Athletes and Children". I already knew that I act like a child but who knew I had the Cardiovascular system of one as well. WOOT!
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:09 pm Post subject:
A quick update...I weighed in this morning at 195!? Not sure how this happened. I have been struggling to get to 199 for a couple of weeks. Finally get there and then it drops all the way to 195? Since I have never had huge drops like this I don't know if I should be concerned or excited.
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:14 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 196
Goal Weight: 175
Well I dropped 3 lbs in one week!!! I have not done that in some time and I don't even understand how it happened but I will take it. I have not dropped that much at once in a year. Woo Hoo!!!
Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:26 pm Post subject:
joeblow wrote:
man, I bet it feels nice to get the night time readings with 1's on them
Yes it does, I am a scaloholic and weigh each night prior to bed. It's pretty cool when I go in there at night and weigh in at 196 and sit and guess will I be 194 or 195 tomorrow.
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:28 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 194
Goal Weight: 175
Thanks Kage! It's nice to see you around again too.
So down 2 more this week. This JUDDDD thing is working out great. Even though I totally screwed it up on Thursday of last week I think it is the thing that has jump started my loss. I am only 19 FREAKING pounds from goal. I did not even realize I was in the teens when I first thought about my weight loss this morning. This mountain seemed like everest in 2008 and I had no idea to how to even start. Thanks Atkins and also those ofyou on this board. Accountability to myself and just as importantly those of you that post here has made all of the difference so far.
Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 2:27 pm Post subject:
I can't believe I am back to 2lbs a week either. It's freaking awsome!
Heading out on vacation tomorrow for a week at Fripp Island. I am pretty excited about it and it going to be nice to get a break from reality for a week. I am packing in alot of my own food for the week and then we will make a trip to the grocery for the fresh stuff once I am there. It's about a 45 minute drive to the nearest store so I only plan to go one time and get everything I need. The tricky part is keeping 4 other families from eating my real food and passing on their junk.
I also graduate from the C25K program this week. I would normally run on Friday night after work but since I will be driving I will do my final run on Saturday on the island. This should be somewhat of a treat as it is really beautiful there and a fitting end to a long road. They also have a lap pool and I am bringing the bike so no rest for the weary in regards to my workout routine. 7 weeks until my Triathlon and I cannot afford to take a full week off now.
One other thing...for those of you in the medical field. I developed a very deep blister on the ball of the left foot. It was actually below a calis on that foot. I worked out with it last night and it shredded it. When I got home I cleaned up the foot really good and cut away all of the dead tissue but now I am left with this gaping hole in my foot. The tissue layer was very thick, maybe 1/8". My wife thought that it was foolish but I was worried that it would get infected if I had this loose piece meal of tissue moving around everywhere. I treated with neosporine last night and left it open to air out. Covered today with a water tight bandage and will wash and air out again tonight. So should I have washed it and let it be or cut it away and to, my opinion, speed up the healing?
Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 6:20 pm Post subject:
Thanks, I am proud of them too! They are great and lots of fun to be around. My daughter woke up this morning and climbed in bed with us. I stated that I had to get up and get ready for work and she leans up and gives me a little kiss on the forhead and says that she loves me...I hope she never grows up.
Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:52 pm Post subject:
BTW: I had to punch a couple of new holes in the old belt today. I am now down 12 holes from when I started. I had been on the last hole and that was only after I sucked in and held my breath. I had originally said that I would replace the belt when I hit my goal but I may just stick with it. It's a nice reminder of where I have been.
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:54 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 194
Goal Weight: 175
So I made it back from vacation and had a great time. We had a minor accident on the way down, got rear-ended, that smashed all of our bikes. Which did ruin my plans to do any riding while I was there. However, insurance should be paying to replace them so there is light at the end of the tunnel. I just hope we get the money to replace them prior to the Triathlon coming up in August.
Weather was perfect while were there, other than a couple of days in the upper 90's it was mid to low 80's all week which made for perfect sunning, running and fun.
I actually gained a couple of pounds while I was gone. I did not really eat anything different than normal. I just ate more than what is normal. Not being in a daily routine made it tricky to not watch my calories. I am however back to the weight I was prior to leaving so that is good.
Ran 4 miles last night at the gym, treadmill, which was pretty cool. Had planned to run at the park but realized I had brought my laptop home and was on the motorcycle and could not run with that on my back or leave it unattended. Running on the treadmill probably is partially why I ran a little longer. It's easier to manage my pace and keep me from going to fast in addition there are no hills unless you choose to incline...I did not so choose. heh.
BTW...that photo of me with a Sox shirt on is as nausiating today as it was a couple of weeks ago. LOL.
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:30 pm Post subject: My running buddies from Fripp
I thought I would post a couple of pictures of my running buddies from my vacation. My daughter went with me one night and the other is of a that was convinced my iPhone was in fact something to eat. I actually got a little nervous when it did not lose interest after turning to begin running again.
Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:16 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 192
Goal Weight: 175
OK, so I am back on track with 2 more lbs down this last week. So close to 100 (total) I can taste it. Had a great week of training last week as well. I am developing a little tenderness in the upper area of my right knee cap. Only bothers me when I put weight on it or bend a certain angles. Not sure if I should be concerned yet or not.
Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:54 pm Post subject:
I am telling you I am like a walking example of Murphys Law these days. I wrecked my car which also smashed my bikes, I dropped my motorcycle in a turn on the way home last Friday and I go to give blood last night and my vein turned or something. I now have holes in both arms and my right has a massive bruse and is hurting like crazy. I should just hold up in my house for a couple of weeks until this all blows over.
Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:42 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 193
Goal Weight: 175
Ah, who the heck knows. heh. I gained 1 lb last week. If I had to guess it would be the 4-5 oz of Cashews I consumed over the weekend. Those little things are freaking good, perhaps I should not buy those again.
3 Weeks until my Tri and I am beginning to get a little nervous with only 2 weeks of actual training left with 1 week of rest prior to event. Rode 22 miles yesterday on a very hilly course followed up by an hour swim. Mostly worked on technique and trying to do a flip turn - that's hard to do without getting lots of water up my nose. Running tonight and then a nice peaceful evening.
I also picked up a pair of Tri-Shorts yesterday...ughh. These things look silly on me and I bought a size smaller than needed since I know I will fit in them better in a month or two but right now...yuck. Either way I still look like a goob. Not sure what shirt to wear with it as I don't want a "Muffin Top" or the "spare tire" look at the waist line.
Lets hope I can drop another 5 or so prior to the race as it might help with my performance. Plan to do a couple of brick training sessions over the next couple of Saturday's to help practice and prepare for the transistions. I am also happy that at least one of my brothers has officially entered the event with me. I have another that may do it as well but is having some knee issues that may sideline him for this one.
I also found a new store here in town that sells camping, running and recreational gear. Anyway, they hooked me up with some zero sugar hydration tablets full of electrolytes and other things needed for my upcoming event. I have been stressing about this for a few weeks as water only is a difficult means to re-hydrate during an event. Most of the sports drinks are loaded with sugar so those are out. I stopped in this store and explained my situation and he hooked me up with NUUN tablets. Used 2 of them on my ride and swim sunday and had no cramping and much less muscle fatigue. Thanks to The Trail Store in Louisville for helping me out.
Plan this week is to drop the wraps as I am afraid they may have more carbs in them than what the package says. Will work on eating a little closer to Induction levels this week and see if that does not right the ship.
OK, so I am back online and out of the hole. Sorry for the long post but I had a lot on my mind this morning.
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 1:38 am Post subject:
I knew they were borderline at best, but I was looking for a movie popcorn substitute and these were on sale. An 8oz bag, heh. I ate about half ot it over the weekend. Self control, who needs it...hah!
Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:51 pm Post subject:
2 Weeks and counting till my first race. Run last night went pretty good for the first time in a while. Finished 3.5 miles at a 10.5 minute pace, so I did not push to hard. Got up early this morning and swam at a new pool. Did not stay long as it was a little dirty and there was a used bandaid floating in my lane that kept grossing me out. Will probably swim again tonight after work at my regular Y pool.
Last week of training is this week so I need to push myself really hard and then prepare to taper back on race week.
Weight this morning was down to 191, it would be cool if I could get to a 100 lb loss total on the same week as my race. Would certainly provide some additional excitement and motivation.
Anyway, everyone have a safe and fun weekend.
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 1:14 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 189
Goal Weight: 175
Down 4 from last week. I believe it might have something to do with my mysterious gain of a lb last week. Anyway...I am in the 180's now and have lost a total of 101 lbs and 96 since beginning a low-carb woe.
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 3:18 pm Post subject:
Two more workouts prior to my Tri now. I had a good 1.5 mile swim last night with lots of intervals. Also picked up a pair of zoomer flippers to work on my leg strength. Holy cow those things will wear you out. After 400 meters on the kick board with those little do-dads my legs were done.
Planning a long run tonight and then a Bike/Run Brick on Sunday. Not sure about nutrition. I can do this event at a steady pace without much stress on the body but I am considering taking in some carbs in a gel when I get on the bike. I don't know if I will get any performance gains out of it but I am trying to race and not just finish now. Now that I am at a point where I know finishing is not going to be a problem I want to post a fast time as well (fast for me anyway).
That being said, has anyone here ever run a long race and did you suppliment with carbs during the race? I will avoid the energy drinks as they are way to sweet and I am not sure my stomach would tolerate them anyway. I was considering a gel or something along that line.
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 3:08 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 189
Goal Weight: 175
Same as last week, oh well. It happens and hopefully it will drop off this week. Still only 14 lbs from goal so I am not to bummed. I also started trying to measure more particularly around my waist and sides as this seems to be one of the more stubborn areas. I am down about 3 inches since last time I measured there about 2 months ago. I am thinking I need to drop another 4 or 5 inches there.
Thanks Merlot I will do a Google search for that guy and see what turns up. I think I am going to pass on the gels and sugars for this event. It should only take me 1:45 - 1:50 based on my training and times I have logged so far. I am hoping for the 1:45 but I will happy with being below 1:50. Everything I have read regarding "Carb Loading" is saying that the old methods of eating a bunch of Pasta and high carb foods the night before really does not help much at all if any.
Not to mention that I am already in a ketosis state so if I carb load it will throw me out of it. This would then mean that I would absolutely have to carb load during the event as well. This thinking would create way to many unknowns and I just don't see the benefit.
Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 4:53 pm Post subject:
My swim start is well before theirs...maybe I will let the air out of their tires in the transistion area. Not all the way flat just enough to slow them down a bit. *laughing Mischievously*
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:54 pm Post subject:
OK, so my first Triathlon is tomorrow morning. Check-in is at 6:00 AM. I typically don't get up this early when my kids are not in school. I am going to be dragging in the morning. Still unsure of what to eat as well. I don't want to eat anything that will upset my stomach but I know I will need to eat something.
Wish me luck and I will report back sometime this weekend on my results. My original goal was to finish then I changd that to under 2 hours and now it's 1:45. Don't know if I will make it but I am going to push hard enough to try. I figure if I am not ready or in the process of throwing up at the finish then I did not go hard enough. WOO HOO!!! ughh...
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:21 am Post subject:
It's official...I'm a Triathlete!!! Woo Hoo!
The day and my excitement, however, was overshadowed by a fatal bike wreck involving a drunk driver. As soon as I crossed the finish they shut it down. Pretty disturbing to ride by a dead body on the bike course and my concentration was gone at that point. Just wanted to get back and off the bike and onto the run.
Story Here:
The swim went pretty good although I jumped in and was going way to fast for the first 200-300 meters or so. I could feel my shoulders starting to wear down so I slowed it down a bit and cruised on. Felt pretty good when I got out of the pool until I realized I had to run and jiggle through the crowd to the transition area. ughh.
Bike was great until I saw the accident scene. Popped up out of my aero bars and rode on the hoods for a while to get my head right. Never really did and just stayed up on the hoods back to the transition. There was a sharp right turn and then down a hill on the way back. I heard brakes chirping on my right and then some girl flew past on my right inside with likely 6 inches or less of room. I introduced myself with some choice words as she about took us both out the race. Once I made the turn I stepped it up and passed her again and made sure to create a big gap between us. I ran into her again in transition and she apologized for her inexperience. I felt a little bad then, not too bad but a little.
My left calf locked up as soon as I started running and I had to stop for a minute and stretch it out. One of the leaders was on the return and getting ready to finish and offered some encouragement which was pretty cool. Got going again after about a minute and limped my way until it worked itself out. Felt good until about the 1 mile mark and started to cramp again. I picked up a couple of waters and walked for 50 yards or so to drink them. Worked great and was able to continue at a steady pace up until the end. Came around the corner for the home stretch and suddenly I got very light footed and fast. Picked my pace way up and crossed the finish feeling great.
As soon as I crossed the finish I was walking to the water table and grabbed a bottled water. A lady comes out and gets on the PA and says. "We are sorry to inform you that there has been a tragic accident on the course and the remainder of the race has been cancelled. Please gather you belongings and go home, we will post more information in the coming days."
Both of my brothers did not get to do anything but swim. I feel terrible for one of them, he drove up from Atlanta to compete. Don't know if they will publish times for those that finished or not. Because it was a staggered start it was hard for me to tell how I did. I know the clock read 2:08 when I crossed and I started about 20 minutes behind the first person. So I am thinking I finished around 1:45-1:50.
Anyway, I still had fun and have already picked out my next event that is in about 6 weeks. It has an open water swim which should be alot of fun. Thanks for the well wishes all.
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:01 am Post subject:
Me at the finish line repping The Ville!
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:09 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 186 (barely, hah)
Goal Weight: 175
3 more pounds downa and 11 to go!!! Thanks for all of your comments regarding my race this weekend. I am so hooked on this sport. My brother who also attempted his first race this weekend (did not get to finish since they cancelled it right after I crossed) as found another one in 2 weeks. I think I am going to register for it too and the best part is that means I only have to wait 2 weeks to do this again. WOO HOO!!!
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:29 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 184
Goal Weight: 175
I am now sub 10 lbs to my original goal. Based on what I see I need to drop likely at least 20 more lbs. But I still can't believe there are only 9 lbs left to the original plan. WOW!!! I am so pumped about this right now.
I had a 25 mile bike ride yesterday followed up with a 3 mile run. Then headed to a family gathering where we played football for an hour or so. 2 years ago I would not have likely even wanted to play football because I knew the price that would have to be paid. Now I was ready to play and keep playing all night. Being able to run around and play with my son and daughter was a big reason I started this and it's nice to realize those goals have been met.
Next triathlon is on Sunday. I debated on doing the Olympic distance and know that I can finish but I also want to have fun doing it and think I am not ready for this yet. This one is a swim through a canal that runs through downtown Indianapolis. It's a little shorter than the last event but should be lots of fun. The whole family is going up and we are planning to spend Saturday at the Zoo or Childrens Museum and then early to bed for the race on Sunday. I cannot wait!
Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:33 pm Post subject:
I finally got my results back from my race, they were about what I predicted. I finished in 1:49 which was 4 minutes slower than the time I had hoped for but I am giving myself a pass since it was my first attempt.
Next race is this Sunday in Indianapolis. Hopefully the event will go a little smoother and nobody gets run over by a car during the event. Leaving early tomorrow morning and will spend the day in Inday at the Childrens Museum with the family. Hang out at the hotel pool for a bit and maybe a late dinner and early to bed.
I have a goal of 1:32 on this race. It's a little shorter than the last so hopefully I can realize some improvement on the overall time.
Swim: 10 Minutes
T1: 4 Minutes (not sure how far the swim exit is from transition so this is best guess)
Bike: 43 Minutes
T2: 2 Minutes
Run: 33 Minutes (Yes I know I am the slowest runner ever)
I can't wait!!!
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:43 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 185
Goal Weight: 175
So I am up a pound from last week. I would guess it is likely because I ate like a pig after my race Sunday. Food was just not safe around me and I usually don't get that hungry and this was not much longer than a typical workout either. Oh well, perhaps it is setting up for a 3 or 4 lb drop this week. We shall see.
Swim: 10 Minutes -- 14:05 Minutes
T1: 4 Minutes - 2:53
Bike: 43 Minutes -- 43:53
T2: 2 Minutes -- 1:50
Run: 33 Minutes -- 34:03
I was a total of 1:36 with a goal of 1:32. This can be traced back to the swim as I just could not figure out how to swim straight in open water. It turns out that black stripe on the bottom of a pool is pretty useful. I ran into both sides of the canal at different times and pretty much just gave up on speed and resorted to breast stroke. Bike was about what I had hoped for and the run was just hot. The sun was in my face for the first 1.5 miles and I was pretty sure my skin was beginning to bubble up. At least it felt like it.
Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:07 pm Post subject:
I just got some photos from my recent Tri...
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:42 pm Post subject:
Yeah, the shorts are kind of lamo but there is no time to change between events so they are made specifically for Triathlons. Light enough to swim in, very light padding for biking but no too much so that when you run you don't feel as though you are wearing a diaper. This is the perfect sport for me and my ADD type personality. Hard to get bored when I have to train each week to race 3 seperate events.
Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:01 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 185
Goal Weight: 175
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 6:01 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the comments. I am hoping that is all of the muscle that I have been putting on. lol. I am thinking I am just at a stall point and will take off again soon. Not a big deal though, I started this to lose weight but after a year and half weight is only part of it. I care more about the health than anything. I'll get there sooner or later but no rush, it's bound to happen. My new personal goal is 165 by my birthday in March.
I cannot wait for football. I had to go pick up a new jersey this year as my XXL's were just too big. I looked like a kid in my Dad's jersy. Picked up a medium and could have done the small but I wanted to leave room for hoodies and other layers underneath for those cold weather games.
I am going to wear one of my old jersey's to the first game though, it's one of those superstition things that I am sure if your a sports fan you understand. Cannot break the streak so I will keep wearing it to the first home game regardless of size until I am in the ground.
Could be another rough season regarding the old wins and losses thing but I am like a kid at Christmas anyway!
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 2:34 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 184
Goal Weight: 175
So down 1 this week and back to where I was a few weeks ago. My body seems to want to hang on to this 185ish weight. I guess that means I am going to have to step it up a notch. Don't know that means exactly but it felt cool saying it. heh.
I volunteered at Iron Man Louisville this Sunday working the swim start and also as a course marshal along the bike route. It was a lot of fun and if you ever get the opportunity to volunteer for one of these events do it.
The finish was at 4th Street Live here in Louisville which runs through a closed off section of 4th street in downtown Louisville. Lots of restaurants and bars, etc. Went back down with the family that night and had dinner, Cajun Shrimp and Broccoli from Fridays which was quite good but that’s another story.
Anyway, there were people crossing in agony and you could see the pain and struggle they were going through in their eyes. Some where cheering and others where crying tears of joy. Some had parts of their bodies that had clearly become non-responsive with an obvious lean to one side or half dragging a limb that was ceased up with cramps. It was a look at pure and raw emotion from regular people like you or me and it was inspiring!
As lame as it sounds I was on the brink of tears at times watching some of these people finish. If you ever get a chance to go and watch the finish at an Iron Man event do it. But wait and go to watch the regular Joes/Janes that are at the 13-17 hour mark as they battle their bodies to cross the finish.
BTW...I have been trying to get my Wife to jump in to some sort of exercise or training. She was ready to start C25K last night at 11:00 PM after watching that scene for a couple of hours. I love her so much.
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 2:07 pm Post subject:
Thanks all for your continued good will. It was definatly cool to see people with a paralized arm finish that race and your thinking to yourself, how in the heck do they swim with only 1 good arm. Or there were 2 blind people racing or the 1 legged girl that just finished the Kona IronMan. Certainly keeps my little whiny butt in check. heh.
BTW...My wife started C25K last night and it was awesome. She did great and it was so much fun to go out with her on her first run. I can't wait until Weds. to do it again with her. Such a proud husband I am right now.
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:24 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 183
Goal Weight: 175
Down another pound yesterday and I feel like I am picking up some momentum. Running is going great and I finished my 7 mile run on Saturday without any issues other than a blister that broke just as I rounded the corner to come home. Nothing a little extra body glide can't fix next time out.
I also have been buying some energy bars and eating them prior to or after a long workout. Keeping the net carbs to at or below 20 for each serving. I really like the Lara bars as they use no preservatives. But at 2 bucks each it gets expensive. So I was reading the ingredients of one the other day and realized it was only Apples, Almonds and cinamon. So I broke out the Magic Bullet and chopped some almonds then some dried apples. Mixed it together with a little cinnamon until it formed a paste. Created 4 bars from that and for about a 75 cents each I was able to create a pre-post workout snack that is delicious, natural and not terribly high in carbs (16 per serving). I would not recommend this if you are not planning a long and hard workout right after but it works for me being that I am in pre-maintenance.
Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:19 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 182
Goal Weight: 175
Slow and steady wins the race! Down 1 this week and I can feel how close to goal I am getting. I tried on a suit that I bought at about 175lbs in 1995, no idea why I still have it, and it was big on me. This was a taylored suit that was custom fitted for me at that time. I am now 182 lbs and it is huge on me. I guess I have added more muscle in the last year than I thought. Going to use the suit for a Zombie costume now.
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:40 pm Post subject: BC's Progress
I Male that just turned 40 and though the best gift I could give myself would be to start getting things together. I am highly motivated and making progress.
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 274
Goal Weight: 175
My first post here. I have a long way to go but plenty of time to get there. I have dealt with weight issues all my life. I was heavy as a pre-early teen. Started playing sports and slimmed down. Maintained a weight somewhere around 160 – 170 through high school until about 25. Got married at 27 and after a couple of kids I had put on some weight but was still somewhat active so I did not get over a manageable amount of weight. I then quit smoking just over 5 years ago and have since swelled up like a balloon.
I had weighed as much as 290 and was finding it difficult to do even the most mundane task. I love playing sports and goofing off with my kids but I was having a hard time keeping up. This just made me more discouraged and it seems to be a slippery slope.
I will say that some of the things I have noticed right off was that my energy level while it slipped during the first few days of induction is much higher than before. I have also noticed a SIGNIFICANT drop off in appetite. I sometimes have to force myself to have dinner. Of course, once I get going I don't have much problem. heh.
I went to the doctor the other day for a physical and found my resting heart rate and blood pressure had dropped (HR: 66, BP: 120 over 76). One of my favorite parts is that when it's time to eat my body does not let me know by making me feel queasy, light headed and shaky. I was assuming that meant that I was pre-diabetic from what I read on WebMD. I never got tested because I did not want to know, figured it would be just one more thing to get depressed about.
I have not been excercising as much as I should but I am doing what I can. My theory being that I did not want to push myself too far to fast. Need to ease into this and work on balancing out my nutrition first. My ego was/is so fragile that any setback might send my tumbling further down that slope. I have been trying to get outside more and play Soccer or Basketball with the kids which counts as exercise just need to do something more consistent.
I did not lose anything last week which was a little bit of a bummer. My diet has not changed since I started induction but I guess I am on what is hopefully a temporary plateau. I also have the ketoses test strips which I check each morning and while they do fluctuate from light to heavy I have not slipped out of Ketosis since I started.
Feeling a little down the last couple of days but I think it will pick up again soon. Just need to find a way to push myself off of this current plateau. I understand this is a process and takes time. It took me 10+ years to get myself here so I need to be somewhat patient when reversing all of the damage I have done. Though, as many of you already know, those words can sometimes fall on deaf ears.
Anyway, that’s my story and I am going to keep on going and see just how deep this rabbit hole goes. I will try to update here when I have time. This could be a theraputic outlet for me while I go through this life change.
Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:08 pm Post subject: Week 4
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 272
Goal Weight: 175
Down 2 lbs since Weds., I am going to try and resist the urge to weigh in every morning and begin just weighing in 1 time per week on Mondays.
Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:15 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 268
Goal Weight: 175
Down 4 more lbs. this week. I think I was maybe not getting my full lot of vegies so I worked on that this week. My weight loss picked up a little a little steam and my wife has begun to take notice.
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 1:46 am Post subject:
I may or may not have cheated tonight. We went to dinner and I had a Taco Salad. I did not eat the shell and passed on the ranch dressing. I did however top with Salsa and Sour Cream.
It was my wife's birthday dinner and I figured it sounded it good and I thought it was probably OK. But now I am full and feeling guilty about eating it so I figured I would ask.
In addition to the salad I had a Bud Select which has like 3 carbs and I kept it to one. I will be anxious until morning when I can check my Ketone's to see if I am OK still.
Ughhh...what was I thinking.
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:59 am Post subject: Week 7
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 267
Goal Weight: 175
It was a really busy week and I think I may have been eating meals a little to late. It did not help that I strayed a little the other day either. Then there was the Louisville Red-White Scrimmage. That included a full day of tailgating and a 4 Bud Selects. Although I did not cheat other than that. I'll take a pound though, I was actually bracing myself for picking up a pound or two.
Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:42 pm Post subject: 2 Lbs Gone
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 265
Goal Weight: 175
2 more lbs gone. WOO HOO!!!
Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 7:31 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 263
Goal Weight: 175
2 more gone this week. Not as fast as I had hoped but it is coming off at a steady pace. Perhaps I can hit my goal by this time next year.
Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 1:22 pm Post subject: Still Going
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 261
Goal Weight: 175
I had a little bit of an epiphany yesterday while eating dinner with my family. My Mother-In-Law asked how long I had to continue eating this way. When I answered I did not hesitate that it was a lifestyle and not a diet so I guessed forever with the exception of minor modifications after I reach my target weight to maintain the weight loss.
Anyway, my point is that after my response I realized that not only had I bought into this plan of diet and exercise but I also had come to accept that it was a lifestyle change and not a diet at all. It is somewhat of a liberating feeling not getting hung up on the 'diet weight loss' part of this. I know that I will lose weight if I continue down this path it's only of matter of time till I hit my target. But more importantly I feel better than I have in a couple of years, my blood pressure is down, my energy is up, fewer mood swings and I don't get those energy spikes and crashes.
BTW...2 more pounds this week.
Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 6:45 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 258
Goal Weight: 175
Woo Hoo!!! I am now in the the 250's. Not sure why this milestone was important but it just seemed to never arrive. 3 more lbs this week which was nice since I have been averaging 2 a week.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:32 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 257
Goal Weight: 175
Still on track with 1 more pound lost. Seemed to have stalled a little for the last couple of weeks. I was experimenting last week with some different foods and tracking my ketosis level and the effect it had.
I did not really stray, just tried to introduce small amounts of additional vegi's. I also started eating a South Beach high protein cereal bar for breakfast.
I am still in ketosis mid to high with new foods so I will continue to monitor and see if this is a plateau or if I need to cut these foods back out.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:05 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 257
Goal Weight: 175
Week 1 285
Week 4 274
Week 5 272
Week 6 268
Week 7 267
Week 8 265
Week 9 263
Week 10 261
Week 11 258
Week 12 257
Week 13 257
I was looking for some motivation and wondered what my progress would look like in list form. 28 lbs so far gone!!!
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:30 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the vote of confidence and I am glad that my progress helped you a little. I could probably blame part of the slow progress on the morning coffee each day and diet mountain dew. I am finding that the more settled I get in this lifestyle the more comfortable I am getting with it. I find myself craving things that are good for me.
Perhaps I will cut out the sodas completely soon but I am not ready yet. I have been slowly introducing more and more water into my diet with the goal of ridding the sodas completely in a month or two. Right now I drink 1 cup of coffee each day for breakfast and 1 or 2 cans of soda each day at work. We don't buy sodas at home anymore for us or the kids. I will also sometimes have a cup of decaf at night with 2 splenda's if I am having a sweet craving.
The other positive is that my son who is a a 12 year old carbon copy of me is starting to ask questions about what I am doing. We have had some pretty good conversations about health and nutrition over the last few weeks which I am very excited about that. I am not suggesting that he needs to go on atkins but he is getting a better grasp of how the things he eats affect his weight, mood and sleep.
Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 12:22 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 255
Goal Weight: 175
Another pound gone! I had a couple of beers yesterday, although they were the low carb Bud Select's so I am a little anxious about what effect that will have. It was just way to hot to say no.
I had to edit this post, just realized that it was 2 pounds gone this week!!!
Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:50 pm Post subject:
Ughh...I try to only weigh in on Mondays as to not get discouraged when things are not going right during the week. But it seems like I have been at 250's forever so I weighed in this morning. I am up 2 lbs from Monday!!! What the he!! I have not changed anything and my ketones are at the same 'moderate to high' level they have been at since induction.
I have said it on here before that this is a process and their will be bumps, etc. But when you hit those bumps sometimes its difficult to heed your own advice. Kind words or encouragement begin to sound like the voices from adults in a Charlie Brown cartoon.
Okie, I am done with my rant now. Phew, that was theraputic.
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:00 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 253
Goal Weight: 175
Down two! 32 lbs to date (actually 37 since I unoficially started at 290) I was hoping to be below the 250 barrier prior to vacation next week. Not that big of a deal though, I am very happy with the results I am having.
Yesterday for fathers day we decided on a Hot Dog, Brat buffet. It was really good. We had Big 100% beef dogs, Kelbasa, Brats and threw on a couple of burgers for good measure. Grilled some string beans, mushrooms and onions. For dessert I bought some strawberries and ate them with a little bit of sugar free whip topping. It was an outstanding day and the food was excellent. We prepaired quite a bit of non-atkins friendly food as well but I just was not interested.
Anyway, happy belated fathers day to those fathers reading or posting on this site. Yesterday was a nice reminder of how good things are in my life. I have a beautiful wife that puts up with me and my goofy ways and all of my toys. She is a wonderful Mother as well to our 2 find children. My 12 year old is starting to show his maturity and growing into quite the fine young man as well. Sorry to get all mushy but Fathers day does that to me.
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:04 pm Post subject:
I have not weighed in this weekend as I have been on vacation. I am working on staying on the plan and will update my weight when I return.
Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 5:12 am Post subject:
Vacation day 5...
I am on vacation with the family this week. 10 Adults and 11 kids in one house for a week. I still have stuck to the plan but it has been difficult with a kitchen full of nothing but junk except for what I brought.
Pressing on, ughh. I am enjoying the time here with family but it will be good to be back hom away from these temptations.
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:16 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 254
Goal Weight: 175
Okie, I am back from vacation. I did not break any rules other than I did not drink near enough water. In fact I am pretty sure the only water I drank was the unintentional consumption of sea and pool water. I downed one diet soda after another so I am thinking my 1 lb gain is based on the massive amounts of sodium that I took in.
I am pounding down the water today and will look at this pause realistically next week. I will say that I was dying for a Margarita but I asked the bar tender to look at the container of mix. 36 Grams of Carbs of which 29 where sugar. Glad I asked, yikes that could have gotton ugly.
Well it's time to start pouring through the mountains of emails at work. Back to the grind.
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:57 pm Post subject:
Week 1 285
Week 4 274
Week 5 272
Week 6 268
Week 7 267
Week 8 265
Week 9 263
Week 10 261
Week 11 258
Week 12 257
Week 13 257
Week 14 255
Week 15 253
Week 16 Vacation, no scale
Week 17 254
I was reviewing what I have been doing for the last few weeks. I know that while I was on vacation I did not eat any non-allowed foods. But I did have a few beers (Michelob Ultra 2.3 Carbs) while vacationing. I also probably ate more than what I normally would. It was easy to do in a house with 22 total people and basically an ongoing buffett the entire week.
I am trying to look honestly at what is different for the last few weeks since it seems I have been in the 250's forever. I probably had more beers that I should have over the last week. I also had late night snack's which I never/rarely do.
Anyway, this was just a personal confession so it does not eat away at my psychy. Phew, now I feel better. BTW...I was back down to 253 this morning so I am sure that I will get over this hump. In fact reading some of the post about how sometimes shaking up your eating habits by doing something different may be good for your long term results. So I think I will run with that for now and press on.
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:13 pm Post subject:
I guess I just needed a couple of days to flush out all of those soda's I drank while on vacation. I weighed in this morning trying to boost my confidence and I am down to 252. Hopefully this continues to drop and I can hit 251 by Monday.
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:08 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 249
Goal Weight: 175
WOO HOO!!! I am down to 249.8, while I would typically round to the nearest whole number. I could not bear to put down a 5 again, so close enough.
I guess I flushed out all of those sodas and beers from Vacation, thank you H2O. I am down a total of 40 lbs since I begain dieting and 35 since I started Atkins. More importantly I feel better than I have a couple of years.
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:14 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the props. I got up this morning down 3 lbs! Woo Hoo!!!
Then remembered that I gave a pint of blood yesterday so that explains it. Anyway, it seems my body does not want to move out of the 250's I dropped to 249 for one day and then right back to 250-251 each day since. ughh. Although there is no chance that I will change my eating habits just because I feel so much better overall. It would be nice if I could lose weight as well. I am not sure I am ready to give a pint of blood once a week.
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 12:21 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 247
Goal Weight: 175
Okie so it's Monday and I am staying right on track. Weight down to 247 so that's another 2 lbs gone. WOO HOO!!!! That makes me down 43 since I decided to diet and down 38 since starting Atkins. Only 72 to go, which sounds like a crapload now that I have typed it out.
I am really hoping to hit that by my birthday on March 21st of next year. That means I have to lose 2.2 lbs per week between now and then. I might have to step this up a notch to hit that target.
I got some good excercise this weekend doing yard work. Our riding mower is broken down so we had to walk it which takes about 3 hours. I thought it would be fun to see how this would affect my weight loss so I weighed before and after 248-244. I wish I could do that everyday.
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:57 pm Post subject:
Week 1 285
Week 4 274
Week 5 272
Week 6 268
Week 7 267
Week 8 265
Week 9 263
Week 10 261
Week 11 258
Week 12 257
Week 13 257
Week 14 255
Week 15 253
Week 16 Vacation, no scale
Week 17 254
Week 18 249
Week 19 247
Seems like redundant info but it helps me put it in perspective.
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:08 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the advice regarding unrealistic goals. It did not fall on deaf ears either. I tend to set lots of goals with certain expectations to reach them. Most goals though seem to come easier than this one for whatever reason.
I am trying to look at this like I do any of my other goals and take a business approach. Meaning, don't adjust the original goal but evaluate the steps to get there throughout the lifecycle. I am hoping that keeping a business type approach to this goal it will help me since I am very comfortable in that mindset.
I can evaluate in March if I don't hit the target and then decide if the original dates need to be pushed out, why they need to be pushed out, etc. Hopefully without all of the emotion and that other garbage that tends to screw you up. Heh, maybe I should call a meeting...okie that was dumb.
BTW...this is me imitating me rationalizing my current progress. I think there might be entirely too many voices in my head. heh.
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:00 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 247
Goal Weight: 175
So here we are, another Monday morning. Me weight is the same as last week, however, I went on a diet soda binge this weekend for some reason. So I am sucking down the water this morning and we will see what happens this week.
I also plan to step up the exercise regimen beginning this evening after work. I found an interesting program to begin running online called C25K (Couch to 5 Kilometer). Seemed like a good plan so I am going to begin this evening, perhaps having a goal might help my motivation.
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:14 pm Post subject:
First night of C25K done and suprisingly not too bad. I was a little anxious all day thinking about going running but I did pretty well. My son started football practice this week as well so we were both hurting last night a little. Actually he was probably hurting alot worse than I was.
Anyway, if you are thinking of getting into or back into running this program seems pretty easy to follow. Just google C25K and you will find plenty of information on it.
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:38 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the support all. I was hurting pretty good yesterday but my regular workout last night seemed to loosen me back up. In addition to running I have reved up the weight lifting as well.
My program is as follows.
Monday - Run (C25K), Core Training
Tuesday - Weight Training, 20 Minute Cardio (10 Min Walk before and After weight Training)
Weds - Run (C25K), Core Training
Thursday - Weight Training, 20 Minute Cardio (10 Min Walk before and After weight Training)
Friday - Run (C25K), Core Training
Sat & Sun - Rest
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:42 pm Post subject:
C25K Week 1 (Workouts 1,2,3)
Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. Brisk five-minute Finish walk (I added this part, helps me relax a little).
Workout 1 - Holy Crap!!!
Workout 2 - Holy Crap!!! By the 6th set found my groove
Workout 3 - Feeling good and Looking forward to it.
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:58 pm Post subject:
BTW...I have noticed the scale moving slowly and I have been out of ketone strips for a few weeks now. I had been testing every morning just to make sure all was going well but I did not get another bottle last time since I have not ever test out of ketosis.
Anyway, it seems my loss has been going slow so I decided to check my ketones and bought a new bottle of strips this morning. To my suprise I am no longer in Ketosis. I have been evaluating my diet all day and cannot think of anything new that I have introduced that could explain it. My best guess would be that I sometimes buy Chicken Salad from the Deli. I have been doing this since March with no issues. Since this is the only thing I ever eat that is pre-made I wonder if they started putting sugar in it.
Since getting back from vacation I have all but cut out Soda's except for last weekend when I had 3 or 4 of them. My water intake has increased dramatically. Needless to say I am a little peeved so I am making sure that I monitor every little thing that I eat, drink or breath for the next few weeks until I can narrow it down.
Breakfast: Atkins Peanut Butter Bar
Coffee: 20 oz with 1 tsp of artificial Creamer and 2 splenda's
Lunch: 6 oz Chicken Breast grilled prepared with olive oil and smoked paprika rub and 12 asparagus stalks steamed with Sea Salt, 1 tsp Butter and approximatly 2 teaspoons of Soy milk (It makes a nice cream sauce)
Dinner: Likely the rest of the chicken and some Vegi (Broccoli, Califlower or Green Beans).
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 6:10 pm Post subject:
Oh yeah and I also have had about 200 Cubic feet of air so far today.
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 6:18 pm Post subject:
That's a good point Tril. I absolutely still have the ketone breath (I keep a bottle of Listerine under my desk to fight it off). Perhaps the increase in activity has shocked my system a little and I should just wait it out.
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 6:57 pm Post subject:
I have only eaten those bars now 2 times. Both times I have been overcome with guilt. The label reads as follows...
Protein: 18g
Total Carb: 22g
Dietary Fiber: 10g
Sugars: 1g
Sugar Alcohols: 0g
The way I read that it means it has 12 Net Carbs. But on the front of the package it says 2 Net Carbs. I went to the Atkins web site and verified that it was 2 Net Carbs this before I ate it this morning. Even then I was still sitting there eating and thinking there is no way I am supposed to be eating this thing. heh.
The other bar was consumed on Monday night prior to my workout since I did not have time to eat a meal before. I have 1 more bar and will continue to monitor my ketones closely for the next couple of days and then when well into Ketosis eat one in the evening and test first thing in the morning. This will be my completely unscientific test to see what happens.
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:18 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 245
Goal Weight: 175
Down 2 additional pounds this week. My next mini goal is 220 which is only 25 lbs away!
I am also testing back in ketosis so as part of my completely unscientific test I ate a Atkins bar for breakfast and will await my test results tomorrow to verify I am still in Ketosis.
Tonight I begin Week 2 of my running program, C25K. Should be interesting. My body is feeling good and I am looking forward to see how it responds to the longer run this evening.
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:29 pm Post subject:
Current Weight Loss
Does not look to bad when it's charted.
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:13 pm Post subject:
So my completely unscientific - scientific study is complete and the results are in. My ketones were at the same level this morning as they were Monday morning. So I guess the Atkins bar is OK to eat for now.
I will say it's a good thing that chocolate or sweets are not my thing. I could see someone binging on those things pretty easy.
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:14 pm Post subject:
Also completed Week 2 Day 1 of my C25K program last night. I am pretty sure I blacked out for part of it, heh. I am so out of shape. I was looking forward to running all day and then after the 3rd set of running all I could think of was whatever you do don't fall down.
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:57 pm Post subject:
I will say though, for those that find this diet boring. I think my varity of foods has actually increased dramatically from what I used to eat. It used to be a typical meal was a burger and fries, or spaghetti and meatballs, chicken of some sort cooked some sort of typical way.
Since I have been on this diet I have been eating gourmet meals every night and making sure to cook enough so that I can take the leftovers to work for lunch. Filets, Blackened Fish, Shrimp, and all sorts of vegi's cooked all sorts of ways.
Typical day at lunch...
I get lots of questions at work regarding what is that your eating today?
I am having leftover Blackened Talapia with Shrimp covered in a light cream sauce with a side of asparagus. What are you eating?
I am eating the number 2 from McDonalds.
Which would you rather have?
Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 4:39 pm Post subject:
Okie, so I got a little curious because I see people posting their progress in days and calculated mine. As it turns out yesterday was day 150! As of this morning I am only 2lbs away from 50 lbs total loss since I began dieting.
My next mini goal is 220 which would mean a total loss of 70 lbs. I am hoping to get there by early October.
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:24 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 243
Goal Weight: 175
OK, 2 more pounds gone!!!
My wife had been out of town visiting her sister last week so I was a little worried I might get bored and eat to much. I was surprised that by the end of the week I had not had any issues. But I am glad she is home, I really, really missed her and the kids.
She also picked up a Wii Fit while she was there and we played on that some last night. The ski jump is hard and those yoga poses are more difficult than I would have thought. After about 20 minutes on it I was working up a good sweat.
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:21 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 241
Goal Weight: 175
2 more lbs gone!!! Starting to sound like a broken record. heh. 11 lbs to my half way point in just over 5 months!!!
Regarding the C25K program. I finished half of week 3 and I had to take a short break, the doctor said that my shin splints were a direct result of too much too fast. I will be rehabbing them and slowly getting back into running as the anterior muscles regain some of their strength.
I am also going to go to a running store to get fitted for some shoes instead of just going on my own and picking out something at random. That may help to keep me from having them come back. Of course that and proper stretching, oops .
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:13 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I will say though that I am not by any means a "Runner". In most cases if you see me running it would likely be in your best interest to turn and follow to avoid whatever it is I am running from.
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:18 pm Post subject:
I had to break out the riding jacket for the motorcycle this week. It is now too big. Before I was barely able to get my arms in it and now it is so loose I don't see how I can use it much longer. I will likely make due until spring but it will be nice to buy one that actually fits not only my torso but my arms. Since I had to buy an XXL before the arms were naturally a little longer to fit an average guy that was likely 6'5" instead of 5'6".
Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:02 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 241
Goal Weight: 175
Okie, maybe I spoke to soon about the broken record or the Gods are punishing me for something. Either way, no loss this week. I actually believe it is a direct result of not paying proper homage to the Vegetable Gods this weekend. Way too much meat and not nearly enough vegi's. I will typically stall for a day or two when I do that.
So like Mom always said...Eat your vegetables if you want to grow up to be big (smaller) and strong.
Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:58 pm Post subject:
Just a quick note to say I unofficially hit 50 lbs total loss today; I lost 5 prior to starting Atkins. A special thanks to my Wife who has been supportive during both my successes and failures. It means a lot to have someone special like that in your corner. Thanks to you guys on this board as well listening to me and interjecting some logic and support when needed.
Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 7:52 pm Post subject:
Thanks, I feel like I just won an Academy Award! lol I will make it official when I hit 240 on a Monday since I don't count midweek weigh-in's.
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 7:34 pm Post subject:
...and yes, I have more than repaid the Vegi Gods back and it seems to have gotten me back on track. Lots of salad greens, broccoli and green beans seems to have appeased them for now.
Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 11:32 pm Post subject:
Cauliflower is one of my best friends, not sure how I missed that one. I like to buy the frozen bags of them. Not for any particular reason other than I am lazy and don't always feel like cutting them up fresh. My favorites are riced and cooked in the wok Chinese style with whatever meat I have on hand or mashed with butter, cream cheese and a little cream as a side to sauerkraut and kielbasa or brats.
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:35 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 239
Goal Weight: 175
2 more lbs gone and thanks to all for your support. I am officially down to 239 which puts me at 51 lbs total loss since 3/2 when I decided to do some sort of diet. WOO HOO!!!!
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:10 pm Post subject:
Fun with Charts
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:06 pm Post subject:
College Football started last night. WOO HOO!!!
The Cards take on instate rival Kentucky this weekend. My wife found me the perfect shirt to wear.
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:39 pm Post subject:
It is going to be interesting this Sunday tailgating. The group we tailgate with has connections with a local micro brewery and they always bring several varieties of really good local micro brews. I don't know what the carb counts are on these beers but I would have to somewhere around a months supply per pint. I stopped by to talk to the guy who organizes this tailgate at home and on road games and they had just created a new coffee flavored beer. I had a small sample and it was outstanding, thick and full bodied with a hint of coffee. I hope they don’t bring any of that stuff or it may be my undoing. I'll have my wife and daughter there to keep me in check. Wish me luck.
BTW...the spreadsheet is pretty easy to create. I can send you a copy if you want. Send me a private message with your email address and I can send it to you as an attachment.
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:08 am Post subject:
Wow! What a weekend. I have been going all weekend and did not have a chance to post. First time tailgating without chips, dip and all of the other non Atkins friendly fare. The group we tailgate with brings several kegs of various microbrews which are hard for me to resist. But I stayed the course and had 2 Bud Selects before and 1 after (we lost). I know there is no alcohol on this diet but sometimes it's just too hard to resist. Not to mention it was likely only 10 +/- degrees cooler than the surface of the sun on Saturday.
After the long day we did not get a chance to eat dinner until around 9:30. I had a taco salad (no dressing, beans or shell) but it was very late so I figured it would screw up my morning weigh in. So I did not weigh in this morning so I will see how things go tomorrow. I am hoping for a 1 to 1.5 lb loss this week based on my Friday weight but will see.
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:17 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 239
Goal Weight: 175
Same...ughh. Long weekend, my team lost and I didn’t. I honestly figured this going into Monday based on the 3 beers I had and the late dinner on Sunday. I screwed it up but no worries. There is always next Monday and I will continue to lose over time. I just hope this trend does not continue for the Cards.
Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:17 pm Post subject:
Thanks for you condolences Tam. I wore black on Monday and Tuesday to mourn the death of our offense. Ughh.
On a side not I am down to 237 today. Which is good because typical I will drop 1 to 2 lbs each weekend prior to my Official weigh in on Monday. So I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping I drop another 1 or 2 prior to then.
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:48 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 236
Goal Weight: 175
WOO HOO!!! 3 more lbs going, going gone. It was a good weekend and I am still on track. Spirits are particularly high today; I can feel it's going to be a good week.
Lunch is over and I got to go to a meeting. Have a good day all.
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:33 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the yay! How was your tailgating? The Sooners look like they are on track for a great year.
Regarding meals, I am a pretty simple guy so meals are easy. I will typically make some sort of meat for dinner each night and make sure there is enough for lunch the next day.
Typical Breakfast
2 microwaved scrambled eggs with a slice of american cheese on top or an Atkins bar. I will sometimes cook sausage or bacon and crumble while cooking. This can also be sprinkled on the eggs, but I don't do this often as it is time consuming.
Typical Lunch
Leftover meat from the night before or a trip to the groceries deli to get roasted chicken or chicken salad.
Steamed Vegi's of some sort
Taco Salad from Taco Bell - No Shell or Beans with Extra Beef.
Salad from any of the local fast food joints but the Taco Bell salad is my favorite.
Typical Dinner
Ledbetter 4 oz filets, cheap and easy
Buy a whole roasted Chicken from Costco (Can eat 3 or 4 meals off one of these)
Fish - Buy the individual Tilapia filets and grill on the stove top flat grill with butter and smoked paprika
Tuna Cakes - Kudos to Tril on this one
Spaghetti Squash - With just butter, Spaghetti Sauce (Prego with meat) and some meatballs or build a lasagna with a layer of each (Olive Oil, Squash, Mushrooms, Asiago Cheese, Squash, Sauce, Meat, Provalone or Mozzeralla) and bake.
Pick some vegi to eat and steam it with butter, sometimes with a slice of cheese on it.
Coffee when I am craving something sweet or late at night
That's pretty much it. Pretty simple to manage and I feel great, never hungry and rarely have cravings outside of the norm.
I buy bags of frozen vegi's like Broccoli, Cauliflower, Mixed, Green Beans, etc. and use little containers to steam them in the microwave at work. My freezer at work and home always have bags of vegi's in them.
Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 1:49 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 235
Goal Weight: 175
Down only 1 however, I think it will drop more tomorrow because we ate out late last night. I had to come to work to bring all of our servers back online after a storm so the whole family packed up and we ate at work rather late.
The remnants of Ike connected with a low pressure system from the north and created a massive wind storm in the mid-west. We had sustained winds of 50 mph with gust to 75+. Very strange but fun to watch. The wind was coming from the front to the back of our house so we sat on the deck protected from the wind and watched the trees come tumbling down. There was no rain with this system so it was like seeing what a severe thunderstorm looks like in the daylight with no rain to diminish your view.
Anyway, we had bought a generator about 3 years ago and have used it twice now for extended power outages so I believe it has paid for itself by now.
Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:58 pm Post subject:
Ughh...Day 4 no power and by the looks of it we will be down a few more days. They have not even picked up the trees that lay across the road yet. We have a small generator that is powering our refridgerator but not enough to power the microwave. I steam all of my vegi's in there and I am not sure how to do it on the stove top. Suggestions or tips? I have one of those baskets but everytime I try to steam them in there they are undercooked. I don't like them completely limp like you would find at a cafeteria but I like them cooked and soft.
I am at work today so I will be able to cook here and tonight the cards play and I just got the menu (ginger salmon) for tonights tailgating so I am looking forward to that.
Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 1:30 pm Post subject:
Day 5, again, no power. I actually looked forward to coming to work today to take in the beautiful beams of synthetic light from my office. heh. Spoke to a rep who was out surveying the damage to our lines and he indirectly indicated 5 to 7 more days at minimum. Did I ever mention how much I hate the name Ike?
Game last night was fun and we won!!! Although I cheated and had a half of a dark beer. I am tired today from lack of sleep which is difficult with the hum of a generator all night. Our local sewer department also has a pump station back in the woods near our house. They have setup a monster generator and have been rolling equipment and trucks back there for the past few days. Not helping either.
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 1:03 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 235
Goal Weight: 175
Same weight as last week...ughh. It was a difficult week without power until Friday. I have no idea how those people down in Texas are surviving for weeks on end. 5 Days was enough to have me ready to go off the deep end. No way to cook my vegi's and the constant noise from the generator and walking from room to room with an extension cord and lamp got old real quick. Stress levels were quite high but I did not cheat other than the 1/2 a dark beer at the game on Thursday.
I think I am just in a pause until I get my vegi intake back to normal. On the menu this week, Salads, Salads, Vegi's, Vegi's, Salad, Salad, Salad. Okie, so there is my whining for the day.
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 1:04 pm Post subject:
BTW...I just realized that last week I was down 50 lbs officially on Atkins. So that is pretty cool.
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 4:47 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 232
Goal Weight: 175
3 More lbs gone!!! Woo Hoo!!! Not much to say this week. I think the extra pound is from all of the time spent working in the yard yesterday. We had to redo my dogs underground fence, we could not find a yard cable installer so we did it by hand with an edger and lawn staples.
Kage: We lost...again. It's going to be a long season. We always have fun though, but this losing at home thing is new for me and it's going to take some getting used to. For after game entertainment we sat and watched a drunk guy try to reset his tailgate. He really struggled with the fold up card table. I see the Gators lost also, to a Mississippi school no less. Ouch.
Nik: Thanks for the props and believe me I am glad that our power is back on too. It was fun and campy at first but it really lost it's luster after a couple of days.
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 4:50 pm Post subject:
It just occured to me that I am also only 12 lbs away from my next milestone 220. That was my approximate weight when I quit smoking. I am hoping to hit that on or around Thanksgiving.
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:25 pm Post subject:
Just wanted to share that I had a cool moment today. I was trying to do my belt and could not find the hole. I could not find it because one does not exist where I was trying to buckle it. I started this and my belt would only buckle when I sucked in and it was uncomfortable now I am going to have to punch a second hole in it so that it fits right.
I am going camping with the family this weekend. Wish me luck, I was informed that I am on my own for food. They are planning Hot Dogs Friday w/chips, Pancakes Saturday, cold cuts and chips for lunch Saturday and Chili for dinner that night then fast food for breakfast/lunch on the way home. Ughh...my support system collapsed this time.
I guess I will be packing in frozen vegi's, meat, eggs and maybe an Atkins bar for breakfast. Maybe something like pork rinds to satisfy the crunchy cravings.
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 8:46 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the list, that helps. I had not thought of hard boiled eggs or Ranch dressing. Atkins bars may be my best friend as we are going to a family campground were there will be Halloween festival with Trick or Treating and candy. Sweets were never my weakness but I am sure it will be challenging with bite size candy everything within arms reach.
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 8:57 pm Post subject:
I was trying to do my belt and could not find the hole. I could not find it because one does not exist where I was trying to buckle it.
Sorry, to post again but I just had another epiphany...not only could I not find the hole in my belt but when I looked down I could see it as well. I am not sure that could even see my belt when I looked down a month ago.
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 2:42 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 232
Goal Weight: 175
Same weight as last week. Not a big deal though, in fact I kind of expected it based on all of the fun I had this weekend. I am just happy that I did not gain anything. I did not eat anything off plan or gorge myself, just seemed like I ate non-stop over the weekend.
However, my brother-in-law and I sat up until around 5 am drinking beer and telling stories. LOL, I probably sound like I have some sort of alchohol problem since everytime I do something off plan it pertains to beer. The truth is that I rarely have a beer, 1 or 2 times per month at most, but when I want to have a beer or two I figure it is my one reward that I can have that won't throw my mindset all out of wack.
Having said that, my focus is strong this now I am determined to hit the 220's this coming monday. No distractions this week, so I will have no excuses when me and the scale meet on again in 7 days. I am 2 lbs away from my 1/2 way point and I can see the finish on the horizon. It has only helped to strengthen my resolve and further motivate me to get there.
Thanks for all of the kind comments and support. I like to think sometimes that I am this strong person that can do anything I set my mind too but reality strikes from time to time and it helps to have people prop you up and set you back on the path.
Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:41 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 229
Goal Weight: 175
Down 3 this week. I was determined to get into the 220's this week and I did. I think the key might have been cutting back on coffee. I have been drinking alot of it here lately but I have forced myself to cut back to 1 cup in the morning and only a couple of times did I have 1 decaf at night. I am not sure if that was the secret but it seems to have helped.
Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 6:09 pm Post subject:
Screen Shot of my Weight Loss Progress Chart. I had not updated in a while so I fgured I would as it might motivate a little. I am past the half way point by 1 lb!!!!
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 3:22 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 230
Goal Weight: 175
Argghhh!!! I have no idea. I woke up Saturday morning at 227 and then weighed again on Monday at 230...? My diet has not changed in 7 months and this was a weekend like any other regarding food intake. In fact, if anything I probably did not eat enough this weekend. Oh well, I will try to not take this so hard and wait it out.
Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 1:18 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the cheers, I can always use those. On a positive note I did lose a pound of it again since yesterday. However, I also gave blood which I would assume based on the density of blood weighs about a pound. lol.
I have not tested my ketones in a while so I checked yesterday and today and they are very high. The strip turned dark purple almost immediatly. This is unusual for me as I usually only show a slight amount of ketones in my test.
I am thinking the higher levels means excess which means they are not being used to burn fat. This could be that I have not been excercising regularly like I need to. The cooler weather is also keeping me from working up a sweat during outdoor activities which could also mean fewer ketones needed.
I guess that means it back to regular gym visits for me to get this under control again.
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:13 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 228
Goal Weight: 175
Okie, I am back. I has been a long week. Work has me buried and the weekend was packed with activities. Down 2 lbs this week which I think is just making up for what I gained for some unknown reason last week.
Tril - Thanks for the information. It's all in the details I know and I have to do a better job of getting my regular exercise.
Spirit - Trends are nice when they are heading the right direction but mine has trended down consistantly. However, I am still losing so it's no big deal just felt like whining a little.
Kage - WOO HOO!!! My voice did not recover until Sunday. Tailgating was good but short. I coach my daughters soccer team and she had a game at 12:30 so we had to rush to the game right after hers.
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:17 pm Post subject:
BTW...Regarding Louisville Basketball. We went to the Red/White game last night and Louisville is going to roll. Incoming Freshmen Center Samardo Samuals is a Man-Child and was unstoppable in the paint. He is/was the missing piece to a Championship team. WOO HOO!!! It's good to be a Cards Fan!!!
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:39 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 228
Goal Weight: 175
Argg...Same Same Same. I seem to be stuck for the moment. Busy day not much to post. Same food choices as always. I am going to try and pay attention that I am not eating larger portions or something. No idea why I am stuck but I am sure it will break sooner or later.
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 3:54 pm Post subject:
I am not convinced I have completely stalled yet. But I am definatly going to have to change some things up to get things kick started. I am thinking that the water may be an issue. I am also working on more vegi's.
Regarding the Cards...that is really depressing. I have been perched on the fence regarding our new coaching staff since last year. However, 2 losses to Syracuse in 2 years is completely unacceptable and I am firmly planted on the "Coaching Change Required" side of the plantation. It is unbelievable to me that we went from an Orange Bowl to no Bowl in 1 year. Last year we had 7 players move to NFL teams, Seven!!! If you cannot win with 7 NFL players on the roster then you just cannot win. Recruiting is in the tank as well. We are now looking for scrap from teams that pullled offers from 'Questionable' atheletes and competing for recruites with lower level Division 1 teams. Ughhh...It's getting ugly in Louisville right now. I know that Florida went through this with Ron Zook, the difference there was that Zook could at least recruit. Rant Over...for now. heh.
At least there is basketball season coming up and we are #3 Pre-Season. It could be an exciting year for us and I am hoping for a final four run this year. Stupid UNC knocked us out of the elite 8 last year. Although I have to admit I like Tyler Hansborough. That dude is big and clumsy and has no skills but he finds a way to get rebounds and score solely on desire and relentless effort.
How about them Gators...they are on a roll now. I was very suprised at the beating they gave Georgia. Wow.
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 2:38 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 224
Goal Weight: 175
WOW...I have no idea. I was stuck for a couple of weeks and then I lose 4 in one week. I'll take it!!! I am doing the happy dance!!!
Regarding the Cards...football looks terrible. They had 1 play on Saturday that just summed up the season. QB falls back and throws a backwards pass to a covered RB. He drops it and our Offense watches the live ball sitting on the ground. Pitt player walks over and picks it up and takes it in for a score. Not 1 player on our team understood that the ball was live!!! Not 1 player noticed that the whistle had not blown!!! Fundamentals!!! Play through the Whistle!!! Rant Over.
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 8:13 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 224
Goal Weight: 175
I could not find time to post yesterday. Very busy these days. Same as last week. However, I feel a surge coming on. Hopefully I will see triple 2's by next Monday.
I just realized that I am only 4 lbs away from one of my Mini-Goals. Woo Hoo!!!
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:40 pm Post subject:
Thanks for you support. I know that the closer I get to my goal the harder it will get. Right now I am only 49 lbs away so it may take a while. I would like to hit that mini goal in a couple of weeks though. If I am being completely honest with myself I am have not been getting the excercise I need either. I had been going to gym regularly but the past few months I have been buried.
I will get up in the morning with the best intentions and say OK I need to get to the gym tonight after work. Then realize, no I have to go do this after work, then I have to help my son/daughter with that project, then I have a conference with one of our asian factory's...blah blah blah. Next thing I know it's 11 or 12 and I am thinking I will go before work...yeah right. Things should slow down soon, likely after Christmas and I can get back to basics.
So enough of my lame excuses...Cards play tomorrow against those WVU Mountaineers. Then a basketball game that night. Will be a good Saturday. I know, I know...but football and basketball games are a priorty as well. Gotta find a balance, right? lol
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:00 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 223
Goal Weight: 175
Creaping along now and down 1 more! Thanksgiving coming up and people keep asking me...what are you going to do? With fear in the voice as if I am going to have to lock myself in a closet through the holidays. Thanksgiving means I get to eat Turkey, Broccoli Cassorole (86 the role), roasted squash in butter, salad. My goodness what ever will I do? I think the only thing that I would like to have that I will pass on that will be missed is the stuffing.
I am smoking another turkey on Thursday morning to have for dinner at my house that night. Turkey so moist and tender it falls off the bone and melts in your mouth. Umm...I am getting hungry just thinking about it.
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:01 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 223
Goal Weight: 175
Creaping along now and down 1 more! Thanksgiving coming up and people keep asking me...what are you going to do? With fear in the voice as if I am going to have to lock myself in a closet through the holidays. Thanksgiving means I get to eat Turkey, Broccoli Casserole (86 the role), roasted squash in butter, salad. My goodness what ever will I do? I think the only thing that I would like to have that I will pass on that will be missed is the stuffing.
I am smoking another turkey on Thursday morning to have for dinner at my house that night. Turkey so moist and tender it falls off the bone and melts in your mouth. Umm...I am getting hungry just thinking about it.
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:14 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 223
Goal Weight: 175
No loss this week, however, there is hope. Thanksgiving was good. I hosted this year so I was able to control the menu which included some low-carb selections.
I think I did cheat though, I am not completely sure. I was at the store and had planned to pick up a spaghetti squash to roast with a little tiny bit of Splenda Brown Sugar (2 tbsp) and some Cinnamon. I believed this might already be a stretch but I figured it was Thanksgiving so what the heck. So anyway, I am standing there examining the squash when I eye this nice looking Butternut squash. Not knowing anything about butternut squash and never having it I figured it was squash so probably OK. It tasted incredible and I am not sure it needed any brown sugar as it was ridiculously sweet.
Anyway, I only ate a few bites or about ½ of a cup because I figured anything that was this sweet can’t be legal. I will check it out later and see how bad it was.
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:08 pm Post subject:
Portobella: Thanks for the encouragement. I am down 67 officially and 68 unofficially. I only count my weight as it reads on Mondays. I have been reading your thread and see some similarities to me, except for the pregnant part. I was on a sugar roller coaster all day...eat-crash-eat-crash-eat. It's a daunting cycle that has been completely stopped by eating low carb. If I were to describe the biggest benifit of eating this way in one word it would be "Balance".
I have been eating this way for about 9 months now and have grown so to really enjoy it. There are times when it becomes a pain to figure out what to eat and I know that my family probably thinks it's a pain sometimes too. My Wife has started calling me a "Tree-Hugger" since I have been trying to buy more organic foods. I also want to plant a garden for next year to grow some of my favorites at home.
I needed to see my progress...it's theraputic.
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:39 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 222
Goal Weight: 175
Down 1 more!!! I also wanted to pat myself on the back because I went to the Gym this morning after taking my Son to the bus stop. I had been going regularly but developed shin splints. I was supposed to take off for 6 weeks from running and I just quit going. So anyway...I am back and hopefully can keep myself going.
Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 4:01 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 219
Goal Weight: 175
Down 3 officially this week which is good. I also hit my 2nd Mini Goal of 220. This was my weight when I joined the Fire Department about 10 years ago. I have added a new hole to my belt again and I am also finding a pair of jeans I just bought about 2 months ago are getting loose already.
I am not sure if this weight will stick though as I got really ill on Sunday and Monday of this week. All I had to eat on Sunday was some Egg Drop Soup and Monday was small breakfast with eggs, sausage and cheese. The later was probably not the best choice but I was so hungry I did not care.
We lost our dog Sadie after a long battle with a cancerous tumor that was putting pressure on her brain. She will be missed by our family this Christmas and our house just does not feel the same without a 4 legged friend roaming the halls.
Merry Christmas to all of you and I will likely not be posting again until after Christmas.
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 1:37 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 220
Goal Weight: 175
Okie, Christmas and the Holidays are over and I can proudly say that I stayed on plan for the entire 2 weeks that I was off work. That is except for last night when I drank a few to many beers watching the Cards take on the Cats. I probably sound like an alcholic since all of my cheating seems to center around beer. I promise I only drink maybe 12 a month, just sometimes I drink half or all of them in one sitting. Ughh.
I am up a pound this week but I am not that concerned I seem to be stuck around this weight for now anyway. The rate I am going I should hit my goal by this time next year which is fine with me. I figure it took me 10 years to put it on so 1.5 to 2 years is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Actually, come to think of it, I can hardly believe I have been on this plan for 9 months now.
We picked out a new puppy also which has been good since I now have a walking and soon to be jogging companion again. I tried jogging with her a couple of times but she does not care for it yet. I had to carry her last time so I decided to ease her into it a little bit.
Anyway, hopefully everyone had a great Holiday Season and heres wishing all of you health, luck and happiness in the coming months.
For you football fans there were some great Bowl games over the past couple of weeks and 2 more big ones this week. Hook'em Horns and Go Gators (the latter was for you Kage).
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:24 pm Post subject:
My Son and I stopped by a Pet Store just for fun on the way home one day. They also host a local animal rescue group and saw her brother and came back the next day with the rest of the family to find he was gone but they had brought one of his siblings in. She is some sort of Lab/Beagle/Spaniel mix, which really means I have no idea what she is. We named her Zoey and she is a bundle of energy that is also teething. It has been a long time since I have had a puppy but so far it does not seem much different than having a child. Up every couple of hours for restroom breaks and we can't take our eye off of her for one second or she will wreak havok on the house. The good part is that she will be grow up in a couple of years and not 18+. lol
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:45 pm Post subject:
Her feet are webbed like a lab but spotted and thick like a beagle. Her pads are also pink and black which I thought was a little strange. She does not have the rudder lab like tail more like a beagles with a white tip. Her hair is also very soft like more like a Spaniel that is a little longer on the ears and wavy.
I am looking forward to getting her in the water when she gets a little older. Sadie, or lab that just passed, hated the water and I have vowed that we are going to start young with this one and get her swimming. She is a very eager learner and has done pretty well with training so far. She picked up Sit, Stay, Come and Down pretty quickly. We are now working on Stand, Heel, Naming toys, Fetch and Drop (this one she really does not get).
Tril, I know you have labs and have mentioned they enjoy a good swim. Any advice on how to ease them into this? I am not just going to throw her in a pond as that might ruin her forever.
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:20 pm Post subject:
Just a quick note to share a recent discovery. I have been doing this diet for some time now. I have learned to live without bread and pasta but I sometimes miss fried fish. In fact I look forward to this time of year because everyone is serving fried fish.
Anyway, I saw a post the other day about Flaxseed bread. Out of curiosity I picked up a bag of it and used it to pan fry a couple of pieces of Talapia in Olive Oil. Holy cow!!! Why have I never heard of this stuff? It made a great breading combined with a very small amount of parmesan, smoked paprika, salt and pepper. My Son asked why I was putting bird seed on my fish. heh.
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:27 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 220
Goal Weight: 175
Still at 220...ughh. However, I am wearing a pair of pants that I have not worn in a couple of weeks and they are huge on me. I feel like MC Hammer! For you younger folks on here...MC Hammer was a musician that was likely more famous for his ridiculous looking pants than singing.
I also noticed my belt is going to likely be needing another new hole soon. I have decided I am keeping the belt as a reminder of my progress.
Ok, so I am off now. Hammer Time!
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:02 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 220
Goal Weight: 175
Again...220! No idea. I am breaking out the book again tonight when I get home from work to see if there is something I am missing. Starting over and see if I can't shake this thing loose.
Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:30 pm Post subject:
Thanks for you gracious comments and support. Everything is easy when the weight is falling off. I am back on induction now and will stay there for a couple of weeks to help me get refocused. I have 6 weeks until my 1 year anniversary on this eating plan. I would like to drop another 10 by then and be in the 210 range.
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:14 pm Post subject:
Well the Zoey is now 13 weeks and she is looking closer to a Beagle than a lab. She really looks likes a Yellow Beagle...which I am very curious to see as she reaches maturity. She only weighs about 10.5 lbs which would put her somewhere around 28-32 lbs as an adult. She still does not sleep through the night though. Last night up at 4 and ready to go and play.
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:12 pm Post subject:
Logged my meals on Fitday. Since I seem to be stuck, maybe someone can have a look at my Daily Averages and tell me if I have added way to many carbs. I know that carb intake is a very personal thing and can have drastically different affects depending on the person. I was just wondering if you saw anything glaringly obvious that I am overlooking.
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:27 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 218
Goal Weight: 175
Down 2 lbs this week!!! This is my first real loss since sometime in Mid-December. Let's see if this stall is truely shaken loose and we start trending down again.
Thanks for the heads up on tracking food/excercise on fitday com. I am able to disect in greater detail everything right down to the spices using this site.
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:28 pm Post subject:
BTW...Has this site stabalized yet. Seems to have been lots of troubles over the past few weeks.
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:15 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 219
Goal Weight: 175
OK, I am really disappointed this morning. I have been tracking every little detail of what I have been eating using Fitday and as of Friday I was at 218.0. I worked out so hard on Saturday and Sunday this weekend that I can barely move this morning and I get up to find I am now at 219.8 almost 2 lbs. WTF???? I typically do not speak in tenths of pounds but my frustration is getting the best of me.
According to Fit Day I burned approximately 700 calories both Saturday and Sunday based on my activities. I only took in 1800 calories each of those days. I have focused on bringing Protein up and Fat down while keeping my carbs around 35 per day. This is a much more strict regimen that I have ever done except for those first 2 weeks or so of induction. I am almost at 2 full months with no real loss.
OK, so enough of the pity party. I cannot work out tonight and I am hitting the gym hard tomorrow. Which is probably just as well because that lady who taught the class I did on Sunday put me through an hour and fifteen minutes of hell followed up with a little basketball for good measure. Stupid I also forgot that because of the power outage the carton of eggs in my mini-fridge at work are not edible. So I had no breakfast...OK, so maybe pity party was not quite over.
Just checking in and getting back to work now.
Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:10 pm Post subject:
OK, so I am working it out so that I can make it to the gym tonight prior to the Louisville game against #1 UConn at 7. I feel an "angry" workout coming on!!!
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:59 pm Post subject:
I have now been putting in information to Fitday for a full 2 weeks so I figured I would post here to see if anyone sees anything I need to fix. I saw that I need to raise some of the essential vitamins like A, D and E which I will do with a multi-vitamin starting immediately. Those deficiencies should not, however, impact weight loss...correct?
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:03 pm Post subject:
The alcohol accounts for 1 beer on two different occasions. I had one after we successfully restored power to our servers via generators and another prior to dinner the next night. Both were low carb Bud Selects to minimize impact.
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:48 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 217
Goal Weight: 175
Down 2 from last week. I have been exercising like crazy, including a 3 hour stint on Saturday that included treadmill time, Power Pump Class, 30 min of full court basketball against my son and nephew. 2 on 1 and I almost beat them. Then finished it all off by spending about an hour in the pool, although it was mostly just playing Monkey in the Middle so no to difficult. Not sure what else I can do at this point.
The one plus is that I am right handed and I am so sore today I could not get my right arm to my mouth to brush my teeth. So there is absolutly no chance of me cheating today.
Umm...chocolate cake sounds good.
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 4:06 pm Post subject:
Thanks Porto, but it's not drive it's frustration that is pushing me. heh.
There must be something in the air because I keep reading journals that say people are limiting or giving up cheese. I am doing the same thing and it is harder than I would have thought. My eggs this morning are just not the same without a little shredded american on top. ughh
Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:06 pm Post subject:
Okie, so the giving up cheese did not last long. I completely zoned out last night cooking dinner and ate some cheese. Ugghh...I will have to keep my wits about me tonight and keep the cheese at a distance.
Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 1:53 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the encouragement. I am still at 217, arghh...but my gracious Wife agreed to take measurements last night. I was also suprised to find that a pair of jeans I bought in December now fit! So I guess something is happening somewhere.
I will continue to measure 1 time per week to monitor progress as I am convinced there is no way I am not burning fat with the amount of excercise and how well I have been managing my diet.
On another note, I cooked my lunch for today this morning and I cannot wait to eat it. Talapia with flaxmeal crust pan fried in EVOO. Ummm. I also made a new favorite asian dish this weekend that I ate on for a few days. Steak & Broccoli with Portobello Mushrooms. It was awsome!
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 2:44 pm Post subject:
Okie, I am down to 216 today. 1 pound away from 75 lbs total loss. I took a kick boxing class last night that was much more difficult than I thought. It was an "Old School" workout. Bear Crawls, Crab Walk, Wind Sprints, Resitance Sprints, Jump Rope and Bag Work. Very cool and I think it was exactly what I have been trying to find.
I am going to today to pickup a pair of bag gloves for myself. I used the ones from the gym which smelled like other peoples sweat. I am a little phobic regarding touching other peoples bodily fluids. Yuck.
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:51 pm Post subject:
Tril: I know, I have issues. I also don't like people moving into my personal space via hugs, and unathorized touching. I probably sound nuts I know. I will touch my wife's feet for foot massages and such. I was only saying, regarding the mall feet, if they were normal feet it would have not been a big deal. These things were cracked with big yellow nails and ooze. No way would I come near those.
Portobella: I feel great! Thanks for asking. I like feeling leaner and I know that I have punched one more hole in my belt since I stalled weight wise. So there is definatly something going on. It's just nice to see it translated to the scale.
I do have to learn how to jump rope better though. I can only jump regular she was doing all of this skipping and 1 footed swtiches and crap. I could not figure any of it out. I figure this would fun to learn and practice with my daughter who is 9.
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:31 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 216
Goal Weight: 175
Down 1 lb from last week officially!!! Probably from that kickboxing class I took. It was awsome but I have not been pushed or pushed myself like that in a long long time.
Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:09 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 215
Goal Weight: 175
Woo Hoo!!! The site is back up for now. I checked out LowCarbFriends.com and Portobella also worked to create an alternate site. I was really bummed about not being able to get on here because it has my entire journal since last year. Plus I have met some good people on here as well.
Anyway, I am down 1 lb from last week which puts me at 75 lbs total loss and 70 since beginning Atkins.
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:02 pm Post subject:
I just made my appointment for an annual physical next month. It will be just over a year since my last one. I am very excited to see the "Official" changes I have made over the past year. I am also down another 1lb since yesterday which was pretty cool to wake up to.
Last thing, I tried the cinnamon flax cake with a little cream cheese on it this morning. I think I found my new favorite breakfast. This was awsome.
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:42 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 213
Goal Weight: 175
Down 2 this week. It has been a long week and I am glad it is over. I was sick all last week and started having severe stabbing pain in my lower left abdomen on Friday Afternoon. To make a long story short I am taking antibiotics and it is getting better.
I have not worked out in almost 2 weeks which is really starting to piss me off. On a positive note when I went to the doctors my blood pressure is way down from where it was last year at this time. 117/77. I was a little bummed that the doc did not comment on my weight loss. However, I am going back next week for a physical so we will get into that then.
Okie, back to work.
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 2:49 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 211
Goal Weight: 175
Down 2 this week!!! WOO HOO!!!
My pain is gone and I will be hitting the Gym hard this week. Not looking forward to the pain I am going to have after a week of being relatively sedentary though. However, I am excited to be getting my workout on again. This is going to be a great week I can just feel it.
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:14 pm Post subject:
So here we go, just over a year after I started this woe. I went for an annual physical today and I am excited to report the following...
Weight: 290
Blood Pressure: 138/89
Resting Heart Rate: 83
Weight: 211
Blood Pressure: 109/77
Resting Heart Rate: 60
I will report my Cholesterol levels once I get the results back. Thanks to everyone on this board for their help and giving me an outlet to push myself and sometimes just B1tch, moan or complain.
Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:46 pm Post subject:
Thanks! I am pretty excited about the results. The doc was also impressed with the results and asked a boat load of questions about Atkins when I told her I was on it. She suggested I try to eat more melons to up my potassium levels. I had told her that it is the only nutrient I cannot seem to get to 100% on (hovering around 50%). I explained I don't do melons right now and she agreed that 50% is not terrible and we can figure that one out as I begin to introduce more carbs down the road. She was also very interested in how my blood work came out primarily because my vital signs showed such a drastic improvement.
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:43 pm Post subject:
It's game day!!! Cards play in The Garden at noon. C-A-R-D-S CARDS!!!
Great workout last night and although I am sore as heck this morning it kicked butt. I also had one of those moments while working out. We were finishing up and I was stretching my legs. I looked down and did not recognize my upper leg. I actually did a double take and thought that it did not look right. heh.
There were also a couple of young dudes that were pretty fit and I stayed right with them. Pretty pleased with that as well.
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:44 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 212
Goal Weight: 175
Up one this week. I drank a two diet sodas on the way home from a trip this weekend so I could just be a little water heavy.
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:02 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 211
Goal Weight: 175
So that extra pound is back off this morning. I am thinking it was the Soda's.
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:13 pm Post subject:
One other comment. My scale has the little sensors so that it can calculate body fat. I have not run it since January. Since then I am only down about 5 lbs but...my body fat is down 5%. This means that I have put on roughly 12 lbs of lean muscle since january.
I did calculate my target weight based on this new knowledge. I might be about 10 to 15 lbs off on my goal. I am not going to change it or anything but I am thinking it may drop closer to 165 once I hit my original goal of 175.
Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:51 pm Post subject:
Weight: 290
LDL Cholesterol: 220
HDL: 30
Triglycerides: 210
Total Cholesterol: 250+ (I don't recall exactly on this one and she did not write it down for me.)
Weight: 211
LDL Cholesterol: 143
HDL: 35 (still need to bring this one up)
Triglycerides: 125
Total Cholesterol: 203
I know that I have to get my HDL up above 40 and continue to bring my LDL down below 130 but I am very excited about the results. My risk for Heart to disease has gone from "Guaranteed" to "Low-Moderate" in one year. Next year I want to see it in the low range. WOO HOO!!!
For the naysayers out there that would argue that a diet consisting of of a 60/30/10 ratio of Fat/Protien/Carbs is not healthy or bad for your heart. Just look at the numbers I have put up in 1 year of eating this way.
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:01 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 210
Goal Weight: 175
Just checking in, down another pound this week. I had gone as low as 209 on Friday but I tend to drink a soda or two on weekends. Well whatever, looking forward to a good workout tonight to get the blood flowing.
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:02 pm Post subject:
Looking foward to another great night at the gym tonight. I shaved 2.5 minutes off my mile time on Monday night for a total of 7.5 minutes on 3 miles. This was after a pre-workout mile walk and then a body pump class. I am so completely proud of myself. First time I have run any distance and actually payed attention to the time in a few weeks. WOO HOO!!!
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 3:39 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 208
Goal Weight: 175
Good week and I was able to drop a couple as well. Woo Hoo!!!
The wife and I went to Indy on Friday to watch the Cards play in the Sweet Sixteen against Arizona. We had a great time pre-game and the Cards rolled up the Wildcats. Also got to catch a great second game courtside with Michigan State beating Kansas in the final minutes of the game.
My Son and I returned on Sunday to watch the Elite 8 game against Mich State. in which the Cardinals lost. Mich State played a great game and really did a good job of taking us out of our Offense. Credit Izzo for coaching them to victory. Still made for a long ride back home.
I had a 'Aha' moment when I returned home that I will elaborate on at some point later when I have time. Just checking in right now.
GO CARDS!!! Next up Red/White Spring Game and then begin's the long wait for Fall Football. Kage knows what I am talking about.
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:55 pm Post subject:
I have avoided the camera like the plague for the last several years but my Son snapped a couple of them of me this weekend. For the first time in a long time I am comfortable with how I look on film. I hope that does not sound weird or arrogant but I was excited about this and thought I would share.
Me...notice all of the extra homemade holes in my belt.
My beautiful bride.
My Boy..."The Cardfather"
...she asked for a picture with me, what could I say?
Me being silly after we lost to Michigan State...heh
GO CARDS!!![/url]
Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 12:24 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 206
Goal Weight: 175
Down 2 this week, first time I have dropped 2 in a week in a while. Only 6 to go to get in the 100's. Woot
Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:49 pm Post subject:
I knocked another 1.5 minutes off my mile time last night. I had already run 2 miles prior to timing myself as well. I am still slow as all get out but I was happy and proud of myself. Only 1.5 minutes left to trim to reach my goal pace.
Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:10 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 208
Goal Weight: 175
No idea what pushed my weight up by 2 this week, actually up 3 on Friday. I was good all week and did not even sniff any treats (did not care to). Oh well...maybe it's just a temporary spike.
Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:40 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 206
Goal Weight: 175
Too busy to update on Monday. Back down to 206 this week and still bummed about the 2 lb set back. So far it's looking like I am going to hold at 206 again this week...
I am going to have to re-evaluate everything I am doing...again. Must be something I am missing. Perhaps I need to make some drastic temporary change to shake things up a bit.
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 5:45 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 204
Goal Weight: 175
Down 2 lbs this week. I had been holding steady at 206 all the way up until Saturday. After forcing a limited caloric intake below 600 on Friday I weighed in at 204 on Saturday morning. Increased my intake to 2400 (this was very hard to do as it turned out) and then 1800 on sunday. The weight loss stuck.
I will be doing Mon, Weds, Friday this week as "Down Days" and keeping my caloric intake below 600 on those days. On my up days I am going to be hitting between 2200-2400. Sunday is my medium day and I will keep it around 1600-1800. This is my plan for the next 4 weeks to attempt to get the weight loss moving again. After the 4 weeks are up I will evaluate how well this is working.
29 lbs to goal!!!
Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:40 pm Post subject:
Down day was harder than I would have thought. 580 Calories consumed for the day.
Breakfast: 2 Eggs
Lunch: Muscle Milk Light
Snack: 12 almonds
Dinner: Strawberry, Banana Smoothie (8 oz Unsweetened Almond Milk, 0 Carb Banana Protein, 5 Frozen Strawberries, 1 tsp Flax)
Beverages: 2 cups of coffee, bucket loads of water and 1 32 oz Powerade Zero (pretty good).
I will need to bump that up a bit today so I started with a bigger breakfast than normal. 2 Eggs and 3 pieces of bacon. Seemed like a lot to eat. Will do a nice hearty salad for lunch with maybe some chicken salad. Not sure about dinner yet.
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:51 pm Post subject:
Meals yesterday.
Breakfast: 2 Eggs, 3 Pieces Bacon
Snack: 24 Almonds
Lunch: Naked Chicken Taco Salad (no beans, corn salsa or dressing)
Snack: The rest of the salad (could not eat it all)
Dinner: Two Beef Taco's (Low carb shells)
Weight this morning 204
Down Day Meal Plan for today:
Breakfast: 2 Eggs
Lunch: Muscle Milk Light
Snack: 12 almonds
Dinner: Strawberry/Banana Protien Smoothie
I have a really tough workout planned for tonight so it might be interesting to see how well I handle it on a day with limited calories.
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:52 pm Post subject:
So my performance during my workout last night was less than steller. The cardio parts of it I handled OK but the strength parts I had no energy for. Not sure I can do that workout on the same day as a down day...will consider revising over the next week and decide soon. Perhaps a 300 cal snack around 4 pm on that day would help.
Weight this morning 202!!! Only 2 lbs away from "One-derland"!!!
Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 3:17 pm Post subject:
Scale staying at 202 today!!! I am adjusting my down days to Sunday, Tuesdays and Thursdays this week primarly because my toughest workouts seem to be on M,W,F. Trying to do a tough workout on only 5-600 calories is just not right. I put on 3 pounds on Thursday as a result of my body protesting, or at least I think that is what likely happened.
Derby 135 is in the books, love that jockey. A big thank you to my bank for blocking all of my online transactions with them. I drank quit a bit yesterday at the Derby party I went to and figured today would be bad and the scale would punish me. However, I did stay on plan other than the alchohol. Stayed away from the Mint Juilups as well since they are muddled with Mint and Sugar.
Today is a good time for a down day after yesterdays celebration of glutony and excess.
Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 12:50 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 202
Goal Weight: 175
Down 2 more this week officially!!! I can't believe I am so close to be in the 100's. Woo Hoo!!!
Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 5:32 pm Post subject:
Wow, thanks all!!! Regarding dancing in the tiny little bathroom, I probably would have done it anyway because that's how I roll! heh. I have already explained the "One-derland" phrase to my wife so she is excited as well. My wife teases me because I have a scale addiction and I weigh in everytime I pass by it, almost.
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 1:45 pm Post subject:
Today is a Down Day for me so I have to severly limit my calories. Although the scale was at 201 this morning even with yesterday being an Up Day.
Plan for 600-700 Calories (tried 500-600 and it was just to low)
Breakfast: 2 Eggs
Lunch: Meal Replacement Shake
Snack: 12 Almonds
Dinner: Salad with 12 almonds, 1 oz cheese, 2 tbs Ranch
I found a new jogging trail that may have solved my issues with Shin Splints. I went to a nearby park with the intent of just running around the soccer fields. There was a great trail that was crushed gravel and dirt that made it's way through the woods. I was able to jog for the first time without pain...or at least not in my shins. Because of this new discovery I think I am finally going to graduate from week 3 of C25K!!! WOO HOO!!!
In addition I downloaded a new app for my iPhone that prompts you when you need to walk or run but you can play your own music rather than using the podcast that can also be downloaded (music is terrible on these podcast, some weird techno garbage, I need some Linkin Park or Chili Peppers to run to).
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 4:41 pm Post subject:
Week 3 Day 2 complete...
I also added to 1 minute interval sprints to the end and they felt great. I did get a little winded on each but I could not believe I was running full out for 1 minute with very little discomfort. WOO HOO!!!
1 X 5 minute warmup
1 X 1.5 minute Run/1.5 Walk
1 X 3 minute run/3 minute walk
1 X 1.5 minute Run/1.5 Walk
1 X 3 minute run/3 minute walk
2 X 1 minute sprint/1 minute walk
1 X 5 minute cooldown
Down Day today so I am limiting calories
Weight is still at 202 this morning
Breakfast: 1 Egg/2 Bacon (180 Calories)
Lunch: Can Tuna(Water), 4 Strawberries, Small Plain Greek Yogurt (265 Calories)
Dinner: Salad w/Almonds and 2 tbsp Ranch (300 Calories) or Protien Shake I have not decided.
Will be swimming or cycling tonight, depends on weather. I am trying to work on my technique and get to where I can swim a mile. Searching for a spam "Total Immersion Swimming" that would help me refine my stroke and breathing. I hear it's great.
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 4:51 pm Post subject:
BTW...I am training for a Sprint-Triathlon in August which explains my new workout plans and adding swimming and cycling more regularly. I was watching The Biggest Loser the other night and seeing them complete a Marathon after barely being mobile in 17 weeks convinced me I can do this in 12 weeks. It only a mini-triathlon...how hard could it be? .5 Mile Swim/15 Mile Cycling/5K Run, phff, I got this.
Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 12:30 pm Post subject:
Heh, not sure what my 15 month ago self would say to me now but my new self would kick 15 month ago self square in the sack. Thanks
Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 12:31 pm Post subject:
BTW...200 Even this morning!!! Had to step on twice to verify what I was seeing.
Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 5:43 pm Post subject:
WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got up this morning at 199!!!!! I am in Onderland!!!!!!
Should have weighed again after that spinning class this morning...ouch. Maybe dropped about 10 more during that deal.
Last nights run was awsome and I finished with about a 45 minute swim. My brother is coming in this weekend and bringing a spam on swimming techniques so I am looking forward to reviewing that and seeing if I can improve my stroke and breathing.
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 2:42 pm Post subject:
Okie, so I get up on Sunday morning and I was at 203!? No idea what happened on Saturday. I can only think that maybe I did not get enough water...? Oh well, it was pretty cool for a day.
I am at 201 today which is still down a pound and I am excited about that! I am determined to hit 199 next Monday and have it stick.
Begin Week 4 of C25K this week. Running has become much easier without shin pain. Will also be doing my 1/2 mile swim tonight right after my run.
Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:23 pm Post subject:
Wouldn't it be nice if we could somehow "lock in" a weight once we get it??
Sounds like a great idea. I will take 165 for 1000 please?
I have finally graduated from Week 3 of C25K. Finished W4D1 with ease and added an extra rep of 3 and 5 running finished off with a 1/2 mile swim. I am figuring out this swimming thing and making little tweaks here and there. I only inhale big gulps of water occassionaly now. It's a little embarrasing popping to your feet in the middle of the pool reacting to the sudden breath of water instead of air. ughh.
I am back at 200 even today and hoping to have this stick around for a bit.
Does anyone watch the biggest loser? The guy that won at home did outstanding. Funny he was competitive with those that stayed on the show to the end. I was hoping for Tara to win because I can somehow relate to her. I had never watched this prior to this year. Frankly I always felt like the creators coined "The Biggest Loser" as a jab at overweight people and was a little offended. Perhaps I should not be so sensitive.
So that's enough rambling, back to work.
Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 1:18 pm Post subject:
That was the guy, Jerry. I can't figure out how he did that, at home too? I understand the crazy weight losses on the ranch where they spend hours a day working out. But in the real world who has that kind of time? Perhaps he is retired.
Thanks Olive, I believe you are right and this is my body telling me to "go fly a kite". Perhaps it's still mad at me for putting on this weight to begin with. heh.
I have a feeling that 199 will be seen again tomorrow. Just a hunch but I am hoping that this week it sticks.
Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 12:25 pm Post subject:
Phew, thought I was in the wrong place for a moment, what's with the bizzaro color scheme. Very bright for early mornings.
I was posting because I am excited that I weighed in at 199 this morning. Although I did that last Friday as well. hmm...perhaps this is the week it sticks.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 1:04 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 200
Goal Weight: 175
OK, so I did not make it to the 100's this week. However, it could likely be the 2 strawberry daiquiris I had last night. Not much of a daiquiri person but I had fresh frozen strawberries and planned to make a smoothie with my banana protien powder and somehow a little rum found its way into there instead of the whey powder. That led to a couple of beers, we were grillin out with neighbors. I am not sweating it to much because I know that having an off day occassionally is important to long term success.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 1:08 pm Post subject:
Thanks for all of the support comments and being in the 100's felt pretty darn good but I guess I did not get as excited this past friday after the big letdown last week.
More important to me right now was that I had a good swim and run on Saturday morning. Did my 3 miles and then jumped in the pool and swam a 1/2 mile. I had planned to go to the bike after the swim but I had to get home...or at least that's my excuse. heh.
Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 12:22 pm Post subject:
Thanks Kage, there was a hint of sarcism in my post regarding my outlook but your right I know I will get there. It really is about the long haul but that stupid scale just does not want to step up yet. $@^#!!! heh
On another note, I finished Week 5 Day 1 of C25K last night. Had to run on a treadmill though and my shins are really pissed about it. Got to get back on the dirt and grass.
Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 1:26 pm Post subject:
Your right John, I am close to goal and I am trying to keep that in perspective while I get through this. I have also been exercising like mad trying to get to my goal and also enter this Triathlon in 2.5 months.
Swim last night was pretty exciting. I still need to trim about 5 minutes off my 1/2 mile time to put me in the middle of the pack but I was getting a nice smooth stroke and not swimming like I am trying to keep from drowning.
Running tonight (great day so outdoors!!!) immediatly after work and then off to celibrate my beautiful wife and I's 14th annerversary! Lord have mercy I have no idea each day what she was thinking to stick by me for this long.
Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 1:27 pm Post subject:
BTW...199 reared it's ugly/beautiful head again this morning. I am thinking this is the week.
Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 3:06 pm Post subject:
Well the 199 was still there this morning! I am getting more confident that it will stick around till Monday. Run last night was great and even though I tired out towards the end I made it. I had a reminder about how important stretching is after a run too. Got on my motorcycle afterwards to hurry home and go out with my Wife and my legs cramped trying to back out of my parking space. Had to get back off and finish stretching properly so that I could ride my bike home. Funny now but I was pretty concerned and embarrassed at the time. heh.
Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 5:49 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 200
Goal Weight: 175
Thanks for the Anniversary wishes. We had a nice time at dinner although we did not get to go it alone and took the whole family.
The long weekend was great, grilled out for my daughter’s school picnic on Friday. Worked on house and yard on Saturday. Had family over on Sunday and spent Monday doing nothing till mid-afternoon when we went to the pool.
Weight still at 200...I figured it might not move to much. Probably over did it this weekend with some of my food. Not really sure what exactly but something pushed me over the top. However, this is the week! I will see and maintain 198 by next Monday.
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:25 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 199
Goal Weight: 175
Finally, I officially made into the 100's!!!! It's about $%(@&$ time! heh. 24 lbs to goal!
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:25 pm Post subject:
Thanks Spirit, I was really glad that it finally seemed to stick. In fact this morning I was at 197. heh
So I was at the local Meijers this morning and saw one of those blood pressure things. Decided what the heck and would give it a try. I have been having brief dizzy spells when standing recently and I am reading that it is likely a side effect of having a low resting heart rate.
Anyway, Blood pressure was 110 over 68 and heart rate 49. I had to take it again to make sure I was not seeing things and got basically the same result. Googled it this morning and my resting BP and HR fall in the category of "Athletes and Children". I already knew that I act like a child but who knew I had the Cardiovascular system of one as well. WOOT!
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:09 pm Post subject:
A quick update...I weighed in this morning at 195!? Not sure how this happened. I have been struggling to get to 199 for a couple of weeks. Finally get there and then it drops all the way to 195? Since I have never had huge drops like this I don't know if I should be concerned or excited.
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:14 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 196
Goal Weight: 175
Well I dropped 3 lbs in one week!!! I have not done that in some time and I don't even understand how it happened but I will take it. I have not dropped that much at once in a year. Woo Hoo!!!
Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:26 pm Post subject:
joeblow wrote:
man, I bet it feels nice to get the night time readings with 1's on them
Yes it does, I am a scaloholic and weigh each night prior to bed. It's pretty cool when I go in there at night and weigh in at 196 and sit and guess will I be 194 or 195 tomorrow.
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:28 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 194
Goal Weight: 175
Thanks Kage! It's nice to see you around again too.
So down 2 more this week. This JUDDDD thing is working out great. Even though I totally screwed it up on Thursday of last week I think it is the thing that has jump started my loss. I am only 19 FREAKING pounds from goal. I did not even realize I was in the teens when I first thought about my weight loss this morning. This mountain seemed like everest in 2008 and I had no idea to how to even start. Thanks Atkins and also those ofyou on this board. Accountability to myself and just as importantly those of you that post here has made all of the difference so far.
Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 2:27 pm Post subject:
I can't believe I am back to 2lbs a week either. It's freaking awsome!
Heading out on vacation tomorrow for a week at Fripp Island. I am pretty excited about it and it going to be nice to get a break from reality for a week. I am packing in alot of my own food for the week and then we will make a trip to the grocery for the fresh stuff once I am there. It's about a 45 minute drive to the nearest store so I only plan to go one time and get everything I need. The tricky part is keeping 4 other families from eating my real food and passing on their junk.
I also graduate from the C25K program this week. I would normally run on Friday night after work but since I will be driving I will do my final run on Saturday on the island. This should be somewhat of a treat as it is really beautiful there and a fitting end to a long road. They also have a lap pool and I am bringing the bike so no rest for the weary in regards to my workout routine. 7 weeks until my Triathlon and I cannot afford to take a full week off now.
One other thing...for those of you in the medical field. I developed a very deep blister on the ball of the left foot. It was actually below a calis on that foot. I worked out with it last night and it shredded it. When I got home I cleaned up the foot really good and cut away all of the dead tissue but now I am left with this gaping hole in my foot. The tissue layer was very thick, maybe 1/8". My wife thought that it was foolish but I was worried that it would get infected if I had this loose piece meal of tissue moving around everywhere. I treated with neosporine last night and left it open to air out. Covered today with a water tight bandage and will wash and air out again tonight. So should I have washed it and let it be or cut it away and to, my opinion, speed up the healing?
Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 6:20 pm Post subject:
Thanks, I am proud of them too! They are great and lots of fun to be around. My daughter woke up this morning and climbed in bed with us. I stated that I had to get up and get ready for work and she leans up and gives me a little kiss on the forhead and says that she loves me...I hope she never grows up.
Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:52 pm Post subject:
BTW: I had to punch a couple of new holes in the old belt today. I am now down 12 holes from when I started. I had been on the last hole and that was only after I sucked in and held my breath. I had originally said that I would replace the belt when I hit my goal but I may just stick with it. It's a nice reminder of where I have been.
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:54 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 194
Goal Weight: 175
So I made it back from vacation and had a great time. We had a minor accident on the way down, got rear-ended, that smashed all of our bikes. Which did ruin my plans to do any riding while I was there. However, insurance should be paying to replace them so there is light at the end of the tunnel. I just hope we get the money to replace them prior to the Triathlon coming up in August.
Weather was perfect while were there, other than a couple of days in the upper 90's it was mid to low 80's all week which made for perfect sunning, running and fun.
I actually gained a couple of pounds while I was gone. I did not really eat anything different than normal. I just ate more than what is normal. Not being in a daily routine made it tricky to not watch my calories. I am however back to the weight I was prior to leaving so that is good.
Ran 4 miles last night at the gym, treadmill, which was pretty cool. Had planned to run at the park but realized I had brought my laptop home and was on the motorcycle and could not run with that on my back or leave it unattended. Running on the treadmill probably is partially why I ran a little longer. It's easier to manage my pace and keep me from going to fast in addition there are no hills unless you choose to incline...I did not so choose. heh.
BTW...that photo of me with a Sox shirt on is as nausiating today as it was a couple of weeks ago. LOL.
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:30 pm Post subject: My running buddies from Fripp
I thought I would post a couple of pictures of my running buddies from my vacation. My daughter went with me one night and the other is of a that was convinced my iPhone was in fact something to eat. I actually got a little nervous when it did not lose interest after turning to begin running again.
Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:16 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 192
Goal Weight: 175
OK, so I am back on track with 2 more lbs down this last week. So close to 100 (total) I can taste it. Had a great week of training last week as well. I am developing a little tenderness in the upper area of my right knee cap. Only bothers me when I put weight on it or bend a certain angles. Not sure if I should be concerned yet or not.
Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:54 pm Post subject:
I am telling you I am like a walking example of Murphys Law these days. I wrecked my car which also smashed my bikes, I dropped my motorcycle in a turn on the way home last Friday and I go to give blood last night and my vein turned or something. I now have holes in both arms and my right has a massive bruse and is hurting like crazy. I should just hold up in my house for a couple of weeks until this all blows over.
Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:42 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 193
Goal Weight: 175
Ah, who the heck knows. heh. I gained 1 lb last week. If I had to guess it would be the 4-5 oz of Cashews I consumed over the weekend. Those little things are freaking good, perhaps I should not buy those again.
3 Weeks until my Tri and I am beginning to get a little nervous with only 2 weeks of actual training left with 1 week of rest prior to event. Rode 22 miles yesterday on a very hilly course followed up by an hour swim. Mostly worked on technique and trying to do a flip turn - that's hard to do without getting lots of water up my nose. Running tonight and then a nice peaceful evening.
I also picked up a pair of Tri-Shorts yesterday...ughh. These things look silly on me and I bought a size smaller than needed since I know I will fit in them better in a month or two but right now...yuck. Either way I still look like a goob. Not sure what shirt to wear with it as I don't want a "Muffin Top" or the "spare tire" look at the waist line.
Lets hope I can drop another 5 or so prior to the race as it might help with my performance. Plan to do a couple of brick training sessions over the next couple of Saturday's to help practice and prepare for the transistions. I am also happy that at least one of my brothers has officially entered the event with me. I have another that may do it as well but is having some knee issues that may sideline him for this one.
I also found a new store here in town that sells camping, running and recreational gear. Anyway, they hooked me up with some zero sugar hydration tablets full of electrolytes and other things needed for my upcoming event. I have been stressing about this for a few weeks as water only is a difficult means to re-hydrate during an event. Most of the sports drinks are loaded with sugar so those are out. I stopped in this store and explained my situation and he hooked me up with NUUN tablets. Used 2 of them on my ride and swim sunday and had no cramping and much less muscle fatigue. Thanks to The Trail Store in Louisville for helping me out.
Plan this week is to drop the wraps as I am afraid they may have more carbs in them than what the package says. Will work on eating a little closer to Induction levels this week and see if that does not right the ship.
OK, so I am back online and out of the hole. Sorry for the long post but I had a lot on my mind this morning.
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 1:38 am Post subject:
I knew they were borderline at best, but I was looking for a movie popcorn substitute and these were on sale. An 8oz bag, heh. I ate about half ot it over the weekend. Self control, who needs it...hah!
Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:51 pm Post subject:
2 Weeks and counting till my first race. Run last night went pretty good for the first time in a while. Finished 3.5 miles at a 10.5 minute pace, so I did not push to hard. Got up early this morning and swam at a new pool. Did not stay long as it was a little dirty and there was a used bandaid floating in my lane that kept grossing me out. Will probably swim again tonight after work at my regular Y pool.
Last week of training is this week so I need to push myself really hard and then prepare to taper back on race week.
Weight this morning was down to 191, it would be cool if I could get to a 100 lb loss total on the same week as my race. Would certainly provide some additional excitement and motivation.
Anyway, everyone have a safe and fun weekend.
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 1:14 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 189
Goal Weight: 175
Down 4 from last week. I believe it might have something to do with my mysterious gain of a lb last week. Anyway...I am in the 180's now and have lost a total of 101 lbs and 96 since beginning a low-carb woe.
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 3:18 pm Post subject:
Two more workouts prior to my Tri now. I had a good 1.5 mile swim last night with lots of intervals. Also picked up a pair of zoomer flippers to work on my leg strength. Holy cow those things will wear you out. After 400 meters on the kick board with those little do-dads my legs were done.
Planning a long run tonight and then a Bike/Run Brick on Sunday. Not sure about nutrition. I can do this event at a steady pace without much stress on the body but I am considering taking in some carbs in a gel when I get on the bike. I don't know if I will get any performance gains out of it but I am trying to race and not just finish now. Now that I am at a point where I know finishing is not going to be a problem I want to post a fast time as well (fast for me anyway).
That being said, has anyone here ever run a long race and did you suppliment with carbs during the race? I will avoid the energy drinks as they are way to sweet and I am not sure my stomach would tolerate them anyway. I was considering a gel or something along that line.
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 3:08 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 189
Goal Weight: 175
Same as last week, oh well. It happens and hopefully it will drop off this week. Still only 14 lbs from goal so I am not to bummed. I also started trying to measure more particularly around my waist and sides as this seems to be one of the more stubborn areas. I am down about 3 inches since last time I measured there about 2 months ago. I am thinking I need to drop another 4 or 5 inches there.
Thanks Merlot I will do a Google search for that guy and see what turns up. I think I am going to pass on the gels and sugars for this event. It should only take me 1:45 - 1:50 based on my training and times I have logged so far. I am hoping for the 1:45 but I will happy with being below 1:50. Everything I have read regarding "Carb Loading" is saying that the old methods of eating a bunch of Pasta and high carb foods the night before really does not help much at all if any.
Not to mention that I am already in a ketosis state so if I carb load it will throw me out of it. This would then mean that I would absolutely have to carb load during the event as well. This thinking would create way to many unknowns and I just don't see the benefit.
Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 4:53 pm Post subject:
My swim start is well before theirs...maybe I will let the air out of their tires in the transistion area. Not all the way flat just enough to slow them down a bit. *laughing Mischievously*
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:54 pm Post subject:
OK, so my first Triathlon is tomorrow morning. Check-in is at 6:00 AM. I typically don't get up this early when my kids are not in school. I am going to be dragging in the morning. Still unsure of what to eat as well. I don't want to eat anything that will upset my stomach but I know I will need to eat something.
Wish me luck and I will report back sometime this weekend on my results. My original goal was to finish then I changd that to under 2 hours and now it's 1:45. Don't know if I will make it but I am going to push hard enough to try. I figure if I am not ready or in the process of throwing up at the finish then I did not go hard enough. WOO HOO!!! ughh...
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:21 am Post subject:
It's official...I'm a Triathlete!!! Woo Hoo!
The day and my excitement, however, was overshadowed by a fatal bike wreck involving a drunk driver. As soon as I crossed the finish they shut it down. Pretty disturbing to ride by a dead body on the bike course and my concentration was gone at that point. Just wanted to get back and off the bike and onto the run.
Story Here:
The swim went pretty good although I jumped in and was going way to fast for the first 200-300 meters or so. I could feel my shoulders starting to wear down so I slowed it down a bit and cruised on. Felt pretty good when I got out of the pool until I realized I had to run and jiggle through the crowd to the transition area. ughh.
Bike was great until I saw the accident scene. Popped up out of my aero bars and rode on the hoods for a while to get my head right. Never really did and just stayed up on the hoods back to the transition. There was a sharp right turn and then down a hill on the way back. I heard brakes chirping on my right and then some girl flew past on my right inside with likely 6 inches or less of room. I introduced myself with some choice words as she about took us both out the race. Once I made the turn I stepped it up and passed her again and made sure to create a big gap between us. I ran into her again in transition and she apologized for her inexperience. I felt a little bad then, not too bad but a little.
My left calf locked up as soon as I started running and I had to stop for a minute and stretch it out. One of the leaders was on the return and getting ready to finish and offered some encouragement which was pretty cool. Got going again after about a minute and limped my way until it worked itself out. Felt good until about the 1 mile mark and started to cramp again. I picked up a couple of waters and walked for 50 yards or so to drink them. Worked great and was able to continue at a steady pace up until the end. Came around the corner for the home stretch and suddenly I got very light footed and fast. Picked my pace way up and crossed the finish feeling great.
As soon as I crossed the finish I was walking to the water table and grabbed a bottled water. A lady comes out and gets on the PA and says. "We are sorry to inform you that there has been a tragic accident on the course and the remainder of the race has been cancelled. Please gather you belongings and go home, we will post more information in the coming days."
Both of my brothers did not get to do anything but swim. I feel terrible for one of them, he drove up from Atlanta to compete. Don't know if they will publish times for those that finished or not. Because it was a staggered start it was hard for me to tell how I did. I know the clock read 2:08 when I crossed and I started about 20 minutes behind the first person. So I am thinking I finished around 1:45-1:50.
Anyway, I still had fun and have already picked out my next event that is in about 6 weeks. It has an open water swim which should be alot of fun. Thanks for the well wishes all.
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:01 am Post subject:
Me at the finish line repping The Ville!
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:09 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 186 (barely, hah)
Goal Weight: 175
3 more pounds downa and 11 to go!!! Thanks for all of your comments regarding my race this weekend. I am so hooked on this sport. My brother who also attempted his first race this weekend (did not get to finish since they cancelled it right after I crossed) as found another one in 2 weeks. I think I am going to register for it too and the best part is that means I only have to wait 2 weeks to do this again. WOO HOO!!!
Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:29 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 184
Goal Weight: 175
I am now sub 10 lbs to my original goal. Based on what I see I need to drop likely at least 20 more lbs. But I still can't believe there are only 9 lbs left to the original plan. WOW!!! I am so pumped about this right now.
I had a 25 mile bike ride yesterday followed up with a 3 mile run. Then headed to a family gathering where we played football for an hour or so. 2 years ago I would not have likely even wanted to play football because I knew the price that would have to be paid. Now I was ready to play and keep playing all night. Being able to run around and play with my son and daughter was a big reason I started this and it's nice to realize those goals have been met.
Next triathlon is on Sunday. I debated on doing the Olympic distance and know that I can finish but I also want to have fun doing it and think I am not ready for this yet. This one is a swim through a canal that runs through downtown Indianapolis. It's a little shorter than the last event but should be lots of fun. The whole family is going up and we are planning to spend Saturday at the Zoo or Childrens Museum and then early to bed for the race on Sunday. I cannot wait!
Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:33 pm Post subject:
I finally got my results back from my race, they were about what I predicted. I finished in 1:49 which was 4 minutes slower than the time I had hoped for but I am giving myself a pass since it was my first attempt.
Next race is this Sunday in Indianapolis. Hopefully the event will go a little smoother and nobody gets run over by a car during the event. Leaving early tomorrow morning and will spend the day in Inday at the Childrens Museum with the family. Hang out at the hotel pool for a bit and maybe a late dinner and early to bed.
I have a goal of 1:32 on this race. It's a little shorter than the last so hopefully I can realize some improvement on the overall time.
Swim: 10 Minutes
T1: 4 Minutes (not sure how far the swim exit is from transition so this is best guess)
Bike: 43 Minutes
T2: 2 Minutes
Run: 33 Minutes (Yes I know I am the slowest runner ever)
I can't wait!!!
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:43 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 185
Goal Weight: 175
So I am up a pound from last week. I would guess it is likely because I ate like a pig after my race Sunday. Food was just not safe around me and I usually don't get that hungry and this was not much longer than a typical workout either. Oh well, perhaps it is setting up for a 3 or 4 lb drop this week. We shall see.
Swim: 10 Minutes -- 14:05 Minutes
T1: 4 Minutes - 2:53
Bike: 43 Minutes -- 43:53
T2: 2 Minutes -- 1:50
Run: 33 Minutes -- 34:03
I was a total of 1:36 with a goal of 1:32. This can be traced back to the swim as I just could not figure out how to swim straight in open water. It turns out that black stripe on the bottom of a pool is pretty useful. I ran into both sides of the canal at different times and pretty much just gave up on speed and resorted to breast stroke. Bike was about what I had hoped for and the run was just hot. The sun was in my face for the first 1.5 miles and I was pretty sure my skin was beginning to bubble up. At least it felt like it.
Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:07 pm Post subject:
I just got some photos from my recent Tri...
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:42 pm Post subject:
Yeah, the shorts are kind of lamo but there is no time to change between events so they are made specifically for Triathlons. Light enough to swim in, very light padding for biking but no too much so that when you run you don't feel as though you are wearing a diaper. This is the perfect sport for me and my ADD type personality. Hard to get bored when I have to train each week to race 3 seperate events.
Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:01 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 185
Goal Weight: 175
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 6:01 pm Post subject:
Thanks for the comments. I am hoping that is all of the muscle that I have been putting on. lol. I am thinking I am just at a stall point and will take off again soon. Not a big deal though, I started this to lose weight but after a year and half weight is only part of it. I care more about the health than anything. I'll get there sooner or later but no rush, it's bound to happen. My new personal goal is 165 by my birthday in March.
I cannot wait for football. I had to go pick up a new jersey this year as my XXL's were just too big. I looked like a kid in my Dad's jersy. Picked up a medium and could have done the small but I wanted to leave room for hoodies and other layers underneath for those cold weather games.
I am going to wear one of my old jersey's to the first game though, it's one of those superstition things that I am sure if your a sports fan you understand. Cannot break the streak so I will keep wearing it to the first home game regardless of size until I am in the ground.
Could be another rough season regarding the old wins and losses thing but I am like a kid at Christmas anyway!
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 2:34 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 184
Goal Weight: 175
So down 1 this week and back to where I was a few weeks ago. My body seems to want to hang on to this 185ish weight. I guess that means I am going to have to step it up a notch. Don't know that means exactly but it felt cool saying it. heh.
I volunteered at Iron Man Louisville this Sunday working the swim start and also as a course marshal along the bike route. It was a lot of fun and if you ever get the opportunity to volunteer for one of these events do it.
The finish was at 4th Street Live here in Louisville which runs through a closed off section of 4th street in downtown Louisville. Lots of restaurants and bars, etc. Went back down with the family that night and had dinner, Cajun Shrimp and Broccoli from Fridays which was quite good but that’s another story.
Anyway, there were people crossing in agony and you could see the pain and struggle they were going through in their eyes. Some where cheering and others where crying tears of joy. Some had parts of their bodies that had clearly become non-responsive with an obvious lean to one side or half dragging a limb that was ceased up with cramps. It was a look at pure and raw emotion from regular people like you or me and it was inspiring!
As lame as it sounds I was on the brink of tears at times watching some of these people finish. If you ever get a chance to go and watch the finish at an Iron Man event do it. But wait and go to watch the regular Joes/Janes that are at the 13-17 hour mark as they battle their bodies to cross the finish.
BTW...I have been trying to get my Wife to jump in to some sort of exercise or training. She was ready to start C25K last night at 11:00 PM after watching that scene for a couple of hours. I love her so much.
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 2:07 pm Post subject:
Thanks all for your continued good will. It was definatly cool to see people with a paralized arm finish that race and your thinking to yourself, how in the heck do they swim with only 1 good arm. Or there were 2 blind people racing or the 1 legged girl that just finished the Kona IronMan. Certainly keeps my little whiny butt in check. heh.
BTW...My wife started C25K last night and it was awesome. She did great and it was so much fun to go out with her on her first run. I can't wait until Weds. to do it again with her. Such a proud husband I am right now.
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:24 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 183
Goal Weight: 175
Down another pound yesterday and I feel like I am picking up some momentum. Running is going great and I finished my 7 mile run on Saturday without any issues other than a blister that broke just as I rounded the corner to come home. Nothing a little extra body glide can't fix next time out.
I also have been buying some energy bars and eating them prior to or after a long workout. Keeping the net carbs to at or below 20 for each serving. I really like the Lara bars as they use no preservatives. But at 2 bucks each it gets expensive. So I was reading the ingredients of one the other day and realized it was only Apples, Almonds and cinamon. So I broke out the Magic Bullet and chopped some almonds then some dried apples. Mixed it together with a little cinnamon until it formed a paste. Created 4 bars from that and for about a 75 cents each I was able to create a pre-post workout snack that is delicious, natural and not terribly high in carbs (16 per serving). I would not recommend this if you are not planning a long and hard workout right after but it works for me being that I am in pre-maintenance.
Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:19 pm Post subject:
Induction Beginning Date: 3/6/2008
Starting Weight: 285
Current Weight: 182
Goal Weight: 175
Slow and steady wins the race! Down 1 this week and I can feel how close to goal I am getting. I tried on a suit that I bought at about 175lbs in 1995, no idea why I still have it, and it was big on me. This was a taylored suit that was custom fitted for me at that time. I am now 182 lbs and it is huge on me. I guess I have added more muscle in the last year than I thought. Going to use the suit for a Zombie costume now.
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